RE: "The cell phone — an evil invention if there ever was one," declares self-made multi-millionaire


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I hate smart phones. I still do not own one.

The thing i hate most is that you can't program an application for it.
All the way back in the beginning, the Sinclari ZX-81, right out of the box, you could write code for it in Basic.

You can't do nothin with a smart phone.

You literally have to have a suite of applications on your computer if YOU! want to put a program, that you wrote, on your smart phone. If you want to do that with YOUR! iPhone, you have to have permission from apple.

The thing actually hides your data, and pretty much throws everything in the same directory so you can't find anything. However, any program you download, or accidentally download has complete access to all your data.

And the thing i hate the most is, you don't own it.
You literally are at the end of a long chain of custody, and can only use your phone by the will of all those companies.

Then we get to the shit it does to you mind, what you wrote about.
And the shit it does to your body, carrying around a little cancer device close to your body.


I agree, this tech is not good for us. Someday, we'll look back in horror seeing what it was doing to our bodies and minds, and how our personal data was being used.


Hopefully, we will learn to work with the technology. Like, when to put it down, and walk away for a while.

But, we really need to turn the smart phone into a tool that actually serves the user.

Or maybe we will just go full Amish on smart phones.
