Good morning fellow travelers, today I visited a small village in the north of Sintra, just over 30km from Lisbon, to learn about an archaeological site that probably dates back more than 3 million years. Although the village is very small, there are three interesting things that make the visit a spectacle: first, an abandoned 18th century village called (Broas), then a megalithic complex of dolmens, and finally a Roman museum, since this area was inhabited by the Romans until the 4th century AD! Join me on this experience.📸🏺
Buenos dias amigos viajeros, hoy visite una pequena aldea en el norte de Sintra a poco mas de 30km de Lisboa para aprender de un lugar arqueologico que remonta probablemente de hace mas de 3 millones de anos, apesar que la aldea es muy pequena hay tres cosas interesantes que hacen de la visita todo un espectaculo, primero una aldea abandonada del siglo XVIII llamada (broas), luego un conjunto megalitico de dolmenes, y por ultimo un museo Romano ya que esta zona fue habitada por los Romanos hasta el siglo IV despues de Cristo! acompaname en esta experiencia. 🚩🧭

How to get to the village🏰🚩 /Como llegar a la aldea🌎🗺️

The only problem I see regarding getting to the village is that there is no public transportation, it is very isolated, there is no train, nor buses, so you are forced to have a rented or your own vehicle! Just put these coordinates in the GPS and you will find the village: (38°53′3″N 9°22′17″W) They will also help you get to the archaeological site of the Dolmens, it is a place just to pass through because I did not see any hotels, but there are restaurants, in fact we ate in the village while we waited to enter the museum.🚩🏺🏰
El unico problema que veo referente a llegar a la aldea es que no hay transporte publico es algo muy aislado, no hay tren, ni buses, por lo que estas obligado a tener vehiculo alquilado o propio! basta con colocar en el gps estas coordenadas y das con la aldea: (38°53′3″N 9°22′17″O) tambien te serviran para conseguir el sitio arqueologico de los Dolmenes, es un lugar solo de paso porque no vi hoteles, pero si hay restaurantes de echo comimos en la aldea mientras esperabamos para entrar en el museo.📸⛰️
Small but pretty🏰🚩 /Pequena pero bonita🌎⛲

There is not much to see in the village, but despite being small, it is quite pretty and is surrounded by a lot of history. I saw that there are two restaurants, and by the way, we had lunch in one of them and spent less than 30 euros for two people, which seemed cheap to me! We can take pictures of the outside of the chapel, which dates back to the 12th century. There are also 2 trails that pass through here that are super interesting to complete and that may take less than 4 hours. One that visits the museums in the area and another that takes you to one of the neighbouring villages and you can enjoy the scenery that Sintra has to offer.🗺️
No hay mucho que recorrer en la aldea pero apesar de ser pequena es bastante bonita y esta envolvida en mucha historia, vi que hay dos restaurantes que por cierto almorzamos en uno de ellos y gastamos menos de 30 euros para dos personas, me parecio economico! podemos fotografiar por fuera la capilla que data del siglo XII, tambien pasan por aqui 2 senderos que son super interesantes para completarlos y quizas demores menos de 4 horas, uno que visita los museos de la zona y otro que te lleva a una de las aldeas vecinas y disfrutas del paisaje que Sintra tiene para ofrecer.🚵🏻♀️🚩
Small but pretty🏰🚩 /Pequena pero bonita🌎⛲

The main museum, which is a Roman one, was closed. In order not to waste my trip, we decided to have lunch, and then continue with a walk towards one of the "carvalhal" trails, a neighboring village, and I stopped at the place where the megalithic structures are, which was the reason I went to Odrinhas.🧭🏺
El museo principal que es uno romano estaba cerrado, para no desaprovechar mi viaje decidimos ir almorzar, para luego continuar con una caminata hacia uno de los senderos "carvalhal" una aldea vecina y me detendre en el lugar donde estan las estructuras megaliticas, que fue el motivo por el que me desplace a Odrinhas.🚵🏻♀️🌎

