How We Think About Science Needs To Be Questioned, As Well As the Theories We Accept.


Lets say you were an evil race, that looked like humans, and you despised those "hairless monkeys" so you messed with their science. You could gleefully turn the truth around 180° and get them to believe the opposite of the truth. But this doesn't work well, because someone will realize this, or just go in opposite direction out of spite.

So, you would need to change each piece, in a way that would have a bit of truth, but trying to follow the truth only led to the scientist becoming further entrenched in the system.

The problem is, this is not a mental experiment, it is the reality we live in.

Every piece of our science is wrong. And, even knowing its faults, most people will still defend it.
A scientists could disprove a part of the science, but still believe all the rest of the science.

People will die defending what they were taught by their professors decades ago.

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The Earth is ____

What is the shape of the earth? Go back 50 years ago, and everyone was taught that people of old where stupid and that they believed the earth was flat. But Columbus proved the earth was a ball. And to prove this, there is a globe in each classroom.

However, lately, there are a lot of "Flat Earthers" questioning what the shape of our planet is. And they are not wrong in questioning the narrative, there are lots of things that do not add up. That NEED to be questioned.

This is not about what shape the earth is, this is about how we get stuck in a paradigm (the old story) and are attacked by everyone for thinking different, and tried to work toward a better theory.

So many ancient texts describe the earth as a flat of concave earth, with a dome over it. Like, all of them that have a story, all say the same thing.

But, we have this notion that we came down from the trees and developed civilization and are the smartest creatures ever to have been on this planet. And so, we believe the line "people in the past were not as smart as we are" or "people of old were stupid and believed the earth was flat". This sounds good to our egos. That we are smarter. However, if we accurately viewed things, we would say that there was someone in the past that KNEW a lot more than us. The pyramids, the cathedrals, the mayan calendar, the mayan stone works… all of these we have forgotten how to do. So much so that we can't even understand why they were built that way. The pyramids and cathedrals are TUNED, Like a string instrument, to a specific frequency. We don't even have the concept of doing that today.

Back to the earth shape.

We have a group, started by THE dark occultist, (occult means to hide) NASA, and they take pictures of the earth. But not very many. And almost all of them are admitted to be photoshopped. And they don't even match from year to year. However, everyone believes that we have been to space, and we have taken a picture of the earth, and earth is indeed a ball.

And the earth is a big ball of dirt, because of gravity. And gravity makes sense because earth is a big ball of dirt.

So, you have so much seemingly fitted puzzle pieces that describe the earth as a ball. And you have to move each and every piece if you want to question the shape of the earth. And anyone you talk to demands you have a completed puzzle with every piece perfect, just to talk about a different shape. That is a tall order. And this is the way it is in every area of science.

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Humans descended from _____

Another area that is completely wrong, but no amount of evidence is enough to persuade scientists to even consider an alternative is Anthropology. Or the study of how humans descended from the trees.

You would think that anthropology would be the study of how humans came to be. But it is not, it is how the humans descended from apes, through evolution, and nothing else will be discussed.

Nothing else will be discussed, even the notion of "Intelligent Design". Like, look, the eye is too complex to just be gotten right by chance. And there are so many other systems that are so very complex; too complex to be given to chance. And so, these scientists say we really need to look into this.

And the old scientists say, you are just trying to get us to believe in God.
And the Christians say, see, here is proof that there is a God.
And the new scientists are saying, we really need to look into this, because it is a really important question.

So, anthropology carries on as if this conversation never happened. And if you want to get involved in a dig, or look for fossils, or have your papers published, YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE in Intelligent Design.

Did you know they find the bones of giants, and then the Smithsonian "loses" them? (believed, with evidence, that they were thrown into the ocean)

And anyone who is part of a dig, finds things that are not supposed to be part of a "stupid older civilization" and these things are removed and buried. This is SOP in this field.

The entrenched clergy, i mean anthropologists, find a part of a tooth and construct an entire person from it. (no, really) And use that as proof that we are finding the missing-link.

And when someone outside says we have nothing of the chain. It isn't a missing link, it is a missing chain. They are mocked and ridiculed and not allowed to play with big boys.

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The High, Holy, Albert Einstein

The Theory of Relativity is considered the height of science, that it has been proven, and nothing should assail it.

However, did you know that 100s of scientists wrote books and letters saying how stupid the Theory of Relativity is?

And do you know that the Theory of Relativity has been disproven? But never let the priests of the ivory towers ever hear you speak such blasphemy! Else, you would be black balled, excommunicated! Thrown out of the guild of scientists.

Today, we can barely talk about alternative theories in this area. No, everyone has to focus on "Dark Matter" (it is the god of science. You can't see it, you can't prove it exists, but it has to exist because we believe in it)

The absurdity here is that there is so much resistance to discussing a "theory". Even when you have 100s of scientists having agreed with you that the theory is bogus, all of that is swept under the rug, and you are made to believe you are alone in your heresy.

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And so, we have a "science" that does not allow questioning of the science.
We have trained people to believe in the "science".

To tell someone that the earth is flat is to tell them that they are stupid and a bad person.
The child learned that when they gave the "correct" answer, they were a good person. And when they gave the wrong answer, they were a bad person. Further, remember how the globe was taught? "Those people of old (who are not as smart as us) believed that the earth was flat" And so, to talk about the earth being any other shape, is to say that someone is stupid and bad.

This is all throughout are sciences. At every level.

And when you go back in time and look, there is a force that buys people, that pays scientists to believe in this new theory. And yes that happened with Einstein. The people that got comfy positions in academia suddenly agreed with Einstein's theories.

This same group of people can be found at almost all pivotal changes to our knowledge of the universe.

To learn actual science, we will not only have to question EVERY theory we think we know, we will also have to question ourselves and our beliefs, and how they came into being, and how they limit us today.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


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