Lisbon Gunpowder Museum🌍🚙 / Museo de la polvora Lisboa🚩

Hello fellow travelers, I am excited about this experience, for the first time I visit one of the best preserved and most beautiful gunpowder museums in the country! To get there I took a path of more than 6km and I will show you a little about what the villages in the area are like, the architecture and the landscape! The museum seems to have been built like a fortress surrounded by a stream from the city, which gives it a fantastic touch!🚙🌍

Hola amigos viajeros, estoy emocionado con esta experiencia por primera vez visito uno de los museos de polvora mejor preservados y mas bonito del pais! para llegar hice un sendero de mas de 6km y te mostrare un poco como son las aldeas de la zona, la arquitectura y el paisaje! el museo parece haberse construido como en una fortaleza rodeada por un riachuelo de la ciudad lo que le da un toque fantastico!🧭🌄

Start of my adventure🌍/Inicio de mi aventura🚩

Here the trail begins, I am in a small village called: (Milheiros), it is interesting because it is quite small and I see a lot of agriculture, the trail as such is not marked so we must constantly use Gmaps to get to the museum! It's worth it because we're going to go through a forest where a river flows!🌍🚙🚩
Aqui comienza el sendero estoy en una pequena aldea llamada: (Milheiros), es interesante porque es bastante pequena y veo mucha agricultura, el sendero como tal no existe senalizado por tanto debemos ir usando Gmaps constantemente para llegar al museo! vale la pena porque vamos a pasar por un bosque donde pasa un rio!🌄🌲

At first glance the village is a quiet place and you can see many abandoned houses, something that characterizes Portugal is that it has a very old population so the houses end up falling into ruins because there are no heirs, it gives me the impression that the village in its times It had a lot of activity and today there are a few houses left, but it seems like a quiet place with a lot of peace, ideal for resting!🚩🍁🌿
A simple vista la aldea es un sitio tranquilo y se ven muchas casas abandonadas, algo que caracteriza Portugal es que tiene una poblacion muy vieja entonces las casas acaban por quedar en ruinas porque no existen herederos, me da la impresion que la aldea en sus tiempos tenia mucha actividad y hoy en dia quedan una que otras casas, pero parece un lugar tranquilo con mucha paz ideal para descanso!🌄🚙🌍

Leaving the village of Tala👨‍🏫🍍

After walking a couple of kilometers we passed another village called Tala, this one was less attractive, although as it was at a height it had a beautiful view, you can see Lisbon and the bridge in the distance, it is a gentle walk, it does not present demands, no You go through difficult terrain, the best height is in spring! The area is actually known because there is a lot of rain so be prepared in winter!🧭🌏👩‍🏫

Luego de caminar un par de kilometros pasamos por otra aldea llamada Tala esta era menos atractiva, apesar que como estaba en altura tenia una hermosa vista, se puede ver a lo lejos Lisboa y el puente, es una caminata suave, no presenta exigencias, no pasas por terreno dificultoso, la mejor altura es en primavera! la zona en realidad es conocida porque hay muchas lluvias asi que prevenido en invierno!🍍🚙

We see many beautiful tile decorations throughout the village, from the houses to the squares, we also noticed many water fountains or public laundries from the late 18th century, which transports us to those times of how people lived in these villages, usually the Public places like laundries were important to also socialize.🌿⛲

Vemos muchas decoraciones de azulejos bonitas por toda la aldea, desde las casas hasta las plazas, tambien note muchas fuentes de agua o lavanderias publicas de finales del XVIII, lo que nos transporta a aquellos tiempos de como las personas vivieron en estas aldeas, normalmente los lugares publicos como lavanderias eran importantes para tambien socializar.🍀🚩

When we have walked approximately 4km we reach a small forest and pass by a house that previously served as a barn, it is quite beautiful! Then we took a detour and continued until we reached other villages! As a reference point we need to pass four windmills! climbing some hills! The heat was quite difficult, I drank about 4 liters of water, I can imagine this walk in the middle of summer!🌿🌿🌍
Cuando ya hemos caminado unos 4km aproximadamente llegamos un pequeno bosque y pasamos por una casa que anteriormente sirvio como un granero, es bastante bonita! luego tomamos un desvio y seguimos hasta llegar a otras aldeas! como punto de referencia necesitamos pasar por cuatro molinos de vientos! subiendo a unas colinas! el calor estaba bastante dificil bebi como 4litros de agua, me imagino esta caminata en pleno verano!🍁🌲

