The Types and Dangers of Hemorrhoids.


I read a funny survey about how several people were asked about piles and they expressed their fears concerning it, but at the mention of hemorrhoids, they didn't feel really scared about it. I said it was funny because it means the same thing. So, if you have been scared about piles, you may want to start getting scared about hemorrhoids too, or maybe you do not even have to be scared also.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower part of the anus and the rectum. When the walls of the vessel get stretched, they could also get irritated, the development can happen for several reasons, including pregnancy, constipation, and age.


There are three types of hemorrhoids; Internal, external, and thrombosed hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids lie in the rectum, they usually cannot be seen or felt, and in most cases, they do not create any form of discomfort. However, when there is straining or irritation during stooling, it would result in;

  • An hemorrhoid that would push through the anal opening, called a prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoid, when this happens, it causes irritation and pain.

  • On the other hand, it can also create painless bleeding during bowel movements, where a small amount of red blood is seen on toilet paper.

External Hemorrhoids are found under the skin around the anus, with symptoms such as; bleeding, swelling around the anus, discomfort or pain, and irritation in the anal region.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids happen when blood can pool in an external hemorrhoid, and then form a clot, it is this clot that is called a thrombus. Thrombosed hemorrhoids can lead to; swelling, inflammation, severe pain, and a hard discolored lump close to the anus.

Generally, the symptoms of hemorrhoids include; discomfort, pain, bleeding, swelling or lumps in the anal region, and dilation or bulging of a vein, which may not be painful normally, but it depends on where it occurs. These symptoms could be alarming or uncomfortable, but they will improve on their own after a few days.

Hemorrhoids are caused by straining, this straining that places pressure on the veins in your anus or rectum, leading to hemorrhoids. Generally, anything that causes straining that increases the pressure on your stomach or lower extremities, could cause anal and rectal veins to become inflamed and swollen.

Hemorrhoids may develop as a result of;

  • Pelvic pressure from weight gain, especially when pregnant. During pregnancy, the fetus grows and places pressure on the abdomen, and the veins found in the rectum and anus become enlarged, this problem would typically go away after birth.

Some women get hemorrhoids for the very first time when they get pregnant. But if you have previously had hemorrhoids before pregnancy, there is a high chance that you are going to get it when you get pregnant.

Pregnant women usually have nothing to fear if they have hemorrhoids, usually, they aren't harmful to either mother or child. Symptoms could be alleviated with home care, but they must be verified by your doctors if they are safe.

  • Aging can also contribute to the presence of piles, the connective tissue in the rectum and the anus become weak, leading to bulging hemorrhoids.

  • The absence of insufficient fiber in a diet.

  • Obesity or overweight can put pressure on the hemorrhoidal tissue.

  • Straining to lift heavy objects.

  • Straining hard for bowel movement due to constipation.

  • Sitting for too long on a toilet seat.

  • Chronic diarrhea or constipation.

Hemorrhoids could be painful and worrisome if they continue to get recurrent. However, they are hardly ever recurrent because they are rarely serious and the symptoms would go away within a few ways. There are several ways to aid treatments and options for the less common types that could be more problematic.

Complications of hemorrhoids are also possible; bleeding, blood clots in the swollen vein, infection of an external hemorrhoid, iron deficiency anemia, excessive skin, or skin tags are present. However, the risk may be reduced through;

  • The limitation of the time spent on a toilet seat.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • The consumption of lots of fiber and liquids.
  • Working hand-in-hand with your healthcare provider to help manage straining and constipation.

In certain times, surgical treatments may be the needed option, this is a sought out option when the hemorrhoid is large, or if other treatment options have not proven effective in the past. Through the procedure;
A doctor would inject the hemorrhoid with a chemical that would shrink it, then a laser would be used to seal off the vessels that provide blood to the hemorrhoid. Afterward, a tiny rubber band is placed around it to block its blood supply, and then a staple is used to cut off blood flow.



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Educative content dear friend
Thanks for sharing


You did a great job here, what you said about how people feel when you mention pile is true not knowing is grammar wahala


Thank you very much dear @busted1 for sharing such important information. I happen to be having a hemorrhoid flare up at the moment and the information has been very helpful.

Cordial greetings!
