Hello traveling friends! What a spectacular weekend today I visited a new castle and with this it would be number 26 in my collection, I have been sharing all my visits with Pinmapple for years! from castles submerged in the river to some so large that you can see the entire Portuguese horizon with an extension of tens of kilometers and even visited other wars where there was a battle with the Spanish and where thousands of soldiers fell, in this post we will see what the Torres Vedras Castle who is a survivor of the 1755 earthquake that devastated almost all of Portugal!🏰🚩
Hola amigos viajeros! vaya fin de semana espectacular hoy visite un nuevo castillo y con este seria el numero 26 de mi coleccion, llevo años compartiendo con Pinmapple todas mis visitas! desde castillos sumergidos en el rio hasta algunos tan grandes que puedes ver todo el horizonte Portugues con una extension de decenas de Kilometros e inclusive ya visite otros belicos donde se batallo con los españoles y donde cayeron miles de soldados, en este post veremos como era el castillo de torres vedras quien es un sobreviviente del terremoto de 1755 y que devasto casi toda Portugal!💂♂️🍍🧭

On a hot day...🙇♂️🏰🧭/ En un dia caluroso...🍍🧠

It is not normal at this time of year to encounter days of almost forty degrees but hey, it is Portugal... The country with the best climate in Europe! While researching my next visit, I arrived north of Lisbon, about 80km from the capital, and I was captivated by the castle first because of the town since Torres Vedras is known for its tranquility, its economy is quite good because being far from the center everything is cheaper here! You don't have to wait in lines and lines to see a place of tourist interest, and you can see it in the photos even though it was the weekend I was alone here! Let's say that Torres Vedras Castle is not included in the top castles in Portugal but it is worth visiting!🚩🧠👨🏫
No es normal a esta altura del año toparnos con dias de casi cuarenta grados pero bueno es Portugal... El pais con el mejor clima de europa! mientras investigaba mi proxima visita llegue al norte de Lisboa a unos 80km de la capital y me cautivo el castillo primero por la localidad ya que torres vedras es conocida por su tranquilidad, su economia es bastante buena porque al estar alejada del centro todo es mas barato aqui! no tienes que hacer filas y filas para ver un sitio de interes turistico, y puedes verlo en las fotos apesar de ser fin de semana estaba solo por aca! Digamos que el Castillo de Torres Vedras no esta incluido en el top de los castillos de Portugal pero merece visitarlo!🙇♂️👨💻🚩
Why visit the castle?🙇♂️🏰🧭/ Por que visitar el castillo?¿🍍🧠

The municipal chamber in the sixties thought about demolishing what was left of the castle because it was completely abandoned when after the medieval era, 200 years later it had to survive the great earthquake of the 17th century, but that historical connection plus the battles The fact that they could have fought here with the Arabs meant that this historical jewel was preserved to this day and of course, since I am a specialist in posting these warlike structures, I couldn't miss this one in the community! Visiting it is free, parking is a little complicated because you have to leave your vehicle a few streets down and go up the hill!🏰🧭🏰
La camara municipal en la decada de los sesenta penso en derribar lo que quedaba del castillo debido que fue abandonado totalmente cuando luego de la era medieval, 200 años despues tuvo que sobrevivir con el gran terremoto del siglo 17, pero esa ligacion historica mas las batallas que se pudieron haber librado aca con los arabes hizo que esta joya historica se conservara hasta nuestros dias y claro como soy especialista en postear estas estructuras belicas no podia faltar este en la comunidad! visitarlo es gratis, el estacionamiento es un poco complicado porque debes dejar tu vehiculo unas calles abajo y subir hasta la colina! 👨💻👨🏫🧠
Castle history🙇♂️🏰🧭/Historia del castill🍍🧠

invasion of Don Henrique🚩🏰💂♂️
The first to inhabit the area were the Romans before Christ and this can be proven with a cistern and other structures that are here, however the walls were built by the Goths who were a Germanic people who occupied a large part of the Mediterranean and who contributed to the fall of the great Roman empire! Later the castle was occupied by the Moors who were the Muslims who fought several battles against the Portuguese to occupy the territory!👀
Los primeros en habitar la zona fueron los Romanos antes de Cristo y esto puede comprobarse con una cisterna y otras estructuras que estan aqui sin embargo las murallas fueron construidas por los Godos quienes fueron un pueblo germanico que ocupo gran parte del mediterraneo y quienes contribuyeron a la caida del gran imperio Romano! posteriormente el castillo fue ocupado por los Moros quienes fueron los musulmanos que libraron varias batallas contra los Portugueses por ocuparar el territorio!👀🚩

