[ESP /ING] Hackers atacan empresas en EE.UU. / Hackers attack companies in the EE.UU.
Saludos a todos mis seguidores y lectores de esta comunidad, continuando con mis publicaciones tecnológicas el día de hoy compartiré con todos ustedes como los hackers han atacado de manera masiva a algunas empresas en los Estados Unidos.
Greetings to all my followers and readers of this community, continuing with my technological publications today I will share with all of you how hackers have massively attacked some companies in the United States.
Cada vez más son las empresas o instituciones del mundo que son atacadas por los hackers con el fin de poder obtener información de cualquier índole relevantes para ellos, sin duda alguna las empresas o instituciones se encuentran desprotegidas ante esta situación pues las empresas encargadas de brindar ciberseguridad manifiestan que los hackers siempre están un paso por delante de ellos, esto se debe a la poca cantidad de especialistas en esta área de la informática que en la actualidad existen.
More and more companies or institutions in the world are being attacked by hackers in order to obtain information of any kind relevant to them, no doubt that companies or institutions are unprotected in this situation because the companies responsible for providing cybersecurity state that hackers are always one step ahead of them, this is due to the small number of specialists in this area of computer science that currently exist.
Según Soledad Antelada, quien es la encargada de proteger al Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos manifiesta que la desventaja que mantienen en referencia a los hacker es que en la actualidad existen muy pocos especialistas en el área de ciberseguridad, lo que permite a los hacker siempre estar por delante de ellos. Recientemente una 200 empresas de los EE.UU fuero blanco de un colosal ataque cibernético de tipo ransomware o cibersecuestro.
According to Soledad Antelada, who is in charge of protecting the U.S. Department of Energy, the disadvantage they have in reference to hackers is that there are currently very few specialists in the area of cybersecurity, which allows hackers to always be ahead of them. Recently, 200 U.S. companies were the target of a colossal cyber attack of the ransomware or cyber hijacking type.
Este tipo de ataque se basa en que los sistemas que son atacados quedan bajo el control de los hackers hasta que las personas responsables de estas empresas o instituciones paguen para poder ser desbloqueados y poder recuperar el control de sus sistemas nuevamente. Una de las principales empresas de ciberseguridad de los EE.UU Huntress Labs informo que el objetivo de este ataque fue la empresa de tecnología informática Kaseya, quien presta servicios a muchas empresas a través de su software.
This type of attack is based on the fact that the systems that are attacked remain under the control of the hackers until the people responsible for these companies or institutions pay to be unlocked and be able to regain control of their systems again. One of the leading cybersecurity companies in the U.S. Huntress Labs reported that the target of this attack was the IT company Kaseya, which provides services to many companies through its software.
Todas las empresas que están conectadas con el software de Kaseya se vieron afectadas por este ciberataque y de allí que se presentara como un ataque masivo, pues al estar conectadas en la mismas red todos sus sistemas se vieron bloqueados hasta tanto no pagaran lo solicitado para poder desbloquearlos. Este mega ataque fue atribuido al grupo criminal de hackers conocido como REvil y el cual según Huntress Labs tiene vínculos con Rusia, ciertamente todos los usuarios que formamos parte de alguna u otra manera de la red de internet somos blancos de estos ciberataques que constantemente son causados por estos hackers.
All companies connected to Kaseya's software were affected by this cyber-attack and hence it was presented as a massive attack, since they were connected to the same network and all their systems were blocked until they paid the requested amount to be able to unblock them. This mega attack was attributed to the criminal group of hackers known as REvil and which according to Huntress Labs has links with Russia, certainly all users who are part in one way or another of the Internet network are targets of these cyber attacks that are constantly caused by these hackers.
Hi @carlir
The issue of cybersecurity is a priority today for everyone, these attacks increased a lot during the pandemic and it is worrying to see how companies with high levels of security are attacked.
Excellent reading, thanks for sharing.
Have a great a day!
Hi @carlir
The issue of cybersecurity is a priority today for everyone, these attacks increased a lot during the pandemic and it is worrying to see how companies with high levels of security are attacked.
Excellent reading, thanks for sharing.
Have a great a day!