Bivalve Biology🧠🥼 / Biologia de bivalvos🔬(En-Es)

Pelecypods include more than 20 thousand species spread throughout the planet, they are exclusively aquatic and can be found in both fresh and salt water and at any depth! the name bivalve means: "two valves" that are joined by a "hinge", we probably see some with "teeth" actually these structures are important when identifying the species, since they do not have a head they do not have a central nervous system, They are also primitive in terms of sensory organs, they have paired organs and a body with a symmetrical structure! In this post I collected several bivalve shells to observe them under the microscope and try to calculate the years of life!🧠🌏🕵️‍♂️

En los pelecípodos se incluyen mas de 20mil especies repartidas en todo el planeta, son exclusivamente acuaticas pudiendo encontrar tanto en agua dulce como salada y a cualquier profundidad! el nombre bivalvo significa: "dos valvas" que se unen gracias a una "charnela", probablemente vemos algunas con "dientes" en realidad estas estructuras son importantes para cuando se identifican las especies, como no poseen cabeza no tienen un sistema nervioso central, tambien son primitivos en cuanto a organos sensoriales, tiene organos pares y un cuerpo con estructura simetrica! en este post recolecte varias conchas de bivalvos para observarlas en el microscopio y intentar calcular los anos de vida!🔬🧫

Description of the bivalves🧠/ Descripcion de los bivalvos🔬🕵️‍♂️

The behavior of the clams is interesting, many of them or the vast majority are sedentary and filter feeders, however they can move slowly through the substrate and even move in the water by means of jet propulsion, they have a pair of gills that they use both for feeding and for breathing! They are simple flattened structures that have a "filamentous development", the gills are interesting because they are composed of cilia that perform voluntary movements to create "eddies of water" that allow gas exchange and excretion as well as gonad production.🧫🧠🥼🔬
El comportamiento de las almejas es interesante muchas de ellas o la gran mayoria son sedentarias y filtradoras, sin embargo pueden desplazarse lentamente por el sustrato e incluso desplazarse en el agua mediante propulsion a chorro, tienen un par de branqueas que utilizan tanto como para alimentacion como para respiracion! son estructuras aplanadas simples que tienen un "desarrollo filamentoso", las branqueas son interesantes porque estan compuestas por cilios que realizan movimentos voluntarios para crear "remolinos de agua" que permite el intercambio gaseoso y excrecion al igual que produccion de gonadas.🐚🐚

The current of water will enter through the "pore" that is located in the "back" part, later it will be expelled through the "exhaling" pore. Few know but mussels are one of the animals with the most incredible filtering capacity in the world and it is because of that they are dangerous in the food industry, they are capable of filtering according to: (, 2012) 5 liters of water per hour, and according to scientific studies an "oyster" can filter more than 26 liters per hour amazing not ?, Their main diet is the "plancton" that is prepared by the gills, they have some cilia that will carry the food to the oral area, finally the digestion process is by enzymes in the intestine.🔬🥼
La corriente de agua entrara por el "poro" que esta ubicado en la parte de "atras" posteriormente sera expulsada por el poro "exhalante" pocos saben pero los mejillones son uno de los animales con la capacidad filtradora mas increible del mundo y es por eso que son peligroso en la industria alimenticia, son capaces de filtrar segun: (, 2012) 5litros de agua por hora, y segun estudios cientificos una "ostra" puede llegar a filtrar mas de 26 litros por hora asombroso no?, su principal dieta es el "placton" que es preparado por las branquias, tienen unos cilios que llevaran el alimento al area bucal, por ultimo el proceso de digestion es por enzimas en el intestino.🧠🧫🕵️‍♂️

