Megalithism Interactive Museum🌎👩🏻‍🏫🧠 (En-Es)

On one occasion I read on the internet that there was a land in Portugal called "Mora" that was unique in Europe for its large number of dolmens, in reality it is the region with the most dolmens in Portugal and we could even mention Europe as well, my curiosity made me travel more than 120km to visit the museum where we will learn everything related to megalithism, here we will see what the prehistoric man of Portugal was like more than 3 thousand years ago, and we will even show you real dolmens that are more than 4 thousand years old! Enjoy my experience at the museum.👩🏻‍🏫🌎

En una ocasion lei en internet que habia una tierra en Portugal llamada "Mora" que era unica en europa por su gran cantidad de dolmenes, en realidad es la region con mas dolmenes en Portugal e inclusive podriamos citar a Europa tambien, mi curiosidad me hizo recorrer mas de 120km para visitar el museo donde aprenderemos todo lo relacionado al megalitismo, aqui veremos como era el hombre prehistorico de Portugal hace mas de 3mil anos, e inclusive te mostrare dolmenes reales con mas de 4mil anos! disfruta mi experiencia en el museo.🫅🏻🧠

All about the museum🧭 / Todo sobre el museo🌍🚩

To locate the museum we will have to look for the following coordinates: (38.946912, -8.161084), getting there is relatively easy as it has public access, the only thing I recommend is that you must travel in your own or rented vehicle. This area has quite little public transportation, especially The Lei Museum, which was inaugurated in April 2016, the mission is to promote and promote the megalithic archeology heritage of the city of Mora, as well as learn about the culture and history of its people! It is in the center of the city and is a space for all ages.🌎🧠
Para localizar el museo tendremos que buscar las siguientes coordenadas: (38.946912, -8.161084), llegar es relativamente facil pues tiene acceso publico lo unico que te recomiendo es que debes viajar en vehiculo propio o alquilado esta zona tiene un transporte publico bastante escaso, sobre el museo lei que fue inaugurado el 2016 en abril, la mision es fomentar e impulsar el patrimonio de la arqueologia megalitica de la ciudad de Mora, asi como aprender sobre la cultura e historia de su pueblo! esta en el centro de la ciudad y es un espacio para todas las edades.

A very creative design🧭 / Un diseno muy creativo🌍🚩

Everything inside the museum has a purpose and transmits knowledge. The unique way it was built shows a series of levels with wood that literally recreates the ground where an object is extracted, that is, with the levels of the wood we get an idea of ​​how deep it goes. I dig to get to the object that is on display. Interesting, right? This helps us date the date to which the archaeological object belonged. It is 750 meters long and has some interactive educational areas for adults and children! The cost is 5 euros per adult.🧠🌎
Todo dentro del museo tiene un proposito y transmite un conocimiento la forma unica de como se construyo muestra una serie de niveles con madera que literal recrea el suelo donde un objeto es extraido, osea con los niveles de las maderas hacemos una idea de cuan profundo se excavo para llegar hasta el objeto que esta en exhibicion interesante no? esto nos ayuda a datar la fecha a la cual pertenecia el objeto arqueologico. Cuenta con 750 metros y tiene algunas areas interactivas didacticas para adultos y ninos! el costo son 5euros por adulto.🚙🚩

Megalithism🧭 / Megalitismo🌍🚩

Vergilio Correia was the pioneer in catapulting megalithic archeology in the "Mora" area. In reality, the "Alentejo" region is synonymous with dolmens, stone tombs in others! I mean if we visit this city and its surroundings we will be able to visit a dolmen from the third or fourth millennium BC, and that is my intention, in addition to visiting the museum I will take you to a real Dolmen, in 1921 Mr. Virgilio begins with archaeological research in the area.🌎🚙
Vergilio Correia fue el pionero en catapultar la arqueologia megalitica en la zona de "Mora" en realidad la region de "Alentejo" es sinonimo de dolmenes, tumbas de piedra en otras! osea si visitamos esta ciudad y sus alrededores vamos a poder visitar un dolmen del tercer o cuarto milenio antes de Cristo, y esa es mi intencion ademas de visitar el museo te llevare a un Dolmen verdadero, en 1921 es que el Sr. Virgilio comienza con la investigacion arqueologica en la zona. 👩🏻‍🏫🧭

This image is one of my favorites, this is what human beings looked like in the prehistoric era when the dolmens were built. We are talking about how several tribes arrived in the Iberian Peninsula between the 4th and 3rd century BC. They settled throughout Portugal and built these structures. as a way to practice a funeral ritual! The definition of a dolmen is a megalithic structure built with horizontal and vertical stones, they are available in various shapes depending on the tribe and the meaning! But few know that a dolmen was not only used for burial purposes but also to worship gods such as (earth, fertility among others) and you won't believe me but in these that are exhibited in the museum they already got objects that represent gods!🌎🧠
Esta imagen es de mis favoritas, asi lucia el ser humano en la era prehistorica cuando se construyeron los dolmen, estamos hablando que varias tribus llegaron a la peninsula iberica entre el 4-3 siglo antes de cristo se establecieron en todo portugal y construyeron estas estructuras como forma de practicar un ritual funebre! la definicion de dolmen es una estructura megalitica construida con piedras horizontales y verticales, se disponen de varias formas segun la tribu y el significado! pero pocos saben un dolmen no solo se utilizaba para fines de entierro si no tambien para adorar dioses como (tierra, fertilidad entre otros) y no me creeras pero en estos que se exhiben en el museo ya consiguieron objetos que representan dioses!👩🏻‍🏫

