Mora, like other Portuguese towns, is part of a legacy of the history of the Portuguese conquests. Several civilizations lived here and knew how to take advantage of the resources offered by the Mora River. The village is quite small and all its houses are yellow, symbolizing the culture of the area. In the 12th century it was conquered by the Portuguese king. Today we will take a tour of the village, as well as visit the very famous aquarium! And we will close this experience by trying the local cuisine!🚩🌎📸
Mora como otros pueblos Portugueses forma parte de un legado de la historia de las conquistas Portuguesas, aqui habitaron varios civilizaciones quienes supieron aprovechar los recursos ofrecidos por el fluviario de Mora, la aldea es bastante pequena y todas sus casas son amarillas ya que simbolizan la cultura de la zona, en el siglo XII habia sido conquistada por el rey Portugues, hoy vamos hacer un recorrido por la aldea, asi como tambien visitaremos el acuario muy famoso por cierto! y cierraremos esta experiencia probando la gastronomia local!🌲🌷🧭🏰

How to get to Mora🧭🚩 /Como llegar a Mora🗺️

As I always do with all the towns I visit, here are the coordinates: (38° 56' 55" N 8° 10' 31" W), there are other places that have the same name but you will only find one in the Alentejo region, and we will start there (Alentejo) is the central-southern region of Portugal known for its extensive plains and a rather shocking heat in summer reaching more than 45 degrees, getting to the village requires having a rented vehicle because there are no trains or public transport, we are describing a place literally "isolated" from the center.🧭🌍
Como siempre lo hago con todos los pueblos que visito te dejo aqui las coordenadas: (38° 56' 55" N 8° 10' 31" W), hay otros lugares que tienen el mismo nombre pero solo conseguiras uno en la region de Alentejo, y comenzaremos por alli (Alentejo) es la region centro-sur de Portugal conocida por sus extensos llanos y un calor bastante chocante en verano alcanzando mas de los 45 grados, llegar a la aldea requiere tener vehiculo alugado porque no pasan ni trenes, ni transporte publico, estamos describiendo un sitio literalmente "aislado" del centro.📸🏔️

As you can see in the photos, this is the type of landscape that Mora offers us. In fact, all the villages in Evora are like this. It is very strange to see a mountain, everything changes as we go up. Once we got to the village, several things caught my attention! First, all the houses are yellow, second, I didn't see many tourists, third, everything was cozy, clean and historic! The inhabitants were very kind and helpful. Since we arrived at noon, we went to have lunch, since after 3:00 pm it is difficult to find something open, so keep that in mind.🧭🏰
Tal como ves en las fotos este es el tipo de paisajes que nos ofrece Mora, en realidad todas las aldeas de Evora son asi, muy extrano ver alguna montana, todo cambia a medida que vamos subiendo, luego que llegamos a la villa varias cosas captaron mi atencion! primero todas las casas son amarillas, segundo no vi casi turistas, tercero todo era acojedor limpio e historico! los pobladores muy amables y serviciales. Como llegamos al medio dia vamos almorzar ya que luego de las 15:00 es dificil conseguir algo abierto ten eso en cuenta.🚩🌎
Trying the local cuisine🧭🥘 /Probando la gastronomía local🥩🗺️

We opted for the restaurant "O alentejano"🥘🥩
You can't visit any village in the Alentejo region without trying some "Migas" which are like pieces of common bread from the area with a hard dough, served with other accompaniments preferably with tomatoes. There are only 3 options in Mora for lunch, the first is the restaurant: "Alfonso" with more than 70 years in the industry offers delicious dishes but... A bit expensive for me, for two people it is an average of 60 euros, then you have the restaurant: "Sabores de Mora" this is quite small with just 5 tables and you have to call to reserve tables, the dishes are good and cheap an average of 40 for 2 people.🧭🥩
No puedes visitar ninguna aldea de la region de Alentejo e irte sin probar alguna "Migas" que son como trozos de panes comunes de la zona con una masa dura, que se sirve con otros acompanamientos preferible con tomates. Solo hay 3 opciones en Mora para almorzar, la primera es el restaurante: "Alfonso" con mas de 70 anos en la industria ofrece platos deliciosos pero... Algo costoso para mi, para dos personas son una media de 60 euros, luego tienes el restaurante: "Sabores de Mora" este es bastante pequeno con apenas 5 mesas y tienes que llamar para reservar mesas, los platos buenos y economicos una media de 40 por 2 personas.🚩🥘

In total I spent 49 euros including a dessert and three drinks. My wife ordered a dish called "pescada" which is like a mix of several types of fish without bones, served in a traditional bowl that looks like soup. I ordered the fried squid with mayonnaise and lemon sauce and salad with rice. Wow, both "brutal" dishes were too delicious, and the service was five stars! No criticism here! After finishing lunch we continued the walk through the village and made a stop at the main church.🌎🚩🏰
En total gaste 49 euros incluyendo un postre y tres bebidas, mi esposa pidio un plato llamado "pescada" que es como una mezcla de varios tipos de peces sin espinas, servido en un plato tradicional que parece una sopa, yo pedi el calamar frito con salsa de mayonesa y limon y ensalada con arroz, uff ambos platos "brutales" estaban demasiado deliciosos, y la atencion cinco estrella! ninguna critica aqui! luego de terminar de almorzar continuamos el paseo por la aldea e hicimos una parada en la iglesia principal.📸🌍
Church (Matriz da Graça)🧭⛲ /iglesia (Matriz da Graça)🏰🗺️

