Lexim archaeological🚙 route / ruta arqueologica Lexim🧭 (En-Es)

Hello adventurous friends, today I decided to travel more than 22km to reach the beautiful town of Mafra, a place north of Lisbon where we found the best natural tourist sites in the country. On this walk I decided to choose the "penedo do lexim" as a place to visit, although It looks like a simple rock on the top of a 400-meter hill. There is too much history. In the seventies, archaeological remains of people who inhabited this mountain more than 4,000 years ago were found! According to what I read superficially, the rocks were formed by a volcanic eruption. Do you want to know more about the place and the trail? then or you'll miss my post!🌄🚵🏻‍♀️

Hola amigos aventureros, hoy decidi recorrer mas de 22km para poder llegar a la hermosa villa de Mafra lugar al norte de Lisboa donde conseguimos los mejores sitios naturales turisticos del Pais, en esta caminata decidi escoger como lugar de visita el "penedo do lexim" aunque parece una simple roca en la cima de una colina de 400metros hay demasiada historia, en los anos setenta se encontraron restos arqueologicos de personas que habitaron esta montana hace mas de 4mil anos! segun lei superficialmente las rocas se formaron por erupción volcánica, quieres saber mas sobre el lugar y el sendero? entonces o te pierdas mi post!🌍🍁🌿

Where does the trail begin?🌍/Donde comienza el sendero?🚩

The trail begins in a village called "Pedra afurada" about 5km from there, the place is very safe, quiet and the village has places where you can buy supplies, from here just enter the address of "Penedo do Lexim" in Gmaps. and we are going to follow a route between road and mountain, this makes it a path with medium-difficult difficulty, the conditions of the terrain lead us to complete it in non-rainy seasons since we will pass through some small streams and in winter it is impossible, no This is the total marked but it is not difficult to get lost either! you will always be oriented! Better to be dressed in hiking clothes, boots and hat! In summer the heat is quite high, be careful!
El sendero comienza en una aldea llamada "Pedra afurada" a mas o menos 5km de alli, el lugar es muy seguro tranquilo y la aldea tiene locales donde puedes comprar suministros, desde aqui basta con colocar en Gmaps la direccion de "Penedo do Lexim" y vamos a seguir una ruta entre carretera y montana, esto hace que sea un sendero con dificultad media-dificil, las condiciones del terreno nos llevan a completarlo en epocas fuera de lluvia ya que pasaremos por unos pequenos riachuelos y en invierno es imposible, no esta del total senalizado pero tampoco es dificil perderse! siempre estaras orientado! mejor ir vestido con ropa de excursion, botas y sombrero! en verano el calor es bastante elevado cuidado! (38.877050, -9.306937)

Sintra in the distance🌍/Sintra a lo lejos🚩

From the walk, despite the great history of the place where I am heading, I cannot miss the beautiful landscape of the Sintra mountain range, which we always see in the background of the landscape. In spring, it is beautiful, with many flowers and insects all over it. atmosphere would be one of those few trails that I would repeat! The trail itself begins when we arrive at Mafra, this city is famous because it is represented by several nature reserves, here we can see and photograph unique animals of Portugal such as deer in the wild!🌍🚵🏻‍♀️
De la caminata apesar de la gran historia que tiene el lugar hacia donde me dirijo no puedo dejar pasar el hermoso paisaje de la sierra de Sintra la cual siempre la vemos de Fondo en le paisaje, en primavera es bonito muchas flores e insectos por todo el ambiente seria de aquellos pocos senderos que repetiria! el sendero como tal inicia cuando llegamos a Mafra, esta ciudad es famosa porque esta representada con varias reservas naturales, aqui podemos ver y fotografiar animales unicos de Portugal como venados en estado salvaje!🧭🌲

Enjoying the tour🌍/Disfrutando el recorrido🚩

Going through "pero pinheiro"👨‍🏫🍍

Whenever we head on the secondary streets towards the north we will pass by places like "Pero Pinheiro" if I'm not mistaken I once made a post about it because there is something nearby some waterfalls, arriving at this point we already walked more than 3km probably 4km to the village It is small and has some interesting monuments to visit!🧭🌏👩‍🏫

Siempre que nos dirigimos en las calles secundarias hacia el norte pasaremos por sitios como "Pero Pinheiro" si no me equivoco una vez hice un post de el porque hay algo cerca unas cascadas, llegando a este punto ya caminamos mas de 3km probablemente 4km la aldea es pequena y tiene algunos monumentos interesantes para visitar! 🍍🚙

Arrival in Cheleiros🌍/Llegada a Cheleiros🚩

It was already close to Cheleiros but first we have to get to Mafra, Cheleiros has been a parish here you don't see the Sintra mountain range as much but it doesn't make a difference because we enter several small hills and mountains, Cheleiros has a lot of history and was conquered in 1100 Here you can visit the Roman bridge, aerodrome and everything is very old! I saw that there are no tourists here, which made me like the experience more: it is a calm and peaceful village!🚵🏻‍♀️🚩
Ya estaba cerca de Cheleiros pero antes tenemos que llegar a Mafra, Cheleiros viene siendo una freguesia aqui no se observa tanto la sierra de Sintra pero no hace diferencia porque entramos en varias pequenas colinas y montanas, Cheleiros tiene mucha historia y fue conquistada en el 1100, aqui podras visitar el puente romano, aerodromo y unas todo es bien antiguo! vi que no hay turistas por aqui lo que hizo que me gustase mas la experiencia es una aldea calma y sosegada!⛲🍀

