Honor to the recognition of teaching work // Reflection



Hello friends, in this opportunity I want to share with all of you a reflection about the recognition granted today by the Anibal Rodriguez Private Educational Unit.

The first thing I want to make clear is that the honors about this recognition is firstly God's, since everything achieved academically speaking in my life is due to him, secondly much of this honor I must give it to my parents, since they were the ones who forged me so that today I can achieve the recognition granted.

The sixth promotion of high school graduates of the Anibal Rodriguez Educational Unit have given me a recognition in which the students trust in me some qualities to dedicate myself academically to them with patience and affection.

So it is appropriate that I can reflect on the fact that to be able to educate these students under the standards that demand an education conducive to form the great professionals of the future, it is necessary to do it with patience and affection, for this case is a patience oriented to follow the structural steps in the teaching-learning process that makes students can build their knowledge in a free and sovereign way, where they find the necessary tools to succeed in their professional goals of the future.

Affection is necessary, since as teachers who are passionate about what we do, we must transmit that passion in every step, in every orientation, in every advice given, which translates into the students in the necessary affection that can be transmitted so that there is a solid base where all the knowledge acquired can be sustained to be exploited in the future professional life of the bachelor of the present.


The students who give me this recognition have been able to express with humility and sincerity to clearly express their gratitude in the progress they have been able to obtain in achieving their academic goals, certainly I believe that all of them advanced until today to be high school graduates of the Republic under a format of understanding of a reality that overcomes any difficulty, many I know that they advanced understanding the importance of being able to prepare for life in its extensive complexity.

I have the complete conviction that behind this recognition, the students of the sixth promotion of high school graduates of the Anibal Rodriguez Educational Unit have taken with love and in their hearts all the necessary teachings so that they can act with honesty and humility in all the proposed objectives always seeking to be exemplary persopnas and with a great professional ethics.



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