Barreira Megalithic Complex🏰🚩 /Conjunto Megalítico de Barreira🌎⛲

To get to the archaeological site we will walk on the path called "Carvalha" I recommend you use Gmaps or follow these coordinates, (38°53′3″N 9°22′17″W), while you walk the path you have a beautiful landscape you can see on your left the Sintra reserve a very beautiful mountain range where you find the famous "palacio da pena" which is one of the most visited palaces in Portugal, and on your left you have a valley of a neighboring village "carvalhal".🧭🚩🗺️
Para llegar al sitio arqueologico vamos a caminar en el sendero que se llama "Carvalha" te recomiendo usar el Gmaps o seguir estas coordenadas, (38°53′3″N 9°22′17″O), mientras haces el sendero tienes un hermoso paisaje puedes ver a tu izquierda la reserva de Sintra una cadena de montanas muy bonitas donde consigues el famoso "palacio da pena" que es uno de los palacios mas visitados de Portugal, y a tu izquierda tienes un valle de una aldea vecina "carvalhal".⛲⛰️📸

When you arrive at the site you will come across this green gate which will be open, just push it to enter the archaeological site which is open to the public, the megalithic complex of Barreira is located on a hill being the highest point of Odrinhas, this stone complex is located in a small forest giving that atmosphere of peace and mysticism, when it was discovered in the nineties there were many dolmens currently only 25 remain the rest have been destroyed due to urban planning in the area.🗺️⛰️
Cuando llegamos al lugar te toparas con esta reja verde la cual estara abierta, basta con empujarla para entrar al sitio arqueologico esta abierto al publico, el complejo megalitico de barreira esta ubicado en una colina siendo el punto mas alto de Odrinhas, este complejo de piedras se ubica en un pequeno bosque dando ese ambiente de paz y mistico, en su descubierta en la decada de los noventa habian muchos dolmenes actualmente solo quedan 25 el resto se han destruido por motivo de urbanismo en la zona. 🚩🧭

The rocks are made of calcareous material and are cylindrical in shape. As the sizes vary, the largest one we will see at the site is approximately four metres high. The discoverers tried to locate some design or painting on the stones and did not find any traces, only some holes that are believed to have been the way people used to represent "eyes". Objects from the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Iron Ages were found throughout the site.🧭📸
Las rocas son de material calcareo cilindricas variadas, como los tamanos son variados la mas grande que veremos en el lugar tiene aproximadamente cuatro metros de altura, los descubridores intentaron ubicar algun diseno o pintura en las piedras y no consiguieron ningun tipo de vestigios, solo algunos agujeros que se creen era la forma de las personas representar "ojos". En todo el lugar se consiguieron objetos del paleolitico, neolitico y la edad de hierro.🚩⛲

The main function of these stones, many of which date back to the Upper Jurassic, was religious functions and worship of deities. These places were created at the point in history when man began to work with agriculture and animal husbandry, as it was a way for them to express worship or create a religious cycle that allowed them to idolize in exchange for some benefit or simply create a link with death and life.⛰️🚩🧭
La principal funcion de estas piedras que muchas datan del jurasico superior era de funciones religiosas y de adoracion a deidades, estos lugares fueron creados en el punto de la historia cuando el hombre comienza a trabajar con la agricultura y cria de animales ya que fue una forma de ellos expresar una adoracion o crear un ciclo religioso que les permitia idolatrar a cambio de algun beneficio o simplemente crear un vinculo con la muerte y la vida.📸🚵🏻♀️

What is striking about the place is all the civilizations that passed through here and in fact occupied the site, the fact that various objects from different periods of history were collected is an indication that the place was always reused, later in the seventies the site was declared a local heritage site.🚩🧭
Lo que llama la atencion sobre el lugar es todas las civilizaciones que pasaron por aqui y ocuparon de echo el sitio, que se recolectaran varios objetos de diferentes epocas de la historia es un indicio que el lugar fue siempre reutilizado, posteriormente en la decada de los setenta el sitio fue declarado patrimonio local.🌎📸

Visit to the village "Broas"🏰🚩 /Visita aldea "Broas"🌎⛲

Next, to visit the village of "Broas" we will take another trail but this one is much longer, in total 8km we will walk through a valley at more than 200 meters high, the view is spectacular and if we do it in spring seeing all the flowers on the way is fantastic! Summer is more complicated because of the heat but it is also an interesting option, I do not recommend winter because the road is dirt and the rain does not help. You can get to the village here: (38.885351, -9.343493)🚩🚵🏻♀️
A continuacion para visitar la aldea de "Broas" vamos hacer otro sendero pero este es mucho mas extenso, en total 8km vamos a caminar entre un valle a mas de 200 metros de altura, la vista espectacular y si lo hacemos en primavera ver todas las flores en el camino es fantastico! verano es mas complicado por el calor pero tambien es una opcion interesante, invierno no te recomiendo porque el camino es de tierra y la lluvia no ayuda. consigues la aldea aqui: (38.885351, -9.343493)👨🏻🏫🏺