The church is located in the centre of the town and is one of its main attractions after the aquarium. It was built in 1570 and its name is due to the fact that it was dedicated to the Virgin "Lady of Grace". It has that architecture of the neoclassical era, inside we find a "baptismal font from the 16th century". The last remodelling that was done was in 1845 and since then it remains intact and original. It is free and worth visiting.🌍🏰
La iglesia se encuentra en el centro de la villa y es una de sus principales atracciones luego del acuario, fue construida en el 1570 y su nombre se debe a que fue dedicada a la virgen "Señora de Graça", tiene esa arquitectura de la epoca neoclasica, dentro encontramos una "pila bautismal del siglo XVI". La ultima remodelacion que se hizo fue en 1845 desde alli se mantiene intacta y original, es gratis y merece la pena visitarla.📸🚩

Historical Center🧭⛲ /Centro historico🏰🗺️

As you can see Mora is a very quiet village and despite the fact that Alentejo is very flat, it was built on a small hill no less than 30 metres high, but it has a nice viewpoint which I will visit at the end of the afternoon to see the sun set on the horizon! There are not many people around here and I didn't see any tourists either, so if you come on holiday, it will seem attractive to you within 40km, there are castles and other interesting things! In the last photo I show you a sign with the trails you can take here on foot or by bike and pass by several historical sites.🌍🏰📸
Como puedes ver Mora es una villa bastante tranquila y apesar de ser muy plano Alentejo ella fue construida en una pequena colina no menos de 30 metros de altura pero tienes un bonito mirador el cual visitare a fin de tarde para ver el sol colocarse en el horizonte! no hay muchas personas por aqui y tampoco vi turistas por lo que te parecera atractivo si vienes de vacaciones a menos de 40km hay castillos y otras cosas interesante! en la ultima foto te muestro un letrero de los senderos que puedes hacer aqui caminando o en bicicleta y pasar por varios sitios historicos.🌎🚩⛲

Anta of the third century before Christ🧭⛲ /Anta del tercer siglo antes de cristo🏰🗺️

3km from the village of Mora we have this beautiful megalithic structure dating back to 3000 BC, and another demonstration that Mora is full of history, since the first inhabitants of Portugal had already settled in these lands to live, and left their legacy! This anta was probably used as a funeral ritual for an important member of the community.🧭🏰
A 3km de la aldea de Mora tenemos esta hermosa estructura megalitica que data del 3000 antes de Cristo, y otra demostracion que Mora esta llena de historia, ya los primero habitantes de Portugal se habian establecido en estas tierras para vivir, y dejaron su legado! esta anta se uso probablemente como un ritual funebre de un miembro importante de la comunidad.🌎👨🏻🏫

Mora Aquarium🧭⛲ /Acuario de Mora🏰🗺️

The Mora Aquarium is a beautiful aquarium a few kilometers from the city and was built in 2007. It is dedicated to the observation, interpretation and enjoyment of various freshwater ecosystems, some native to Portugal, others common in Europe and there are even freshwater species from America. Here you have to pay to enter if I remember correctly it was 5 euros per person or 7 but it is around that price.⛲🚩
El Acuario de Mora es un hermoso acuario a pocos km de la ciudad y que fue construido en el 2007 y esta dedicado para la observacion, interpretacion y disfrute de varios ecosistemas de agua dulce, algunos autoctonos de Portugal otros comunes en Europa e inclusive hay especies de agua dulce de America. Aqui si tienes que pagar para entrar si mas no recuerdo fue 5 euros por persona o 7 pero ronda ese precio. 🌍👨🏻🏫

Bye Mora🧭⛲ /Chao Mora🏰🗺️

What a wonderful experience we had in this village. From the moment we arrived we felt welcomed. I learned a lot more about Portuguese history, tried delicious dishes, saw unique and incredible fish, and of course ended up with the sun on the horizon. The best experience was next to your loved ones or just reading a book.🚩🌍
Que hermosa experiencia nos hemos llevado en esta aldea, desde que llegamos nos sentimos bien recibidos, aprendi mucho mas sobre la Historia Portuguesa, probe deliciosos platos, pude ver peces unicos e increibles, y claro acabar con el sol en el horizonte la mejor experiencia al lado de tus seres amados o solo leyendo un libro.😍😍

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Nice post. I do miss my fish (esp. my pleco), but not the maintenance! I got some plastic fish now that swim in the pool, lol.
I think the pool has more expenses haha, hugs my friend
Que hermoso pueblo, debe ser un lugar turístico muy visitado, la comida se ve exquisita pero costosa, gracias por compartir tu experiencia, saludos amigo.
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I've been visiting Mora and Evora almost 20 years ago now as I was looking to know more about Portugese wine and I still remember how much I liked the place! !LUV
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