After being occupied by the Muslims (Moors) between 700-1100, the Portuguese troops of the Christian crusades fought under the command of Don Henrique who expelled the Moors to the south. The castle subsequently underwent several fortifications and improvements between 1200-1338. The castle is full of history because it served as accommodation for several Portuguese, some of whom would make important decisions such as the fight against the Ceutas, arriving in 1500, King Manuel ordered to fortify the castle again to protect the territory against the Spanish who spent all of history trying to conquer Portugal but they never could!🧭🚩🏰
Luego de ser ocupado por los musulmanes (moros) entre el 700-1100 las tropas Portuguesas de las cruzadas cristianas lucharon comandada por Don Henrique quien expulsaria a los moros hacia el sur, posteriormente el castillo sufrio varias fortificaciones y mejoras entre el 1200-1338. El castillo esta lleno de historia porque sirvio de alojo a varios Portugueses algunos tomarian decisiones importantes como la lucha contra los Ceutas, llegando al 1500 el rey Manuel mando a fortificar el castillo nuevamente para proteger el territorio contra los Españoles quienes pasaron toda la historia a intentar conquistar Portugal pero nunca pudieron!👨💻🍍
Historical evidence🙇♂️🏰🧭/Evidencias historicas🍍🧠

All these pieces were collected in the vicinity of the castle, among which the following stand out: the key that opened the main entrance, ammunition from different types of ancient weapons, including medieval weapons and ammunition, some of which had details of use, which indicates that in This castle shed Arab and Portuguese blood for many years, despite the fighting, earthquakes, the castle is a symbol of wooden towers and the military power of Portugal, who with Spain and England dominated the world for years!🏰🚩
Todas estas piezas fueron recolectadas en las adyacencias del castillo, entre las que se destacan: la llave que abria la entrada principal, municiones de diferentes tipos de armas antiguas inclusive armas y municiones medievales que algunas tenian detalles de uso por lo que nos indica que en este castillo se derramo sangre arabe y portuguesa por muchos años, apesar de los combates, terremotos el castillo es simbolo de torres de vedras y del poder militar Portugal quien con España e Inglaterra dominaron el mundo por años!🧠👨🏫

Heritage of several centuries🙇♂️🏰🧭/Herencia de varios siglos🍍🧠

five stars🚩🏰💂♂️
Even for everything that has been narrated that happened in the castle in the 18th and 19th centuries, the structure was compromised by a Portuguese revolution, but in 1960 it became a place of public interest, which prevented it from collapsing, and what a shame it would have been. disappear this piece that thanks to them we understand much more about European history and how a Portuguese people emerged and conquered, shedding the blood of thousands of young soldiers! and all these sacrifices cannot be buried; on the contrary, we must commemorate them!👀
Aun por todo lo que e narrado que sucedio en el castillo en el siglo 18 y 19 la estructura se comprometio por una revolucion portuguesa, pero en 1960 se convertio en un lugar de interes publico lo que evito que se derrumbara, y que pena hubiese sido desaparecer esta pieza que gracias a ella comprendemos mucho mas la historia europea y de como un pueblo Portugues surgio y conquisto derramando sangre de miles de soldados jovenes! y todos estos sacrificios no pueden ser enterrados por el contrario debemos conmemorarlos!👀🚩

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Es un lugar que está bien conservado, me imagino que el país ha hecho esfuerzo para la conservación de este lugar que guarda una gran historia, excelente fotografía, saludos.
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