Modern Molecular Science Believes "It Is All Grit"


In our "modern science", everything is just assumed to be grit. Little balls of matter bouncing around.

That everything that we see is just atoms, and the interactions between atoms. That there is no meaning to the universe, that it is all just random, bouncing particles.

They have split Physics from the Metaphysics. "These two realms shall not touch!" "Keep your filthy faith away from our science (faith in the ivory tower)"

So much of our problems in expanding our knowledge comes from science being constrained to the box of "it is all grit". So many solutions are are really easy to see, if you drop this constraint. However, even if they see this, the Priests of Grit will do everything they can to squash you for disagreeing with the Holy Ivory Tower.

Really, the Priests of Grit, in their fevered quest against religion, have created a religion whose commandments are even more involute.

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The photon stands up to modern physics

If you look under the cover of the grit-world, you find lots of impossibilities. So many disproofs of all they call "laws", but you shall not discuss these, you heretic! If you do, you will be excommunicated!

Lets take light. They believe that it must be a particle. And all kinds of effort is put into figuring out the wave-particle duality. If you just give up the idea that it must be grit, it is really easily defined as an aether field perturbation.

But no! It has to be a particle!
Let us look at that. A star, light years away, is putting out so many photons, that you are able to see it clearly from where you stand on a dark mountain top. And, your friend standing next to you can see the star too. So, enough photons are being sent out that at light years away, the distance between photons is not more a meter. Thus, there are more photons flying through the "emptiness of space" than there are atoms in the universe. So many photons, that do not seem to crash into each other, although, anywhere near a sun, there should be a veritable wall of photons coming off the sun. A collision is imminent. This is defined by light years away their being enough photons for you and your friend to see them.

And, if a photon has any mass, which they seem to have, because photons can move something they smack into. Then the most massive thing in the universe is light.

This is what happens when you take what the grit scientists say, and apply it.
It sorta works when you are talking about across the room, or across the city, but it doesn't work at all when you talk about across the galaxy. It might not even work across the solar system, but i haven't worked out the math on that one.

But, it has to be grit! So a photon HAS TO BE A PARTICLE!

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More holes in the Grit Theory

Everything must be grit, and thus, everything in the universe can be known if you just has enough knowledge. Every interaction is predestined, and the universe is running down to entropic oblivion.

This "truth" is unassailable to those of the Sect of the Ivory Tower.

However, Kozyrev showed that there are interactions that cause entropy and those that do not. And further, it looks like humanities existence goes against entropy. We create order out of chaos.

Further, Quantum Physics has shown that you can't really know everything. There are so many things that happen, that you can only know the outcome of the interaction, by measuring things after the interaction took place. There are even ideas that certain choices create two possible universes that may collapse into one, only after observation. Or, maybe they never collapse. The actuality of the universe is really amazing. It is not just a bunch of balls bouncing into each other.

Even further, Quantum Physics has created, not just theorized, particles that are in more than one place at one time. And then we have quantum tunnelling. Yes, the electron is no long where it was supposed to be. (when computed from a pure grit perspective) And then we have entangled particles. Yes, spooky action at a distance, which Einstein despised.

The grit model of the universe is dead. Modern materialistic physics will be abandoned. Our modern science text books no better than door stops.

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The Large Hadron Collider collides with reality

If you didn't realize this from all this writing, the Large Hadron Collider doesn't do what it says, and will never find anything.

An analogy would be some primitive, cave dwelling, shaman, finding a car, and wanting to know why it used to go fast. So, they rip off a wheel, or some other part, and hurl it as fast as they can. And observing what happens. In so doing, they are never going to find anything, and now, since they destroyed the integrity of the car, they will never find out how it went fast.

Same thing with atoms. The insides are not made up of meaningless, empty space. That space is actually filled with forces that make an atom be an atom. You might think of some of these as guiding paths for electrons to flow through, like a roller coaster.

So, do you feel that "science" will ever discover these paths by shattering apart atoms?

But, modern grit science has determined that there is only grit. There is only subatomic particles inside of an atom. And that is all they are looking for. This leads to never finding anything. The magic is not there. The magic has been exorcised from the world of physics.

The Large Hadron Collider will be closed soon after we realize this. To become the worlds largest and most expensive museum.

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There are so many wonderful and fantastic things to learn in physics. One of the first will be that physics is not, and cannot be separated from metaphysics. So, when i say wonderful, and fantastic, i mean them (as you will think that this is fantasy)

So much more is happening then balls bouncing around.
And we will find out that consciousness is a great part of the creation of this world. It is not some random happenstance. It was created, guided, planned. And this wasn't something done to us, it was something that we, each and every one of us, was an integral part of.

The future is great for science.
However, one of the first things in getting there is to break out from the chains placed upon us by the priests of the Cult of Grit.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


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