Can human life have a particular meaning in the digital age?

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This is a question that we should all ask ourselves and that in these times is very relevant, since we are connected globally, much of the information we get is overloaded, what identifies us today is the digital, so it is also worth asking another question of self-reflection:

How to find meaning in the digital age?

Not everything is so bad in something that is supposed to be, within the technological and digital development we have been able to improve the way and ability to communicate, and is that no matter how much time passes, human relationships are still important to feel good and happy communicating with our loved ones who are far away from us.

If we use technology correctly we can be constantly learning and growing personally, so the digital era is the era where we can cultivate new knowledge, take advantage of current tools and also acquire new skills that perhaps in the past we had not experienced.

Another way to find sense in this digital era is also in its disuse, because despite all the benefits it gives for our human development, it also has an impact on the environment, so finding sense in this era is also in disconnecting digitally from time to time, we can help by setting limits on their use, surely society and our families will not thank them, because that time we do not invest in technological and digital devices we can use it to go for a walk with our families and enjoy the outdoors in a park.


The moral of the case is that we can assume this technological and digital era as the era of challenges, since knowing how to manage our behavior before what we have in front of us, we can take advantage of great opportunities that the digital era gives us, however the key to everything is also knowing how to use technology in a conscious and balanced way.

Taking advantage of it does not mean that we are going to overexploit digital technology, but rather to take advantage of it by taking breaks that allow us to respect the environment and even our own health.
