Combat Museum📚🧠 / Museo del Combate🧭🚩 (En-Es)

Hello friends and history lovers! I bring you this post where we will visit the fort "do bom sucesso" which we will take a short tour to learn everything about the history of Portugal within the great war! The First World War is nothing more than the result of the "colonization of the 19th century" for hundreds of years Portugal was always an ally of England and thanks to them important battles were won such as the Aljubarrota where Portugal declared independence from Spain! Therefore, when England participated in the first war, Portugal would not abandon its ally and actually participated in both fronts of the combat: "Europe and Africa"🧠📚🧭

Hola amigos y amantes de la historia! les traigo este post donde visitaremos el fuerte "do bom sucesso" el cual haremos un pequeño recorrido para aprender todo sobre la historia de Portugal dentro de la gran guerra! la primera guerra mundial no es mas que el resultado de la "colonizacion del siglo XIX" durante cientos de años Portugal fue siempre aliado de Inglaterra y gracias a ellos se conquistaron batallas importantes como la aljubarrota donde Portugal declara la independencia de España! por tanto al participar inglaterra en la primera guerra Portugal no abandonaria su aliado y en realidad participio en ambos frentes del combate: "europa y africa"💂‍♂️💂‍♀️

Why visit the museum?🙇‍♂️🧭/ Por que visitar el museo?📚

The museum dates back to the 19th century. XVII was built in the "bom sucesso" fort which, together with other forts built on the coast of Lisbon, was in charge of protecting the country from enemy threats that crossed the Tejo River! The museum exhibits real collectible objects from the two wars fought by Portugal, the overseas war and the Great War, so visiting them allows us to learn a lot about general culture and what Portuguese participation was like in both war events! On the wall that surrounds the fort we see more than 10,000 names of soldiers who fell in wars, therefore it is a beautiful tribute to those who gave their lives defending our country!🧭💂‍♀️💂‍♂️
el museo data de entre siglo XIX. XVII fue construido en el fuerte del "bom sucesso" el cual junto con otros fuertes construido en la costa de Lisboa se encargo de proteger el pais de las amenzas enemigas que incursaban el rio Tejo! en el museo se exhiben objetos reales coleccionables de las dos guerras libradas por Portugal la de ultramar y la gran guerra por tanto visitarlos nos permite aprender mucho sobre cultura general y como fue la participacion lusa dentro de ambos encuentros belicos! en la pared que rodea el fuerte vemos mas de 10.000 nombres de soldados caidos en las guerras por tanto es un bonito homenaje para aquellos que dieron la vida defendiendo nuestro pais!🧠📚

Portugal and the great war🙇‍♂️🧭/Portugal y la gran guerra📚

The Spanish did not want to accompany the Portuguese to the war, therefore they found themselves isolated in several ways on the battle front! The war dragged the European industrial powers along with their Asian and African colonies for which we stand out (Russia, France, Germany, England and the Austro-Hungarian Empire), the main impact that the great war caused was a significant decline in youth of Europe reducing a large percentage of the young population of all countries added their wealth! Spain and Portugal were going through critical moments, both countries were not prepared for a conflict of that scale, therefore Spain decided to show its neutrality while, on the contrary, Portugal would send troops to the African and European front!🌏😨🧠
Los españoles no quisieron acompañar a los Portugueses a la guerra por tanto se vieron aislados en varios sentidos en el frente de batalla! la guerra arrastro a las potencias industriales europeas junto a sus colonias asiaticas y africanas por lo que destacamos (Rusia, Francia, Alemania, Inglaterra y el imperio Austro-Hungaro), el principal impacto que causo la gran guerra fue un declive significante de la juventud de europa reduciendo un gran porcentaje de la poblacion joven de todos los paises sumado sus riquezas! España y Portugal pasaban por momentos criticos, ambos paises no estaban preparados para un conflicto de esa escala por tanto España decidio mostrar su neutralidad mientras que por el contrario Portugal si mandaria tropas al frente africano y europeo!💂‍♀️💂‍♂️

some war weapons💂‍♀️🚩

Not everything was always friendly between one of the oldest alliances in history, the Portuguese and the English would have their altercations when a "map" would show Portugal as the owner of several African countries which would go against English interests! But we could summarize that one of the interests for which Portugal sends troops to Africa is nothing more than to defend its colonies, something that was very common at that time! and the biggest challenge would be to stop the German advance!👀🧭🌏

No todo siempre fue amistoso entre uno de las alianzas mas antiguas de la historia los portugueses y los ingleses tendrian sus altercados cuando un "mapa" mostraria a Portugal como dueño de varios paises africanos los cuales irian en contra de los intereses ingleses! pero podriamos resumir que uno de los intereses por los cuales Portugal envia tropas a africa no es mas que defender sus colonias cosa que era muy comun en esa epoca! y el mayor reto seria frenar el avance aleman!😲🚙

Why was an alliance with England important?🙇‍♂️🧭/Por que era imporante una alianza con inglaterra??📚

Portugal had just made a political change that was still felt in the population because not everyone agreed between the change from Monarchy to Republic so in a certain way the country was immersed in a global depression, despite Portugal being a small country it always had many colonies but having colonies was not synonymous with industrialization so we were always little advanced and poor, the alliance with a power like England helped Portugal to have a certain advantage against a country as powerful as Germany! 1910 was a year of great changes in the Portuguese territory and it would undergo adaptations of laws from taxes such as divorces among others!🧠😖
Portugal acababa de hacer un cambio politico que aun se sentia en la poblacion pues no todos estaban de acuerdos entre el cambio de Monarquia a Republica asi que de cierta forma el pais estaba sumergido en una depresion global, apesar de Portugal ser un pais pequeño tuvo siempre muchas colonias pero tener colonias no era sinonimo de industrializacion asi que fuimos siempre poco avanzados y pobres, la alianza con una potencia como inglaterra ayudo a Portugal poder tener cierta ventaja contra un pais tan poderoso como Alemania! 1910 fue un año de grandes cambios en el territorio portugues y se someteria a adaptaciones de leyes desde tributarias como divorcios entre otros!🌏📚

