The World Is Going To Get Infinitely Better. Future of Electrical Production


This post was spurred on by @ericvancewalton 's post

Which was encouraged by this video with Steven Greer:

I watched it, at 2x speed to make sure i wasn't missing anything. Was this the same ole counter-narrative, or was this something new. Well, after 12 minutes of listening to lie after lie, i concluded that it was the same ole counter-narrative, and none of these people know what they are talking about. And to trust Steven Greer with your ideas or patents will probably get you offed like so many inventors in the last half-century.

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Tesla's tower will never be built. Nor should it.

In time, humanity will have free energy devices. However, everyone on earth will have to be wise enough that they would never use it for war. Which will follow from win-win negotiation is far better than war. And we have to recognize that there is evil i this world, and they want war, and are just looking for an excuse to exploit.

A free energy device is very simple, and when we get to that level, many people will have a flash, a thought, of how to build one.

Like the video states, there is a group of people who want to maintain power, and that requires you to continue buying power from the power companies. This group, psychopaths at the top, will do anything to maintain the status quo. Blow up a few very tall buildings, with lots of people in them? Oh yeah. Just needed an excuse.

The problem with Tesla's tower is that it is a single point. One tower serves the entire world. One tower that a group of psychopaths can gain control over. Thus, the tower should never be built.

Further, there is better ways. More personal ways.

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Steven Greer's make believe science

Besides the video droning on about man made global catastrophe (which is complete bunk. We should stop poisoning the environment, and thus ourselves. But we are not the largest producers of CO2, or warming, or species extinction, or anything) the video keeps repeating "zero point energy" like they knew what it meant, and were like a moment from using it to make electricity.

The drone on and on about UFOs and how they are not all extra terrestrial, and have no apparent propulsion system. And thus, the UFOs are our source, our salvation, that will give us free-energy.

The problem is, this is all bullocks. They are at once, trying to hold onto "modern materialistic physics" and expand that to "zero point energy" with the use of throwing around the word quantum physics.

First, "modern materialistic physics" is completely wrong. The whole thing. That we are a bunch of little balls stuck together by gravity. (meaning that consciousness is by chance, and that there is no design, no creator, nothing bigger than us, everything is random)

Everything that i learned in modern science classes, i later learned was wrong.
Starting with the Michelson-Morley experiment where they found SOMETHING, and called it nothing.
Thus began the decent into darkness. Since we gave up the aether, none of our experiments or theories could ever be correct.

Newton's idea of gravity is wrong. Einstein's plagiarism of gravity is even more wrong. Hawkins was a great con pulled on the people.

And so, Steven Greer's video goes on and on about zero-point energy and quantum physics, when they know nothing of either. It would be like saying that the earth heats up because the atoms all vibrate more during the day time, ignoring the sun's existence.

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The reality of our future

We are on the precipice of great expansion in our understandings of the world.

We will throw out "modern materialistic physics" and replace it with something much better. And with that comes a lot of understanding about who we are, and how our world works.

Current physics says that energy drops off by a cube of the distance. So, how would Tesla's tower work? The truth is the world is much different. That we live inside a giant condensor, a resonator, and if we apply a vibration in it, it is felt all around the world.

BUT! There is already a resonance in it. It is too bad we are taught to NOT understand frequency and resonance.

We are entering a mini-ice-age. It has nothing to do with CO2, or anything man is doing. Species are dying off because their function is dying off. More species will appear as the new world starts coming into being.

We need to move our industries away from the coastline. Not because of ice melting, but … we really do not know, i speculate that it is because of glaciers piling up on top that push the continent down. Also, more storms are coming. The coasts will not be safe. Not for flimsy houses that were built in a time of mostly peaceful winds.

There are all kinds of clean continuous energy projects that we could be building right now.

Musk is getting all kinds of publicity doing things that were written up in 1970s Popular Mechanics and Popular Science magazines. No, really, they are all there.

There are things being called green energy that aren't. They are like the least efficient sources that could be chosen. Most current windmills use more energy to produce then they will ever give back. A net negative for the "environment". So many photovoltaic panels will never produce enough electricity to pay for the energy used in their creation. This is why these exists and we are "allowed" to use them.

Here are several continuous, non-polluting, energy sources we can build right now

  • Wave energy. We just need to put a large paddle wheel into the ocean, and it will spin forever. Except "Green Peace" made sure that this can never happen, because of making the shoreline look ugly.
  • Geothermal energy. This is really easy. Just drill a deep hole, and viola, heat that can be converted to electricity. However, all the easy spots to do this at are controlled by the govern-cement. And no testing is allowed.
  • Magnet motors. Yes, we have perpetual motion machines. They spin as long as a magnet will stay magnetized. It is just that a lot of engineering needs to be put into these to make them reliable and power producing.

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I do not trust Steven Greer at all. He says he will buy up patents and turn them into open source projects. I don't believe him.

  1. the patent department doesn't allow free-energy devices to be patented any more.
  2. the patent department is just a way for the Feds to find you first
  3. A patent is the surest way for a inventor to waste time and money. It gives you nothing. And sucks up all your time and resources.
  4. Steven Greer lied too much in the video above. Thus, he already lost all credibility with me.
  5. Any central point, is a point the Feds can attack.
  6. You can release plans yourself. No need for a middle man.

All of these ideas are really easy. It is just that our media and science have blocked us from seeing it. Fortunately, we are entering a time when we will actually start to experiment again. Find out what really works, instead of believing so stuffed shirt in an ivory tower who says "the speed of light is fixed" especially when it hasn't been.

This is going to be a wonderful era.
Of course, the monetary system is going to collapse, and the mother WEFers are trying to starve the world and start WWIII, but they will fail.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.
