Walk in Arrentela🍍🚢 / Paseo en Arrentela🚩🌍 (En-Es)

Hello adventurous friends! eager to be in the community again, I have always been a faithful follower and will continue to be so in this new project, this afternoon we are going to take a walk in the parish of Arrentela which I think is my first post in this beautiful area, a city whose tourist attraction is next to the Bay of Seixal, I will show you the most important points to visit and a little of its history, we will travel in time to the time of Rome where there are vestiges of ceramics and other symbolic artifacts from before Christ!🚢🏡🌎

Hola amigos aventureros! ansioso por estar de nuevo en la comunidad, siempre fui un fiel seguidor y continuare serlo en este nuevo proyecto, en esta tarde vamos a dar un paseo a en la freguesia de Arrentela que creo que es mi primer post en esta hermosa zona, una ciudad cuyo foco atractivo turistico esta al lado de la Bahia de Seixal, te mostrare los puntos mas importantes a visitar y un poco de su historia viajaremos en el tiempo a la epoca Roma donde hay aqui vestigios de ceramicas y otros artefactos simbolicos de antes de Cristo!🍍⛵🌅

From the Romans to the age of discovery🍍 /Desde los Romanos hasta la edad de los descubrimientos🧭🌍🚩

All social evolution within Arrentela is solely thanks to the resource that it had and that is still used in the Bay, we know that man throughout his history always settled next to rivers, lakes and bays! Seixal, which is the main city where Arrentela belongs, its name originates from the (traditional boats), however it is not entirely clear, to get to Arrentela we have to follow the following coordinates: (38°37′12″N 9°06′ 16″O ). The archaeological sites displayed today in the "Rouxinol" house demonstrate that the Romans probably inhabited the area for more than 400 years.🚩🌍
Toda la evolucion social dentro de Arrentela es unicamente gracias al recurso que poseia y que aun es aprovechado en la Bahia, sabemos que el hombre durante toda su historia se establecio siempre al lado de rios, lagos y bahias! Seixal que es la ciudad principal donde pertenece Arrentela su nombre se origino a los (botes tradicionales) sin embargo no esta del todo claro, para llegar a arrentela tenemos que seguir las siguientes coordenadas: (38°37′12″N 9°06′16″O ). Los yacimientos arqueologicos que se exhiben hoy en dia en la casa "Rouxinol" demuestra que los Romanos habitaron el area por mas de 400 anos probablemente.🧭🌎

How is tourism in Arrentela?🍍 /Que tal el turismo en Arrentela?🧭🌍🚩

Previously Arrentela was a simple parish that did not have much to offer, however over the years the municipal chamber has invested a lot of money promoting tourism in the area to the point that there are many hotels around here where you can stay and enjoy various options, you have many restaurants, museums, parks, and historical places! and even sign up to do my favorite activity kayaking in the bay, so today the area is interesting to spend a few very cheap days on vacation! Arrentela is on the southern edge of Lisbon about 35km so you are close to the center, you can either travel by boat or by train!🍍🚩
Anteriormente Arrentela era una simple freguesia que no tenia mucho que ofrecer, sin embargo con el pasar de los anos la camara municipal a invertido mucho dinero impulsando el turismo en la zona a tal punto que hay muchos hoteles por aqui donde puedes quedarte y disfrutar de varias opciones, tienes muchos restaurantes, museos, parques, y lugares historicos! e inclusive apuntarte para hacer mi actividad favorita kayak en la bahia, asi que hoy en dia la zona es interesante para pasar unos dias muy economicos de vacaciones! Arrentela esta al margen sur de Lisboa a unos 35km asi que estas cerca del centro, puedes desde transportarte por barcos o por el tren!✈️🚢

We can take a walk and visit the church: (Igreja Paroquial da Igrejinha) which dates back to the 15th century, so we are already walking through beautiful architecture from the era of discoveries, baroque art predominates and of course we can see some typical tiles of the area at the time! We can also find the cemetery next to it, I personally am not a fan of visiting cemeteries, I don't like that type of tourism, however for others it is interesting! From the church you are literally at one of the highest points in the area🚩🍍
Podemos dar un paseo y visitar la iglesia: (Igreja Paroquial da Igrejinha) la cual data del siglo XV osea ya estamos paseando por una hermosa arquitectura de la era de los descubrimientos, predomina el arte barroco y claro podemos ver algunos azulejos tipico de la zona en la epoca! podemos encontrar tambien a su lado el cementerio, yo en lo particular no soy fan de visitar cementerios no me gusta ese tipo de turismo sin embargo para otros es interesante! desde de la iglesia literalmente estas en uno de los puntos mas altos de la zona🧭⛵