The great war and the union of a nation🙇‍♂️🧭/La gran guerra y la union de una nacion📚

When the war began in 1914, Alfonso Costa was the leader of the Portuguese democratic party and proposed to the country that participating in the war would give the country encouragement, hope and patriotism since everyone would fight for the common good! However, the idea was not well accepted by other parties and even by the Catholic Church, which resulted in the fact that instead of uniting the country, doubts and internal conflicts were sown among the Portuguese population! Fighting with France as an ally also gave Portugal an advantage in a Post-War scenario in the case of England wanting to take over the colonies that are in Africa! Let's say that everyone won with Portugal's decision not to be neutral like Spain!🧠🚩📚
Cuando el conflicto belico comienza en 1914 el Alfonso Costa es el lider del partido democratico Portugues y propuso al pais que participar en la guerra le daria al pais un aliento, esperanza y patriotismo ya que todos lucharian por un bien comun! sin embargo la idea no fue bien aceptada por otros partidos e inclusive por la iglesia catolica lo que dio como resultado es que en vez de unirse el pais se sembraran dudas y conflictos internos entre la poblacion portuguesa! combatir con francia como aliada tambien le daba una ventaja a Portugal en un escenario Post-Guerra en el caso de Inglaterra querer apoderarse de las colonias que estan en africa! digamos que todos salian ganando con la decision de Portugal no mostrarse neutral como españa!💂‍♀️💂‍♂️😨

Portugal's first concern was that the Germans also had colonies in Africa and what terrified the country was that many were on the border with the Portuguese colonies! In 1916 Germany literally declared war on Portugal after confiscating some ships! On May 24, Portugal created the CEP (Portuguese Expeditionary Corps) and it consisted of preparing more than 20 thousand soldiers who would train different combat techniques and uses of different war equipment for a year! In total more than 55 Portuguese soldiers would enlist!🚩🚩🧠
La primera preocupacion de Portugal era que los Alemanas tambien tenian colonias en Africa y lo que aterrorizaba al pais era que muchas eran frontera con las colonias Portuguesas! en 1916 Alemania literalmente declara la guerra a Portugal luego de confiscar unos buques! el 24 de Mayo Portugal crea el CEP (Cuerpo Expedicionario Portugues) y consistia en preparar mas de 20mil soldados quienes entrenarian por un año diferentes tecnicas de combate y usos de diferente equipamiento belico! en total se alistarian mas de 55 soldados Portugueses!😨💂‍♂️💂‍♀️

Arrival at the trenches🙇‍♂️🧭/Llegada a las trincheras📚

The Portuguese would begin their arrival in French territory in 1917. It is estimated that in February they would all be on the war front, and as they joined in little by little, they carried out training on how to fight in trenches, including the use of the gas mask! Literally the Portuguese would be used as reinforcement or auxiliaries of the English troops (FEB) but this position changed as the Germans strove to attack Allied objectives at high speed and with great intensity! All this before the Americans arrived in Europe! The Lys region was one of the toughest battles of the Portuguese who received gas attacks and German heavy artillery! The Portuguese endured this attack as best they could, but in a few months they ended up retreating with more than 10,000 soldiers!😨🧠🚩
Los Portugueses comenzarian su llegada al territorio frances en 1917 se estima que en Febrero ya estarian todos en el frente belico los cuales al irse sumando poco a poco realizaban un entrenamiento de como combatir en trincheras incluyendo el uso de la mascara de gas! literalmente los Portugueses se usarian como refuerzo o auxiliares de las tropas inglesas (FEB) pero esta posicion fue cambiando a medida que los alemanes se esforzaban para atacar objetivos aliandos a gran velocidad y con mucha intensidad! todo esto antes que los americanos llegasen a europa! la region de Lys fue uno de los combates mas duros de los Portugueses los cuales recibieron ataques con gases y artilleria pesada alemana! los Portugueses soportaron como pudieron este ataque pero pocos meses acabarian por retirarse con mas de 10mil soldados!📚🌏💂‍♂️

end of the war🙇‍♂️🧭/fin de la guerra📚

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After Lys the Portuguese army was literally reduced to nothing! In 1918 Portugal tried to organize thousands of young people to support the English front, however while the soldiers were training the country gave administrative support, among others, to England! On November 11, 1918, the amnesty was signed. In general terms, participating in the War was not something that benefited Portugal much and on the contrary brought many secondary problems!🧠💂‍♀️
Luego de Lys el ejercito Portugues quedo literalmente reducido a nada! en 1918 Portugal trato de organizar miles de jovenes para apoyar al frente ingles sin embargo mientras se entrenaban a los soldados el pais dio soporte administrativo entre otros a inglaterra! el 11 de noviembre de 1918 se firma el amnisticio, en terminos generales participar en la Guerra no fue algo que beneficio mucho a Portugal y por el contrario trajo muchos problemas secundarios!📚📚


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Going to a museum like that motivates us to remember what we learned at school! Lol well the war affected many countries in the world! Good to understand and remember


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