Educator's role in the development and application of meaningful learning


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The main role of us as teachers in order to properly develop and promote meaningful learning in the student is to serve as a mediator or facilitator of knowledge, this means that we must stimulate the student to make comparisons of new teachings with old learning, but above all to stimulate the student to develop a reflective and investigative character that can generate independence in the student to generate their own meaningful learning.

When we are going to teach, the first concern we have as teachers is to know what content we are going to cover?
However, quantity should not be a concern, what should worry us is to know the quality of the topics we are going to explain, since more is not always better, in the field of meaningful learning it is very important that we as teachers know how to choose quality content.

If we base ourselves on the essence of meaningful learning, it is important that we seek to explore the student's previous knowledge, and in this way be able to know if the student will be able to associate the old learning with the new learning and generate meaningful learning.

Not all the ways in which the content is taught can generate significant learning in the student, therefore we teachers have the duty to correctly choose the means of transmission of such teaching, in which the appropriate resources are used.

Last but not least, we must provide an environment where the student can put into practice everything learned and thus ensure that there is contact between what has been learned and the surrounding reality.