The palaces and the luxury area🍍 /Los palacios y la zona de lujo🧭🌍🚩

If we travel to 1403 we would get several of these palaces, including mansions in the Seixal area because many rich businessmen bought properties here, due to the tides of the bay some naval shipyards were built to take advantage of some resources and even use transport ships by the "tejo" river, this farm where I am belonged to the brother of one of the famous navigators of Portugal, it is the "famous farm of fidalga". It has a beautiful fountain in the center of its gardens🌍🌅

Si viajamos al 1403 conseguiriamos varios de estos palacios, inclusive mansiones por la zona de Seixal debido a que muchos empresarios ricos compraron propiedades aqui, debido a las mareas de la bahia se construyeron algunos astilleros navales para aprovechar algunos recursos e inclusive usar barcos de transporte por el rio "tejo", esta quinta donde estoy pertenecio al hermano de uno de los famosos navegantes de Portugal, es la "famosa quinta da fidalga". Tiene una bonita fuente en el centro de sus jardines💂🏻‍♀️🤴🏻🫅🏻

Between the alleys of Arrentela🍍 /Entre los callejones de arrentela🧭🌍🚩

This area is the only one declared as a historic area by the municipal chamber and well a house here can cost almost 600 thousand euros, they are all colorful, old and the chamber forces the owners not to alter their external appearance to keep them very original, there are several alleys They are beautiful to visit both day and night, the best time to visit Arrentela is undoubtedly summer to be able to swim in the river, which has a very pleasant temperature. Here we see two churches, one was built in 1808 and the other from the 17th century, this area is the historic center and we find the best quality restaurants, some of which are so top that you pay 100 dollars per dish and in that place you have the great "Gonzagalez" the which I already ate once and... Ufff the best meats I ate in my life!🌅🌍
Esta area es la unica declarada como zona historica por la camara municipal y bueno una casa aqui puede rondar casi 600mil euros, todas son coloridas, antiguas y la camara obliga a los propietarios a no alterar su aspecto externo para mantenerlas muy originales, hay varios callejones que son bonitos visitarlos tanto dia como de noche, la mejor epoca para visitar Arrentela es sin duda verano para poder banarte en el rio que tiene una temperatura demasiado agradable. Aqui vemos dos iglesias que una fue construida en 1808 y otra del siglo XVII, esta zona es el casco historico y conseguimos los restaurantes de mejor calidad algunos son tan top que pagas 100 dolar por plato y en ese te sitio el gran "Gonzagalez" el cual ya comi una vez y... Ufff las mejores carnes que comi en mi vida!✈️🌎

And now the bay🍍 /Y ahora la bahia🧭🌍🚩

For many, Arrentela is synonymous with breeze and good cocktails. Near the bay we have some bars to cool you off on days with high temperatures, but why not take a shower in the river? Here we can take a 2km walk, which is approximately the length of the bay in Arrentela, if we are lucky we will be able to see some flamingos in the bay resting or feeding!🌍🌅

Para muchos Arrentela es sinonimo de brisa y buenos cocteles, cerca de la bahia tenemos algunos bares para refrescarte en los dias con altas temperatura, pero porque no ducharte en el rio?, aqui podemos hacer una caminata de 2km que es aproximadamente la extension de la bahia en Arrentela, si tenemos suerte podremos ver algunos flamencos en la bahia descansando o alimentandose!⛵🧭

18th century houses🌎🚩

What beautiful architecture, right? However, today I still see many abandoned houses but why? In reality, this area, as I told you, was a fishermen's area and they are very small houses, which were never inhabited by people to settle for many years and that is the impulse of the chamber to recover all these houses to sell them or transform them into businesses, which has result and that little by little Arrentela will be one of the TOP points of Portugal, and I am not exaggerating and... this is what the real estate sector indicates!🧭🌏

que hermosa arquitectura no? sin embargo hoy en dia aun veo muchas casas abandonadas pero por que? en realidad esta zona como te comente fue area de pescadores y son casas muy pequenas, las cuales nunca fueron habitadas por personas para establecerse por muchos anos y ese es el impulso de la camara recuperar todas estas casas para venderlas o transformarlas en negocios cosa que ha resultado y que poco a poco Arrentela sera uno de los puntos TOP de Portugal, y no exagero e... asi lo indica el sector inmobiliario!🌎

Arrentela and its landscape🍍 /Arrentela y su paisaje🧭🌍🚩


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LEO Power Up Day - June 15, 2024

I always thought that getting to see bits of the Roman era in 2024 is bliss with so many things being lost on the way due to lack of interest or restoration. Love seeing some of it on your part of the world too :)


Wow what a wonderful place, and nice photos, I like especially the photos you make to the doors and the sunsets, this place looks like having many cute corners and a beautiful view of surroundings.


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