In the skies of Muges⛰️ / En los cielos de Muges🌎📸 (En-Es)


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Hello fellow travelers and Drone lovers, today I decided to travel to a beautiful city called Santarem but before that I would visit some of the surrounding villages including one called "Muges", this parish belongs to "Salvaterra dos Magos" a little less than 1200 people, quite small but full of history and beautiful landscapes! Join me to discover even a Roman bridge from the 1st century BC.🚩⛲

Hola amigos viajeros y amante de los Drones, hoy me dispuse a viajar hacia una ciudad hermosa llamada Santarem pero antes visitaria alguna de las aldeas de sus alrededores incluyendo una llamada "Muges", esta parroquia pertenece a "Salvaterra dos Magos" poco menos de 1200 personas, bastante pequena pero llena de historia y hermosos paisajes! acompaname para descubrir inclusive un puente romano del siglo I antes de cristo.🚵🏻‍♀️⛰️🌳

The great Mesolithic🧭🚩 /El gran Mesolitico🌎🗺️

If you plan to go to Santarem you have to visit Muge, because despite being a small and agricultural village, it is surrounded by centuries of history. If you go to the town hall there are many records of objects found, wells, shells, animals and bones that date back to the Mesolithic era, that is, about 60 years of the last century. In the other small villages that border the Tejo River, small jars were found, dating back to the Paleolithic and some materials made from the rocks of the area!🚩🗺️
Si pretendes ir a Santarem tienes que visitar si o si Muge ya que apesar de ser una aldea bastante pequena y agricola esta envuelta de siglos de historia, si vas a la camara municipal hay muchos registros de objetos encontrados, pozos, conchas, animales y huesos que datan de la era Mesolitica osea unos 60 anos del siglo pasado, en las otras pequenas aldeas que bordean el Rio Tejo se consiguieron pequenas jarras, que datan del paleolitico y algunos materiales fabricados con las rocas de la zona!🌎📸

I didn't have to get permits or anything to fly my drone here, this whole area is open and in theory you can fly it up to 120 meters high but just check if you are close to the drone, if so it is 75 meters high maximum and above that you must ask for authorization! I could say that the village is not a touristy one, on the contrary, the few people who live here in the parish are people who work in the fields and a few are pensioners who looked for houses in places near the river and in peace, away from tourists! That's why restaurants and hotels are quite scarce.🗺️🚩
No tuve que sacar permisos ni nada para pilotear mi drone aqui, toda esta zona es abierta y en teoria puedes levantarlo a 120 metros de altura pero solo verifica si estas cerca del aerodrono siendo asi son 75 metros de altura maximo por encima debes pedir autorizacion! podria decir que la aldea no es turistica al contrario las pocas personas que viven aqui en la parroquia son personas que trabajan en el campo y algunas pocas son pensionadas que buscaron casas en lugares cerca del rio y en paz alejado de los turistas! por eso restaurantes, y hoteles son bastante escasos.🌳🌎

The riches of the Romanesque era🧭🚩 /Las riquezas de la era Romanica🌎🗺️

representative architecture of the Romans📸

Portugal was already occupied by the Romans in the 1st century BC and continued until the 5th century AD. Muge is a representation of a village that was occupied by the Romans and this is thanks to the Tejo River that provided resources and an efficient means of transport to the south and north of the country. If you go to Muge you have to stop at the Roman bridge that is here.🧭📸

Portugal ya tenia ocupacion Romana en el siglo I antes de Cristo y se mantuvo hasta el siglo V despues de Cristo, Muge es una representacion de aldea que fue ocupada por los Romanos y esto es gracias al Rio Tejo que proveia de recursos y un medio de transporte eficiente hacia el sur y norte del Pais, si vas a Muge tienes que hacer una parada al puente romano que esta aqui🚩⛲

This small river runs through Muge and is called "Ribeira do Muge". To the north, the Romans settled in a place called "Cabeço da Mina". Remains of Roman jars and ceramics were found here and distributed to various museums in Portugal. It's incredible to drive along a road that has centuries of history!📸🗺️
Este pequeno rio atraviesa Muge y se llama "Ribeira do Muge", hacia el norte se asentaron los Romanos en un lugar llamado "Cabeço da Mina", se encontraron aqui restos de jarras y ceramicas romanas las cuales fueron distribuidos a varios museos de Portugal. Increible pasar por una calzada que tiene siglos de historia!⛰️🚵🏻‍♀️⛲

