Hello adventurous friends! I stopped by this beautiful community to give you another new experience. Today we are going to visit some interesting places on my path. We will pass through a small nature reserve and photograph the landscape that the southern area of Barreiro offers us. Then we will go up next to the Tejo River to arrive. to a small village called: "Santo Antonio da Charneca", a cozy town with a great history and of course we will visit its beautiful 16th century church, enjoy this experience with me.🌎📸🏔️
Hola amigos aventureros! me paso por esta linda comunidad para dejarles otra nueva experiencia, hoy vamos a visitar algunos sitios interesantes en mi sendero pasaremos por una pequena reserva natural y fotografiaremos el paisaje que la zona sur de Barreiro nos ofrece, luego subiremos al lado del rio Tejo para llegar a una pequena aldea llamada: "Santo Antonio da Charneca", una villa acogedora con una gran historia y claro visitaremos su hermosa iglesia del siglo XVI, disfruta esta experiencia conmigo.🚵🏻♀️🧭⛲
I started the walk at the following coordinates: (38.620741, -9.106544) I was in charge of looking for a route that is not very vertical and that would not physically demand my body because it is currently too hot in the country, today the temperature was around 38 degrees under shade Imagine the thermal sensation above forty, I left prepared with lots of water, snack, comfortable clothes and plenty of sunscreen, I will describe each interesting place I passed while walking! In total I walked 5:10 hours and 24km today.🚵🏻♀️🏔️
Comence la caminata en las siguientes coordenadas: (38.620741, -9.106544) me encargue de buscar una ruta que no sea muy vertical y que no exigiese fisicamente mi cuerpo porque actualmente esta demasiado calor en el pais, hoy la temperatura rondo los 38 grados bajo sombra, imagina la sensacion termica por encima de los cuarenta, me fui preparado con mucha agua, snack, ropa comoda y bastante bloqueador solar, te ire describiendo cada lugar interesante al que iba pasando mientras caminaba! en total camine hoy 5:10 horas y 24km.📸🏰
While we walk, the first thing we pass by, which I think is an interesting place because it is historical, is the Coina River. This river, as its name indicates, belongs to the city of Coina, which we do have to pass if we go to Barreiro, like You can see there are tide mills which were used until the 70s, we also see a couple of windmills, this all symbolizes the culture of our country!🏔️🚵🏻♀️
Mientras caminamos lo primero por donde pasamos que creo que es un sitio interesante porque es historico es el rio de Coina, este rio como su nombre lo indica pertenece a la ciudad de Coina la cual si o si tenemos que pasar si vamos hacia Barreiro, como puedes ver hay molinos de marea los cuales se usaron hasta los anos 70, tambien vemos un par de molinos de viento, esto todo simboliza la cultura de nuestro pais! 🗺️🌳🌊
I would like not to go into much detail about this palace because I want to leave a post for it, I will summarize it is a historical and architectural piece of Coina, a businessman who worked with garbage became rich and built his own palace hence the name, it is in A private area, so we must ask permission to enter. I will leave it for later while we enjoy its beautiful architecture from afar.🧭📸
Me gustaria no entrar mucho en detalle sobre este palacio porque quiero dejar un post para el, te resumo es una pieza historica y arquitectonica de Coina, un empresario que trabajaba con basura se hizo rico y construyo su propio palacio de alli el nombre, esta en un area privado por eso debemos pedir permiso para entrar yo lo dejare para despues mientras disfrutamos de lejos su bonita arquitectura.🚩🏰
An industrial area🌳📸 /Un area industrial🗺️

Something that caught my attention is that almost all the old house structures had bricks, and it is not common, for example where I live is an area near the bay and it is not common to see bricks on the walls, due to the river being there. Very close to these houses, several companies were built to take advantage of the water resource, such as metallurgy, wine growing, among others. Several of these houses date back to the 18th century, for example some farms are from the 16th century and are still operational.🏰📸
Algo que llamo mi antencion es que casi todas las estructuras antiguas de las casas tenian ladrillos, y no es comun por ejemplo donde yo vivo es una zona cerca de la bahia y no es nada comun ver ladrillos en las paredes, debido al estar el rio muy cerca de estas casas se construyeron varias empresas para aprovechar el recurso hidrico, como metalurgicas, siembra de vinos entre otras. Varias de estas casas ya remontan del siglo XVIII, por ejemplo algunas fincas son del siglo XVI y aun estan operativas.🌎🧭

And we said goodbye to Coina, and now we enter Barreiro, it is a fairly large parish and we intend to continue walking north next to the National Highway, as you can see we pass by those farms with hundreds of years of history, this one here belongs to A family from the end of the 15th century that has been passed down from generation to generation, has grape plantations.🌎🏔️
Y nos despedimos de Coina, y ahora entramos a Barreiro, es una freguesia bastante grande y pretendemos seguir caminando al norte al lado de la carretera Nacional, como puedes ver pase al lado de esas fincas con cientos de anos de historia esta de aca pertenece a una familia del finales del XV y que ha pasado de generacion en generacion, tienen siembras de uvas.👨🏻🦯🏔️🚵🏻♀️