Cheleiros medieval bridge🌍/Puente medieval de Cheleiros🚩

For me, the most beautiful and interesting thing that the village of Cheleiros has is its medieval bridge. According to historical records, it may date back to 1305. However, according to records from the municipal chamber, the bridge was built on a Roman road, so it is a mixture of culture and history we are possibly talking about 400 BC! I didn't have to pass it to go to Lexim Hill, so I took the opportunity to take these photos and show it to you!🚵🏻‍♀️🌲🌄

Para mi lo mas bonito e interesante que tiene la aldea de Cheleiros se trata de su puente medieval segun los registros historicos puede datar del 1305, sin embargo segun registros de la camara municipal el punte se construyo en una carretera romana asi que es una mezcla de cultura e historia estamos hablando posiblemente del 400 antes de cristo! no tuve que pasarlo para ir hacia la colina de Lexim por eso aproveche para tirar estas fotos y mostrartelo!🚵🏻🚩🧭

Lizandro River🌍/Rio lizandro🚩

Another of the attractions that Cheleiros has is its river that runs through the entire village. It should be noted that it is a small place so practically from the hills we can see the river, called Lizandro. It originates in Lisbon and flows into the Atlantic. It is located west of the iberian peninsula! It doesn't seem to be very deep here, so I didn't see people fishing or doing activities! It even gives the impression of being a little contaminated!🚩⛲
Otro de los atractivos que tiene Cheleiros es su rio que atraviesa toda la aldea, cabe destacar que es un sitio pequeno asi que practicamente desde las colinas podemos ver el rio, llamado Lizandro se origina en Lisboa y desemboca en el atlantico esta ubicado al oeste de la peninsula iberica! aqui no parece ser muy profundo por eso no vi gente pescando ni haciendo actividades! hasta da la impresion de ser un poco contaminado!🍁🌿

Entering the mountain🌍/Adentrando a la montaña🚩

With my finger I pointed to the place where we are going, as you can see it is the highest point in the area, I think it is more than 400 meters, when we enter the mountain there are only 2km left but they are complicated because of the terrain, there is water, mud everywhere. Plus the sun is quite unbearable in the middle of the day! Bring a lot of water, we are also going to suffer with the climbs!🌲🌄

Con el dedo apunte el sitio donde vamos, como puedes ver es el punto mas alto de la zona creo que a mas de 400 metros, cuando nos adentramos en la montana faltan solo 2km pero son complicados por el terreno hay agua, barro por todos lados ademas el sol es bastante insoportable en el medio dia! trae mucha agua, tambien vamos a sufrir con las subidas!🌍🚩

Archaeological history🌍/Historia arqueologica🚩

"Penedo de Lexim" is a village that was occupied thousands of years ago since the Iron Age, due to its morphological characteristics the first civilizations settled in the mountains between the caves and lived off hunting, fishing and agriculture! Later it was the Romans who knew how to exploit the resources of the area and also inhabited Lexim for hundreds of years!🌄🧭
"Penedo de Lexim" es una aldea que fue ocupada hace miles de anos desde la era de hierro, debido a sus caracteristicas morfologicas las primeras civilizaciones se establecieron en la montana entre las cuevas y vivian de la caza, pesca y agricultura! posteriormente fueron los Romanos quienes si supieron explotar los recursos de la zona y tambien habitaron Lexim por cientos de anos!🚙🌿

First fortresses from the 3rd century BC🌍/Primeras fortalezas del siglo III antes de Cristo🚩

Although it always seems like a hill of stones to you, this is one of the first natural fortresses that appeared in the Mediterranean civilizations, it is believed that they were between the 3rd century BC, which is why Penedo de Lexim is the cradle of the archeology of Mafra and Listed as a place of historical interest in 1997, according to what is believed, a group of shepherds settled 5,000 years ago and from there they inhabited the lands to this day for thousands of years!🌲🍁

Aunque te paresca una siempre colina de piedras este es una de las primeras fortalezas naturales que aparecieron en las civilizaciones del mediterraneo, se cree que fueron entre los siglos III antes de cristo, por eso Penedo de Lexim es la cuna de la arqueologia de Mafra y catalogada como lugar de interes historico en el 97, segun se piesan hace 5mil anos se establecieron un grupo de pastores y desde alli habitaron las tierras hasta el dia de hoy por miles de anos!🚙🧭⛲

Arrival at Penedo de Lexim🌍/Llegada a Penedo de Lexim🚩

People slept here thousands of years ago🌍/Aqui durmieron personas hace miles de anos🚩

Archaeological remains dating back more than 5000 years were found here in the seventies. It is thought that the first civilizations of Portugal were able to sleep in places like these natural caves, and if we travel much further, millions of years ago this area could have been formed by activity. volcanic!🚵🏻🧭

aqui se consiguieron en los anos setenta restos arqueologicos que databan de hace mas de 5000 anos, se piensa que las primeras civilizaciones de Portugal pudieron dormir en lugares como estas cuevas naturales, y si viajamos mucho mas millones de anos esta zona pudo haberse formado por actividad volcanica!🌄


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Que paisajes tan hermosos, las tomas fotografías muy bien realizadas.


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