Windmills🌍/Molinos de viento🚩

Windmills are popular throughout the Mediterranean coast, mainly in Portugal and Spain, which due to the civilizations that inhabited both countries, such as the Romans, left a legacy that endures today. These ones here are possibly newer, perhaps from the 17th century, like You can see they are abandoned but they were used to process seeds, these are reference points to tell us that we are doing well on the walk!🌍🌄
Los molinos de vientos son populares en toda la costa mediterranica, principalmente en Portugal y Espana que debido a las civilizaciones que habitaron ambos paises como los Romanos dejaron un legado que hoy en dia perdura, estos de aqui posiblemente son mas nuevos quizas del XVII, como puedes ver estan abandonados pero se usaban para procesar semillas, estos son puntos de referencias para indicanos que vamos bien en la caminata!🚩🌿

Finally we are going to go through the Salgueiro Maia park, let's say it is a simple park to spend a pleasant day with the family, it also has decorations such as artisanal and natural and several murals, it is beautiful! Clearly I wasn't going to stay here long so I took some photos and continued on my way to the museum!⛲🚙

Por ultimo vamos a pasar por el parque Salgueiro Maia, digamos que es un simple parque para pasar un dia agradable en familia, a parte tiene decoraciones como artesanales y naturales y varios murales, es bonito! claramente no me iba a quedar mucho tiempo aca por lo que tire unas fotos y continue camino al museo!🌍🌄

Gunpowder Museum🌍/Museo de la polvora🚩

inside the museum👨‍🏫🍍

The powder factory has the name "Barcarena" and is an icon of Portuguese culture and history. We found it in the parish of Oeiras. The factory is quite complex because it was divided into two zones, the "north and south" zone, of which different ones were made. functions, for example I read that the southern area was where the river was and from which it was important to extract water to supply the functions of the factory! There is no entrance fee here and it is accessible to all ages. The museum is like an open park!🧭🌏👩‍🏫

La fabrica de polvora tiene como nombre "Barcarena" y es icono de cultura e historia portuguesa, lo conseguimos en la freguesia de Oeiras la fabrica es bastante compleja pues se dividio en dos zonas la zona "norte y sur" de las cuales se realizaban diferentes funciones, por ejemplo lei que la zona sur era donde estaba el rio y del cual era importante extraer agua para suplir las funciones de la fabrica! no se paga entrada aqui y tiene acceso a todas las edades el museo es como un parque abierto!🍍🚙

This museum had been built since 1540 and lasted until 1940, always active and helping the Portuguese army in various battles and conquests. Currently, the museum does not function as a war site and on the contrary, it is a cultural space with two party rooms that you can use for weddings, there is also a restaurant in the center of the factory and several parks for activities with children or even having a birthday party!

este museo habia sido construido desde el 1540 y perduro hasta 1940 siempre activo y ayudo al ejercito portugues en varios combates y conquistas, actualmente el museo no funciona como lugar belico y por el contrario es un espacio cultural con dos salones de fiestas que puedes utilizar para bodas, tambien hay un restaurante en el centro de la fabrica y varios parques para actividades con ninos o inclusive hacer algun cumpleanos!

My opinion about the experience🌍/Mi opinion sobre la experiencia🚩

Well friends, it was a quite interesting and fun adventure, walking so many kilometers to get to the museum and learning the history of Portugal was something that fascinated me and that I would definitely repeat, the museum has a parking area and it is free so take advantage if you come to visit to Portugal!

Bien amigos, fue una aventura bastante interesante y divertida, caminar tantos kilometros para llegar al museo y aprender historia de Portugal fue algo que me fascino y que sin duda repetia, el museo tiene area de estacionamiento y es gratis por eso aprovecha si vienes de visita a Portugal!


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