The medieval era and Muge🧭🚩 /La era medieval y Muge🌎🗺️

The Medieval era was undoubtedly the one that marked the history of Muge, and in the 15th century King Manuel built a palace here because he wrote a letter to expel some Jews and Muslims who had been conquered from these lands. Let us remember that Muslims lived in Portugal for hundreds of years until the era of conquests in the 11th century. Then in 1496 Duke Cadaval, who was a powerful dynasty in Muge, made the majority of the people of Muge agricultural!🗺️⛰️
La era Medieval sin duda fue la que marco la historia en Muge y es que en el siglo XV el rey Manuel construyo aqui un palacio debido que escribiria una carta la cual seria para expulsar algunos judios y musulmanes que habian sidos conquistados dentro de estas tierras, recordemos que los musulmanes vivieron en portugal centenas de anos hasta la era de las conquistas en el XI, luego en 1496 el duque Cadaval quien seria una dinastia poderosa en Muge haria que el pueblo de Muge fuera en su mayoria agricola! 🌎🌊

It is a pity that Muge has not preserved any aspects of the medieval era, since a group of structures was restored in the 16th century. Muge's palace is still in the village, but it has few ancient vestiges and instead has a more modern touch. Everything that Muge hid and its secrets in Portuguese history was lost after 1755.⛰️🚩
Es una pena que Muge no conservo en la actualidad aspectos de la era medieval ya que en el mismo siglo XVI fue restaurada un conjunto de estructuras, el palacio de Muge aun se encuentra en la aldea pero tiene pocos vestigios antiguos y en cambio tiene un toque mas moderno, todo lo que escondia Muge y sus secretos en la historia portuguesa fue perdido a partir de 1755.⛲🗺️

Origin of the name and present day🧭🚩 /Origen del nombre y actualidad🌎🗺️

The village used to be called Muje, but it was renamed Muge, named after a common fish found in the river. It stopped being an independent parish and joined Salvaterra dos Magos and even belonged to Santarem. Nowadays, it seems to me more of an agricultural town than a tourist one! In my opinion, it is easier to stay in Santarem, since there are more demands for hotels and restaurants, and then go to Muge. There are some good wineries in Muge, some of which have been operating since the 17th century.🚩⛲
Antes la aldea se llamaba Muje pero se le cambio a Muge nombre de un pez comun que esta en el rio, dejo de ser una parroquia independiente y se sumo a Salvaterra dos Magos e inclusive pertenecio a Santarem, en la actualidad me parece mas un pueblo de paso agricola que turistico! en mi opinion es mas facil quedarte en Santarem ya que alli tienes mas demandas de hoteles, restaurantes, y luego ir a Muge. Hay unas buenas castas de vino en Muge algunas funcionando desde el siglo XVII🧭🌳

It is incredible when reading a little about this church, it turns out that in the 13th century there were many settlers arriving in Muge but as there was no church they did not pay tithes, therefore the bishop of Lisbon ordered the bishop of Salvaterra dos Magos to build a church there so that the population would pay taxes, which began the construction of the church "Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição" in 1297, in the 18th century some restorations were made.🚩⛲
Increible al leer un poco sobre esta iglesia, resulta que en el siglo XIII habian muchos colonos a llegar a Muge pero como no habia iglesia no pagaban el diezmo, por tanto el obispo de Lisboa ordeno al de Salvaterra dos Magos que se construyera una iglesia alli para que la poblacion pagase los impuestos, lo cual se inicia la construccion de la iglesia "Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição" en 1297, en el siglo XVIII se hicieron algunas restauraciones.🗺️⛰️


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Muge es un lugar con una gran historia y un potencial turístico a pesar de que no cuenta con espacios para acoger a los visitantes, con un gran atractivo natural, excelente amigo, saludos.


It is interesting how old buildings mix with beautiful nature!


Really cool seeing that old Roman bridge. It still looks very solid! Amazing the construction back then to last this long.


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