How did they move these tons of stones?🧭 / Como movian estas piedras de toneladas?🌍🚩

construction demonstration🧔🏻‍♂️

The museum has a representation of how these men weighing only 70-80kg could transport granite rocks that weighed tons. Before technology advanced, human beings attributed this to "aliens" but little by little they managed to decipher this mystery, as you can see. One person was placing logs while others were pulling the rope to the direction where it would be placed. To lift them, a wooden log or several logs were placed below and used as a pulley.🧭🌏👩‍🏫

El museo tiene una representacion de como estos hombres de apenas 70-80kg podian transportar rocas de granito que pesaban toneladas, antes de la tecnologia avanzar el ser humano atribuia esto a "alienigenas" pero poco a poco se logro descifrar este misterio, como puedes ver una persona iba colocando troncos mientras otros iban halando la cuerda a la direccion donde se colocaria. Para levantarlos se colocaba un tronco de madera abajo o varios troncos que se usaba como polea.🧔🏻‍♂️🕵🏻

How did they live?🧭 / Como vivian?🌍🚩

The first thing we see in the photo is that clearly this possibly Celtiberian civilization lived in the lands of Mora as communities, some were nomadic, they built their houses with materials from around them, clay jars were collected which tells us that they used these utensils to drink water, also other decorative objects such as rings, bracelets, arrowheads were found which reveals that they were skilled hunters, the bow and arrow was also used to defend their village from other tribes, it is also known that they practiced agriculture.👩🏻‍🏫🕵🏻
Lo primero que vemos en la foto es que claramente ya esta civilizacion posiblemente celtibero vivieron en las tierras de Mora como comunidades, algunas fueron nomadas, construian sus casas con materiales de alrededor, se recolectaron jarras de barro lo que nos indican que utilizaban estos utencilios para beber agua, tambien otros objetos decorativos como anillos, pulseras, se encontraron puntas de flecha lo que nos revela que eran habiles cazadores, tambien el arco y la flecha se usaba para defender su poblado de otras tribus, tambien se sabe que practicaban la agricultura.🧭🌎

Deities and funerary objects🧭 / Deidades y objetos funebres🌍🚩

These objects hand-carved in "xist" stone, a granite-type rock, their function was to give tribute and homage to an important person such as the chief of the tribe. They were usually placed either on the chest or in the hands of people when They were buried beneath the dolmen.🧔🏻‍♂️🧠

Estos objetos tallados a mano en piedra "xisto" una roca de tipo granito, su funcion era para dar tributo y homenaje a una persona importante como el jefe de la tribu, se solian colocar o en el pecho o en las manos de las personas cuando eran enterradas debajo del dolmen.🌎

How many Dolmen are there in Portugal?🧭 / Cuantos Dolmen existen en Portugal?🌍🚩

Portugal, together with Spain, is one of the countries with the largest number of Dolmens found and studied, this is due to the geographical condition of the country and its civilizations, to date more than 1000 dolmen have already been counted throughout Portugal, the oldest in the world. 3millennium BC. According to archaeologists, the oldest ones in the world date back 5,000 years before Christ.

Portugal junto con espana son uno de los paises con mayor cantidad de Dolmen encontrados y estudiados, esto se debe a la condicion geografica del pais y sus civilizaciones, hasta la fecha ya se han contabilizado mas de 1000 dolmen en todo Portugal, los mas antiguos del 3milenio antes de cristo. Segun los arqueologos los mas antiguos del mundo tienen 5mil anos antes de cristo.

Let's visit a Dolmen🧭 / Visitemos un Dolmen 🌍🚩

I present to you the Dolmen called: "Fontainhas", this one here is real and we found it outside the museum approximately 4km away. I leave you the coordinates: (38.931086, -8.121082), to get here you can even walk, it would be a good adventure for contemplate the landscape of the Alentejo plains🕵🏻🚩
Te presento al Dolmen llamado: "Fontainhas", este de aqui es real y lo conseguimos a las afueras del museo a unos 4km aproximadamente te dejo las coordenadas: (38.931086, -8.121082), para llegar aqui puedes hasta caminar seria una buena aventura para contemplar el paisaje de los llanos alentejanos🧠

visit to the dolmen🌅

This dolmen was discovered in 1990, and restored in 2005 and was declared a place of public interest. Its characteristics: (it is a megalithic enclosure, it is from the ancient Neolithic period, (4000-5000 BC), spoils: decorated ceramics.🧭🌏👩‍🏫

Este dolmen fue descubierto en 1990, y restaurado en el 2005 fue declarado como lugar de interes publico sus caracteristicas: (es un recinto megalitico, es del periodo neolitico antiguo, (4000-5000antes de cristo), espolio: ceramica decorada.


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This interactive museum looks very interesting to go, a child would love to see that since they can feel the experience better.

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