Spit It to Win It?


Fellow Footballers! Ever wondered why, when playing, a player would take a tiny sip and spit it out after a few seconds? No, they are not finicky with their drinks. They do something called 'carb rinsing.' Now that sounds more than interesting.


Spitting: what's up with that?

Well, it only turns out that isn't just some odd habit that is being promoted here; it's some kind of sneaky little trick that will somehow give the players a leg up on the field.

Let me break it down for you.

Carb rinsing is literally what it implies, although such a statement sounds weird. In carb rinsing, players swill some sugary drink in their mouths for barely seconds and then spit the damn thing out of their mouths. But this isn't being done to savor the taste of the sugary drink; it's done to outsmart the brain into thinking energy is going to come.


The whole thing works because when you swish that carb-heavy drink around in your mouth, your mouth sends a signal to your brain, something to the effect of "Incoming energy!" Your brain gets all excited; it thinks it's going to get a boost.

Pretty smart, if you ask me!

Now, I can imagine what any of you are going to say: "Why not just drink the stuff?"

Well, according to a few big shots in the English Premier League, there are a few reasons. First, it gives players an energetic boost without weighing them down. You know how you feel after chugging a big drink? Yeah, not ideal when you're sprinting up and down a football field.

Added to that, they believe it may prevent cramping. And, let's be honest, no team wants to see their star player doubled up in a cramp during the 89th minute of a really important game.

Some science geeks claim this carb-rinsing trick can even help athletes avoid stomach issues. Guzzling sugar drinks and running in circles isn't exactly what your stomach ordered.

Who knew?

All the days of thinking glucose drinks would make me run faster 🤔

Now, I'm no pro athlete, but that did get me thinking: would it work for us commoners, too? Imagine swishing some energy drink before your Monday morning meeting. That just might make those PowerPoint presentations a little easier to bear, right?


But seriously, it's just wild how serious consideration is given to anything and everything in professional sports. These players and teams will do anything for any ounce of edge, even if that means spitting out perfectly good drinks.

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