The edge of the mantle has replaced the basic functions of a bony "head" it is also used by the clam as an organ of "touch", "smell" and as a photoreceptor! the mantle has "filiform on the edge" appendages, almost all bivalves are "dioecious" that is, they have two sexes, it is rare to see hermaphroditic species, there is no physical contact between both sexes, therefore it is an external fertilization where it is expelled into the water the eggs and sperm, then hatch from the larvae eggs that will practice a planktonic life, there are some species that the larvae are parasites have hooks that attach to fish or other shells where they will grow to be small clams and then detach.🧠🧫🕵️‍♂️
El borde del manto a reemplazado las funciones basicas de una "cabeza" osea tambien es utilizada por la almeja como organo de "tacto", "olfato" y como fotoreceptor! el manto tiene unos apendices "filiforme en el borde", casi todos los bivalvos son "dioicos" osea tienen dos sexos, es raro presentarse especies hermafroditas, no hay ningun contacto fisico entre ambos sexos por tanto es una fecundacion externa donde se expulsa al agua los huevos y el esperma, luego nacen de los huevos larvas que practicaran una vida planctonica, hay algunas especies que las larvas son paracitas tienen ganchos que se unen en peces o otras conchas donde creceran hasta ser pequenas almejas y luego se desprenderan.🥼🔬🐚

What are clams🧠/ Que son las almejas🔬🕵️‍♂️

saltwater clams🧠🔬

The clam is considered a bivalve that is used to burying itself in the "intertide", to bury itself in the sand or mud it uses its "foot" that has an "axe" shape, its structure is made up of two valves that are they are joined by a structure that has a ligament shape and allows this bivalve to open and close the shell, they have an open circulatory system, they do not have a head instead if "heart, mouth, rectum". Your organs are surrounded by "water, nutrients and oxygen." They live on the Atlantic coast.🪐

La almeja es conciderado un bivalvo que habitua a enterrarse en la "intermarea", para enterrarse en la arena o el lodo emplea el uso de su "pie" que tiene una forma de "hacha", su estructura esta conformada por dos valvas que se unen por una estructura que tiene una forma de ligamento y le permite a este bivalvo abrir y cerrar la concha, tienen un sistema circulatorio abierto, no tienen cabeza en cambio si "corazon, boca, recto". Sus organos se encuentran rodeado por "agua, nutrientes y oxigeno". Viven en el litoral atlantico.🧠

Identifying a species🧠/ Identificando una especie🔬🕵️‍♂️

It would be very daring of me to try to identify some species of clam, they are difficult because there are many varieties of yellow ones with stripes and the correct way is to do it with the foot or the teeth, they are not alive so it would be complicated, however I am sure they are of the genus: "Ruditapes", many are saltwater species, here about 500 edible species are grouped.🥽🔬🌏
seria muy osado de mi parte intentar identificar alguna especie de almeja, son dificiles porque hay muchas variedades de amarillas con rayas y la forma correcta es hacerlo con el pie o los dientes, estas no estan vivas por tanto seria complicado sin embargo estoy seguro que son del genero: "Ruditapes", muchos son especies de agua salada aqui se agrupan unas 500 especies comestibles.🐚🕵️‍♂️🧠

Growth rings🧠/ Anillos de crecimiento🔬🕵️‍♂️

the life expectancy of a clam can reach 150 years, despite the fact that those species for human consumption live an average of 3-10 years, the correct way to count the rings is through the technique: "Shaul & Goodwin (1982)" for this purpose You must cut the balva, wash with water, use a microscope to see in great detail the growth lines that externally are more confusing but differ by being darker and more marked!🔬🌏🥽🥼
la esperanza de vida de una almeja puede llegar a 150anos, apesar que aquellas especies de consumo humano vivir una media de 3-10anos, la forma correcta de contar los anillos es mediante la tecnica: "Shaul & Goodwin (1982)" para ello se debe cortar la balva, lavar con agua, utilizar un microscopio para ver con mucho detalle las lineas de crecimiento que externamente son mas confusas pero se diferencian por ser mas oscuras y marcadas!🕵️‍♂️🧠


expensive pearls are produced by bivalves?💎


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Referencias bibliograficas / Sources:

Bibliographic references: "" the explanation of the area was thanks to the information extracted from the internet, the appointments are mentioned in the place, other information from my intellect