Even though the village is somewhat isolated from the rest of the country, I loved the landscape. It is a fairly quiet route full of windmills on almost all the hills. This is a clear example of what the economy of the site was like for hundreds of years.🚩🚵🏻♀️
Indistintamente siendo la aldea algo aislada del resto del pais me encanto el paisaje es una ruta bastante tranquila y llena de molinos de viento en casi todas las colinas esto es un claro ejemplo de como fue la economia del sitio por cientos de anos.⛰️🧭

15th century settlement🏰🚩 /Asentamiento del siglo XV🌎⛲

I had to visit this village which has been abandoned for more than 40 years because it has too much history to be overlooked. The first people to build here were in 1525, it was the first record that exists. As you can see, most of the houses were built with stones that were common in the area. The name "Broas" comes from the stones that form in the ground in a conical shape. In total there are about 25 houses, all of which had two floors and an oven, since at that time it was common to bake bread.⛰️🚵🏻♀️🚩
Tenia que visitar esta aldea la cual esta abandonada a mas de 40 anos porque tiene demasiada historia para pasar por alto, los primeros en construir aqui fueron un grupo de personas en el 1525, fue el primer registro que se tiene, como puedes ver en su mayoria las casas fueron construidas con piedras que eran comunes en la zona, el nombre de "Broas" es originario por las piedras que se forman en el terreno en forma conica, en total existen unas 25 casas las cuales todas tenian dos pisos y un respectivo horno ya que en la epoca era comun cozinar pan.👨🏻🏫🏺🧭

From the 15th century to the 1990s, people always lived in these houses, however, the lack of services such as water and electricity caused the young population to emigrate in search of better opportunities, resulting in fewer and fewer people remaining in the medieval village. It is believed that in 1966, the last person living in the village left the place and then "Broas" became a ghost village. Due to the conditions of the terrain and the fact that there is no road, no attempt was made to recover the town.👨🏻🏫🚩🚵🏻♀️
Desde el siglo 15 hasta la decada de los noventa siempre habitaron estas casas sin embargo el no tener servicios como agua, electricidad hizo que la poblacion joven emigrara en busca de mejores oportunidades haciendo que cada vez quedaran menos persona en la aldea medieval, se cree que en 1966 fue que la ultima persona que vivia en la aldea abandono el lugar y entonces "Broas" se convertiria en una aldea fantasma, debido a las condiciones del terreno y sumado que no hay carretera nunca mas se intento recuperar la villa.🌎🗺️

If we know how to search in this village we will find a Roman road, that is to say that before it was inhabited in the medieval era, the Romans already had a transport and trade route that passed through the village. The interest of living at almost 600 meters above sea level is that a few kilometers away we have two rivers from which the resources were used. It is believed that the majority of the inhabitants were farmers.🚵🏻♀️🚩
Si sabemos buscar en esta aldea vamos a conseguir una calzada Romana, osea que antes se habitarla en la epoca medieval ya los romanos tenia una ruta de transporte y comercio que pasaba por la aldea, el interes de vivir a casi 600 metros de altura es que a pocos kilometros tenemos dos rios de los cuales se aprovechaban los recursos, se cree que la mayoria de los pobladores fueron agricultores.👨🏻🏫🧭

See you in the next post🏰🚩 /Nos vemos en el siguiente post🌎⛲

The village of Odrinha still continues to hold mysteries and history that remain hidden and we hope one day to discover more about the culture of the civilizations that inhabited these lands! I saved the best for my next post, we will visit the Odrinha museum which is built in an authentic Roman villa. We will learn everything about the time when the Romans occupied the area and what better way to do it than inside this museum? Don't miss my next post.🗺️🚵🏻♀️
La aldea de Odrinha aun continua guardando misterios e historia que permanecen oculta y esperamos un dia descubrir mas sobre la cultura de las civilizaciones que habitaron estas tierras! guarde lo mejor para mi proximo post, vamos a visitar el museo de Odrinha el cual esta construido en una autentica villa romana vamos aprender todo sobre la epoca cuando los Romanos ocuparon la zona y que mejor hacerlo dentro de ese museo? no te pierdas mi proximo post.🌎🚩

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