We arrive at the "Machada" reserve🌳📸 /Llegamos a la reserva de la "Machada"🗺️

We arrive halfway through the tour and we are very close to the "Machada" reserve in a protected area of more than 60 hectares, where we can do hiking, exercise, and even birdwatching! My intention with this path is to enter here and cross everything to come out in the city again, let's see the landscape that we encounter now in summer.👨🏻🦯📸🌳
Llegamos a mitad del recorrido y estamos muy cerca de la reserva "Machada" en un area protegida de mas de 60 hectareas, la cual podemos hacer senderismo, ejercicio, e inclusive birdwatching! mi intencion con este sendero es entrar aqui y cruzarlo todo para salir en la ciudad nuevamente, veamos el paisaje que nos topamos ahora en verano.🌎🏔️🗺️

What a beautiful landscape, right? It was worth the detour to enter the reserve and learn more about the Barreiro ecosystem, apparently there are many species of birds, reptiles and mammals here! I don't think it closes its doors, so it would be interesting to take a night tour to see some species of nocturnal animals. I took advantage of hydrating myself and washing my head. The heat is horrible! and it was not yet 1:00 p.m.🌎🏔️🧭
Que bonito paisaje no? valio la pena el desvio para entrar en la reserva y aprender mas sobre el ecosistema de Barreiro, aparentemente hay muchas especies de aves, reptiles y mamiferos aqui! creo que no cierra sus puertas por eso seria interesante hacer un recorrido nocturno para ver algunas especies de animales nocturnos, aproveche en hidratarme y lavar mi cabeza el calor es horrible! y eso que aun no eran las 13:00🚵🏻♀️👨🏻🦯

Eucalyptus forest🌳📸 /Bosque de eucaliptos🗺️

One of my favorite parts within the "da machada" reserve is passing through the eucalyptus forest, it feels nice because it refreshes the air, now I will continue approximately 2km and then I will enter a small path that will take me in the middle of a pine forest until you reach the street.🗺️🧭
Una de mis partes favoritas dentro de la reserva "da machada" es pasar por el bosque de eucaliptos, se siente agradable porque refresca el aire, ahora continuare aproximadamente 2km y luego entrare en un pequeno sendero que me llevara en medio de un bosque de pino hasta llegar a la calle.🏔️⛲

following the sign 1.5km🌳📸 /siguiendo la senal 1.5km🗺️

Ready, having walked the 12km, I am closer to reaching the village, let's remember that we are already in Barreiro, when we see this bridge it means that we have already left the nature reserve, now since there are no trees I will feel the heat and the sun more strongly so I will have to make more continuous stops.🗺️🧭
Listo ya caminados los 12km me encuentro mas cerca de llegar a la aldea, recordemos que estamos ya en Barreiro, cuando vemos este puente significa que ya hemos salido de la reserva natural, ahora como no hay arboles sentire el calor y el sol con mas fuerza por lo que tendre que hacer paradas mas continuas.📸🌎
Village "Sto Anto da Charneca"🌳📸 /Aldea "Sto Anto da Charneca"🗺️

We arrived at the village and we have fulfilled a large part of our objective on this walk, we are a little less than 5km from the River so the village is also full of history and in reality what gave it its name was a legend: "according to someone named "Santo Antonio" had a slave, called "macumba", he met a cardinal named Antonio who asked him for advice because he had little faith and was being mistreated by his master, and Antonio went to talk to him and was rewarded with oxen, and even He got married! In the place where Macumba spoke with Antonio, a chapel was built.🧭🗺️
Llegamos a la aldea y hemos cumplido gran parte de nuestro objetivo en esta caminata, estamos a poco menos de 5km del Rio por eso la aldea tambien esta llena de historia y en realidad lo que le dio su nombre fue una leyenda: "segun alguien llamado "Santo Antonio" tenia una esclava, llamada "macumba" se encontro con un cardenal llamado Antonio el cual le pidio consejos porque tenia poca fe y estaba siendo maltratada por su amo, y Antonio fue hablar con el y fue recompensada con bueyes, e inclusive se caso! en el lugar donde macumba hablo con Antonio se construyo una capilla.🚵🏻♀️🌳

The village is extremely small and only has a little less than a thousand people, you get images of Santo Antonio everywhere, despite being super small you have places to stay, a restaurant and quite important public transportation that will allow you to explore all of Barreiro, Setubal, Palmela and even a boat to Lisbon.🧭🌎
La aldea es extremadamente pequena y solo tiene poco menos de mil personas, te consigues imagenes de Santo Antonio por todos lados, apesar de ser super pequena tienes lugares para hospedarte, restaurante y algo bastante importante transporte publico que te permitira recorrer todo Barreiro, Setubal, Palmela e inclusive un barco hasta Lisboa.📸🏔️
Church "Nossa Senhora de Graca"🏫📸 /Iglesia "Nossa Senhora de Graca"🗺️

Manuelino Portal🏯
This is a mandatory visit and for me the most interesting point of the village is a church that was designed by the Architect Alfonso Pires, it began to be built from the 16th-20th century, it belonged to the order of Santiago and those who motivated its construction They were the people of the village of Palhais. It has a Manueline style and its walls are covered with tiles, it has two side funerary chapels, in 1922 it was considered a national monument.🧭
Esta es una visita obligatoria y para mi el punto mas interesante la aldea, es una iglesia que fue disenada por el Arquitecto Alfonso Pires, se comenzo a construir a partir del siglo XVI-XX, pertenecio a la orden de Santiago y quienes motivaron su construccion fueron las personas de la aldea de Palhais. Tiene un estilo de Manuelino y sus paredes estan revestidas de azulejos, tiene dos capillas funerarias laterales, en 1922 fue considerado monumento nacional.🚩

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