Change Is Coming!!


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So, yesterday I talked about how I went to my village on Christmas Day and ended up spending the night there. It was an enjoyable trip that I took, one that was long overdue and I needed it because I had been away for too damn long.

But then, who can blame me? In this search for more and more money, people will keep leaving home and staying away because most of the time we never make enough for us to comfortably come back home. It’s just the bare minimum that we get, and that’s what gets us from day to day, we can’t help it I’m afraid.


However, apart from the obvious fun I had at my village, there was one thing that was startlingly clear to me. Something I’ve only been thinking about subconsciously in the past. And it’s the fact that change is a constant for everything on earth. Except humans.

We keep talking about how unavoidable change is and how no matter what we do, we’ll always experience it, whether we like it or not. But then, I’ve come to realize that many of us change with the times because we choose to change. We can very much choose not to, we can decide to remain in the old ways and live our lives. Even if it means we’d be left behind by the rest of the world.


Change is a choice, we can either embrace it, or we can fight it. When we fight change, we fail abysmally, but the only measure of success would be that our tiny world would not change a bit, everything and everyone around us would have moved on and we would still be right where we were.

There are those who started 2023 in a particular place, they don’t like where they are but they’re doing ridiculously little to get out of it. So, while everyone around them is moving on to greater things, they’re still unhappy spending December in the same place January met them, and from the look of things, they just might spend the next December there as well.


I know someone who is adamant about doing anything online. He has social media accounts and the like, but when he comes to making money, he draws the line because as far as he’s concerned, so far it’s digital, then it’s not clean. This is actually a young guy, which is very surprising. I just don’t get where and how such a ludicrous idea got planted in his head.

He prances about, calling people who are busy making money with their smartphones lazy because they can barely leave their phone alone. He boasts that he can survive without his phone for days and nothing would happen. Personally, I can’t do that. The only time I’m not on my phone is when I’m asleep. Spending even a day without it would cost me money, so no!


There’s nothing we’ve said to him that he has listened to, so we’ve stopped. He believes that good hardworking people must leave their house every day and go to work so they can collect salaries by the end of the month. Anything short of that is nothing but fraud.

Well, he stuck to his guns and refused to do anything internet-related. And today, he’s no different from where he was at the start of the year. Meanwhile, his younger sister who is a student and also does retail selling on Whatsapp makes enough money that she was able to carry their family well enough this Christmas.

This is someone that looked change right in the eye and said a flat “no”. He simply doesn’t want it. And funny enough, he doesn’t have a job. He has been searching for years now, but he has not been successful. And in today’s world where your social media presence can act as a sort of digital CV for you, he has no idea the quagmire he has placed himself in.


But for now, he’s choosing to never succumb to pressure. He thinks he’s a saint and he’s doing the right thing. Well, that’s probably because he has family members who are providing for him, but even that won’t last forever.

Personally, I don’t care. When people refuse to grow, it’s not your place to try and force them. He has made his choice, so he would live with it. That’s what happens when you become too rigid in your principles. You become so locked in your ways that you refuse to listen to what anyone else will have to say to you. You have to be flexible for you to grow, and always be ready to change with the times because no matter how you look at it, the world belongs to those who embrace change.

So, as we go into the New Year, know that so many changes are about to hit us. We need to be ready for all that. We need to know the changes we will accept, and the ones we will fight, because we surely can’t accept every change that comes our way. Let’s do it so that the next December will meet us in a much better place than this one.

That’s the wish.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

Sadly, due to some unavoidable circumstances, the publication of my explosive thriller Dreamers: The Awakening has been shifted to Friday the 29th of December 2023. My team and I are working round the clock to put in the finishing touches to make sure the book hits digital shelves come Friday! Meanwhile, you can read the excerpt by clicking on the image below.



There’s nothing we’ve said to him that he has listened to, so we’ve stopped. He believes that good hardworking people must leave their house every day and go to work so they can collect salaries by the end of the month. Anything short of that is nothing but fraud.

My mum was also against digital business to the extent that when my brother finished school, she asked him to go apply as a cleaner. He laughed and said "over my dead body" it really caused a whole lot of trouble in the family back then ooo but when she saw that all her talks were falling on deaf ears, she stopped talking. The same thing she wanted to start with me but I cleared her from the on set that I make money online and that's it. Yes she had a valid reason that everyday is not payday for us but I still prefer it to 6-6.

That your guy needs to have a rethink of everything. I still find it funny that this is coming from a youth.


Perfectly said

Mr Trojan.

My Zonal Secretary 😊


Omo... at this stage the world is in, everyone has to jump on the bandwagon. Because the choices we make now will determine the kind of life our children will get.
We really need too flow with the time.


The same question we silently ask our fathers in our heads, our children might be bold enough to ask us if we aren't careful oooo. But we should still be careful about what we do though out of despiracy


It’s not by going to work everyday again ooh. Just like how we’re making money here, we don’t have to leave and go to Hive office before we earn
Omo that guy needs to change his mentality. People like him can’t even benefit from online stuffs


He still has people he can rely on for urgent 2k, that's why. Once that is taken away from him, no one will tell him to wise up!


Change is constant and we will change the world someday


it's 2023 and the current time is also known as the digital world. It's not necessary to go outside to earn money because it's a very much possible thing. I can see many examples of it in front of my eyes and I think it's time to change the old mentality.


Yeah... we need to get rid of that old mentality because it's going to get us nowhere.


This is so painful when you see some people like that.
I'm struggling like that with my last daughter who just graduated from College. She just refused to join others move on. She can just watch movies for 22 hours in a day but can't do anything related to what I do online. Just like you said she have making all the provision for her. I'm planning to put an end to that. I will make her taste always been in need and no money is coming from me to her. Maybe she will learn.
Thanks for sharing


Choi... maybe once she has to provide a couple of things herself, she would have no choice but to embrace digital life. After all, many of us came online out of necessity. If she finds it necessary, she might come onboard as well.


That is right. I have even onboarded her but just to be serious with it is her problem. Infact it was as if I forced her to come onboard.


We get to see such wonderful views during winters when there are clouds and sunshine and the vacation time that one wants to spend in the same place where one's childhood was spent. Or with his old friends he wants to spend inside his village and the man likes a lot.


People who fail to adapt to the changing era will always be left behind because the world itself is not in one place. Everyone changes one way or another, and those who do not find it hard to be successful in life.

What that man needs is prayers, he needs it really bad. Maybe he was brought up that way, in the hard way people go through to make money, working 9-5 and getting low pay, SMH.

That kind of person needs to be prayed for since he refused to listen, and he’s seeing his life not changing, yet he’s still not doing anything about it. Tell me, doesn’t that kind of man need deliverance?
