Is it possible that in the plant kingdom we come across a plant that has a leaf with several colors? At first glance, the leaf that I took for this experiment seems to have a varied range of colors, however my curiosity went beyond why? What makes it possible for a leaf to have several colors? Well, this post is based on finding the answer to that big question! I hope you enjoy the short experience.🧭🌱🥽
Es posible que en el reino vegetal nos topemos con una planta que tenga una hoja con varios colores?, a simple vista la hoja que tome para este experimento parece tener una gama variada de colores, sin embargo mi curiosidad iba mas alla del por que? que hace posible que una hoja tenga varias coloraciones? bueno este post se basa en buscar la respuesta de esa gran interrogante! espero disfrutes de la corta experiencia.🧑🏻🎓🧪🧫🔬

Little experiment🧪🧫/Pequeno experimento🥽🌱

To begin the experience I took a leaf from the aquatic plant (Alternanthera reineckii) that at first glance has the characteristic of having red leaves, however in the photo you see several shades of color, is it due to the light? or is there some chemical element that produces this "effect", without using the microscope we can see red, orange, green, yellow colors. It was a simple experiment, I only used the microscope, a leaf, a cover slip and an object holder.🧪🔬🧑🏻🎓
Para comenzar la experiencia tome una hoja de la planta acuatica (Alternanthera reineckii) que a simple vista tiene caracteristica de poseer hojas rojas, sin embargo en la foto notas varias tonalidades de colores, se debera a la luz? o tendra algun elemento quimico que produzca este "efecto", sin usar el microscopio podemos ver colores rojos, naranjas, verdes, amarillo. Fue un experimento sencillo solo utilice el microscopio una hoja, el cubre objeto y porta objeto. 🥽🧫🧑🏻🎓
Alternanthera reineckii🌱

Humans cannot perceive light, so the only "natural" way we perceive light is when it is reflected by some "object" this phenomenon is called (visible spectrum) however the little we see is not the whole but a small part; the other part of the spectrum is absorbed, so the final color we see is the sum of all the wavelengths that are reflected in this case: ...The leaf... Ok now we answered the question of how color works.🧫🚩🔬
El ser humano no consigue percibir la luz, por tanto la unica forma "natural" de nostros percibir la luz es cuando esta es reflejada por algun "objeto" este fenomeno se llama (espectro visible) sin embargo lo poco que vemos no es la totalidad si no una pequena parte; la otra parte del espectro es absorbido, por tanto el color final que nosotros vemos es la suma de todas las longitudes de las ondas que se reflejan en este caso: ...La hoja... Ok ya respondimos la pregunta de como funciona el color.🧪🌱

Alternanthera reineckii is an aquatic-terrestrial plant from South America that is popular in aquariums, it has red leaves due to the (Anthocyanins) which are a group of pigments that reflect a red light, they are medium care plants that require CO2 to function, that is, without CO2 the anthocyanin pigments cannot fulfill their chemical function, with this we answer another question why are the leaves red? because then of the (Anthocyanins). But why if this species has these pigmentations is it possible to see other colors?🧪🔬🚩
Alternanthera reineckii es una planta acuatica-terrestre de sur america que es popular en la acuarofilia, tiene hojas rojas debido a las (Antocianinas) que son un grupo de pigmentos que reflejan una luz roja, son plantas de cuidado medio que requieren CO2 para su funcionamiento, osea sin el CO2 los pigmentos de antocianinas no consiguen cumplir su funcion quimica, con esto respondemos otra pregunta por que las hojas son rojas? debido entonces a la (Antocianinas). Pero porque si esta especie tiene estas pigmentaciones es posible ver otros colores?🤔🤓

Anthocyanins are like chlorophylls but absorb light in another "spectrum" while chlorophylls show green light, Anthocyanins reflect red, they are a group of flavonoid pigments that we find in abundance in the animal kingdom, most of the Carbon absorbed by plants that use Anthocyanins is destined for the function of being an antioxidant, that is, they protect the plant from UV light and external agents, in addition to contributing to phytosynthesis.🤔🚩🔬
Las Antocianinas son como las clorofilas pero absorben la luz en otro "espectro" mientras las clorofilas muestran luz verdes las Antocianinas reflejan el rojo, son un grupo de pigmentos flavonoides que lo conseguimos en abundancia en el reino animal, la mayor parte del Carbono absorbido por la plantas que usan Antocianinas son destinada a la funcion de ser antioxidante osea protegen la planta de la luz UV y de agentes externos, ademas de constribuir con la fontosintesis.🌱🥽🧑🏻🎓
And what are the other colors?🧪🧫/Y que son los otros colores?🥽🌱

So far we have seen why the leaf is red, how is the phenomenon for the light to reflect, but we still have to answer another question, what happens with the other colors of the leaf? Yellow, brown and green? In fact, looking deeper with the microscope we see that the green color is algae that attached to the leaf as "invaders" to absorb nutrients from the water and do photosynthesis, the other explanation is the area with yellow and brown colors is the lack of pigments, meaning the leaf here has dried up, we have revealed the mystery of our multi-colored leaf, don't miss our next experience.🥽🌱🔬
Hasta ahora ya vimos porque la hoja es roja, como es el fenomeno para la luz reflejarse, pero nos falta responder otra pregunta que pasa con los otros colores de la hoja? el amarillo, marron y verde? en realidad a profundizar con el microscopio vemos que el color verde son algas que se fijaron en la hoja como "invasoras" para absorber nutrientes del agua y hacer fotosintesis, la otra explicacion es la zona con colores amarillas y marron es la carencia de pigmentos osea la hoja aqui se seco, hemos revelado el misterio de nuestra hoja multicolorida no te pierdas una proxima experiencia.🤔🚩🧑🏻🎓🤓

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Interesting article. Warm greetings for today.
thanks 🧑🏻🎓🥽🤓
You are welcome, good day
nature is always beautiful! that is amazing!
The microscopic world is crazy, thank you so much for your help.
🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
Como estas querido amigo @biologistbrito buenas tardes
Me apasiona todo lo que tenga que ver con la naturaleza y me encanta saber sobre ella.
Excelente trabajo de investigación, aprecio que nos des a conocer todos estos detalles de tu trabajo
que tengas una excelente tarde
How are you, dear friend @biologistbrito? Good afternoon
I am passionate about everything that has to do with nature and I love to know about it.
Excellent research work, I appreciate that you let us know all these details of your work
Have a great afternoon
Yes, today I felt like playing with the microscope for a while, hehe, thanks to you for supporting everyone.
si hoy me dio ganas de jugar con el microscopio un rato ejej gracias a ti por apoyar a todos.
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The appearance of the macro photos is extraordinary, thumbs up for you👍, your pictures are really cool, bro💥