Modern Materialistic Science Thinks Consciousness Is Just a Bunch of Random


If you ask any spiritualist, yogi, buddhist, zen practitioner…, basically, anyone who has meditated and explored their consciousness, they KNOW their consciousness is not of their body. They know it is bigger, and consciousness is in everything. The whole universe is consciousness. Many such people have felt a connection with everything.

So, where does Modern Materialistic Science get off on, "If we can just build a big enough computer, then it will gain consciousness"?

These physicists are so steadfast on this perspective, that they will not look at thousands of years of writings by meditators. They will deny any and all evidence of the supernatural. They basically deny God, with every fibre of their being.

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The different views

The spiritualists look at consciousness having a human experience.
Physicists look at humans having a hallucination.

A shared, over time, and over space, hallucination.
People in different groups, in different countries and different times, all had the same experiences while meditating.

It is amazing how much the stories line up, of things people have experienced while in meditation. If any real scientists looked at all these stories, they would conclude that there was something happening, that all these meditators were experiencing. But, no, your university trained physicists has to hold the line that it is all imaginary.

Even with near death experiences, where there are so many stories, with so many details that can be verified, and the great majority having the same experience, modern materialistic scientists just dismisses it as "i can't see it, so it doesn't exist"

How do these two groups have such opposing views?

Are the physicists afraid of the unknown?
"To boldly go where no many has gone before", but not there.

Physicists so often quote, "If we can't see it, measure it, detect it, then it isn't real"
Even when they hold up all the "scientific advancement", such as proving germs exist with the microscope, or EM waves exists because of radio, that there are sub atomic particles because of bubbles in beer.

So many things have gone from being invisible, to understood.
Why not consciousness?

Why does Modern Materialistic Physicists run away from consciousness?

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Understanding the world through consciousness

We classify animals today by visual similarities.

What if we classified animals by consciousness similarities?

A dog and a wolf are almost identical, however, the dog is man's best friend. If the owner points, the dog will look where he is pointing. The wolf will look at the man's finger. This is a huge difference in consciousness. A difference that we will probably never find in the DNA or the sliced up brains.

We find great similarity in how worms and maggots dig around in the soil. How they live their lives. So, why don't we classify them under similar consciousnesses? If we did so, we could clump together many traits they have, like how the act / react to their surroundings. And this gives us so much more understanding of what the creature is capable of, how the creature will live out its life.

And if we truly studied consciousness and how it supercedes the matterium, we may start to understand how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.

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Consciousness vs Evolution

Today, we classify animals in a tree structure from how we think they may have evolved.

The anthropologists believe that all the differences in species is because of DNA mutation. So many lucky chances led to every critter alive today.

The ideas of evolution are so pervasive throughout academia, that no one looks outside that box. The only other explanation is that God made each critter long ago, during those first 6 days. And since there is signs of minor evolution, that must mean that the correct viewpoint is Darwin's.

Unfortunately, via anthropologist's own math about how fast mutations can happen, humans would have needed longer than the universe has been around to evolve. What a conundrum.

However, if we look at consciousness. Such as Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance Field. We could see that conciousness across a species can change the species.

And we will get a chance to see this in action. Lately we have only seen the disappearance of species. What happens when we start seeing the appearance of new species? What will anthropologists do then? Will they insist that it didn't happen? Will some anthropologists hunt the new species to extinction so they don't have to deal with it?

Well, things are about to change. I hope that the scientists can change with it. However, i bet many, many will not be able to change. So set on what they know, they will not see anything in the new paradigm. No matter how in their face it is.

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It is quite clear that the Modern Materialistic Physicist doesn't want to deal with consciousness. They don't want to deal with it so much, that they blatantly ignore it. They write it out of science. It is over there in metaphysics. There, we don't have to deal with it.

But, when the basis from which life springs is consciousness, if you ignore it, then you are throwing out the first block. From there on, every scientific "advance" is completely false, even if by luck, it is correct. After we go and place that first block in its proper place, every "advancement" will have to be taken apart and analyzed to see if it can be used.

Its a tedious process. I should know. I have had to throw out almost everything i learned in university, and learn what is really happening. And doing so piecemeal has probably taken up way more time then if i could just have forgotten everything and started over.

What would you think if you, having studied science in academia all your life, thinking you were the smart one, and then learn that those tree hugging hippies were far closer to the truth than you ever were? What does that do to your ego? It is really hard to give up something you studied and put your whole life into. But this will have to be done, as our entire scientific paradigm changes.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


These last 3/4 years have been a wake up call. Finding one massive lie after another. Consciousness, spirituality has been a renaissance to many who ask the hard questions. We live in a materialistic and entertainment world where sitting still is considered uncomfortable. Stop to smell the roses, contemplate the working of nature to me is my sensory reward above all man can conceive.
