The scientific reason why belly fat is really stubborn.


I know that as a fitness enthusiast, belly fat remains a struggle for so many people to fight, the belly fat is so stubborn that other parts of the body may start to align before the stomach finally fits into the process. I would like to speak on the belly fat in today's post and highlight the specific reasons why it is always difficult to lose belly fat and what you can do to have your belly fat reduced.

Visceral fat is the medical description for belly fat, most of the fat found in our bodies is stored underneath the skin in the form of subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is stored deeply in the belly right behind the abdominal wall, in those spaces found between the internal organs. Belly fat is convenient to gain, but difficult to lose and of course, it is not healthy for human health. When a woman has a waist size that is over 35 inches, and 40 inches in the male gender, there is an increased risk of developing diabetes, cancer, asthma, heart disease, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Why is it difficult to lose belly fat.

It is an active fat: There was research carried out around the mid-1990s, during this research, scientists discovered that visceral fat secretes hormones and other substances that affect the body's functionality. This substance cause inflammation and this inflammation increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and other chronic diseases.
Visceral fat secrets a type of protein that makes it difficult for the body to properly make use of insulin and this would increase the chances of having diabetes, it is even important to bear in mind that, visceral fat is extremely close to the liver, this may allow the liver produce excessive cholesterol, which in turn increases the risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack.

High intake of sweets and alcohol: Most of us take in a greater amount of calories than we burn, majority of sugary drinks, and sweet treats are very common in the diet we consume daily, significantly high in calories, and low in nutrition often the drill. The level of high craving w have for these foods and how common they seem to get in society, makes it very difficult for so many people to cut back on them even if they want to. Add sugars also contribute to weight gain and it is difficult to avoid that, almost all prepacked food contains sugar.

Low estrogen level: After menopause, women naturally gain some extra inches around the waist. Low levels of estrogen would trigger a shift in the accumulation of fat, from the hips and thighs to the belly region, even the women who do not add extra flesh after menopause still complain about an increase in the size of their waist.

Dieting doesn't cut it: Dieting is a great common option for weight loss, but being able to switch up your eating habit through the change of diet would probably not give you the decreased high amount of belly fat you need.

Stress: When the body goes through stress, the body automatically releases a hormone known as cortisol, this hormone gives room for fat cells to mature rapidly, and it also encourages the body to store fat around the internal organs. Based on a study carried out a Yale University, it was discovered that women who are susceptible to stress often have a higher level of cortisol and more belly fat than other women.

Gene:Some people's gene makes it very difficult to gather weight around the abdominal region, if your mother had so much weight around the stomach region, there is a high tendency that, you would also have some of that.

Now, that we are aware of the possible reasons why the fat around the stomach region is stubborn, I also want to share the possible available solutions that could help with weight loss around the stomach region.

First of all, reduce the intake of sweet snacks/sugary drinks to a minute level, if possible only have them on a few occasions, this also includes alcohol. Hormone replacement therapy can halt or prevent visceral fat linked to menopause, but hormone therapy can also increase your chances of developing cancer, dementia, and other cardiovascular diseases, with the high and downsides to hormone therapy, it is not recommended solely for the treatment of belly fat.

Exercises done in moderate and specified amounts as discussed with your physician based on what your body can handle would help your liver make use of nearby fat for energy, through exercise, the body I also encouraged to make use of calories for energy instead of storing them as fat.

Reducing the level of stress you put your body through would help to prevent the accumulation of visceral fat. Activities like walking in nature, prayers, meditation, and spending quality time with friends would help you reduce stressful activities.

Consume a significant amount of protein with every meal, eat around 15-20g of protein on each meal, protein triggers leptin, this hormone has been shown to create a drastic reduction in the number of calories consumed.

Avoid smoking as much as you can, if you have been searching for reasons to quit, losing weight is another reason to add to that list.

If you are trying to lose weight and the entire procedure seems to be taking more time than it should, I will like you to know that the entire process takes time, it is not easy to come by, so keep up the energy. I needed to add this because there is a popular lady in my country who seem to have a perfect shape, you know that extremely flat tummy with a big backside that a lot of young ladies and men alike, she happened to always post about gym and how the gym has helped her achieve the shape within a short time, other women who consistently went to the gym saw changes but not as drastic as their role model told them it would be and they got really discouraged, but recently, it was exposed that she underwent surgery and it was disheartening.

I believe if you did surgery to get the body shape you want, then it is a thing you have to be proud of rather than deceiving others. I for one, have seen people lose belly fat and achieve the desired shape through a workout and other procedures as mentioned above, so if surgery isn't your thing, you can still get the desired shape through the mentioned strategy in this post.



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One of the thing that is difficult to cut down is belly fat. I was told strict diet routine will stop it but I doubt it


It could help, never doubt, you know one other significant thing is that, body type matters greatly.


Genetics is certainly an interesting one. Where I live people tend to add the weight around their belly. But in some other countries I visited people tend to add it around their ass and thighs!


Most ladies in my place would be so excited to add fat in their ass and things, it is a big deal over here and ladies who can afford it just go for the option of surgery rather than hitting the gym.
