Amazing Nature Present Identifying a Euglenophyte (En-Es)🧪🔬🤓

Good morning science and "micro-animal" lovers, today I bring you a fun post. For the first time I will try to identify a euglenophyte. First, we will clearly study the ecology of these organisms. Are they animals? Are they algae? In what type of environment are they common? Fresh water? Salt water? What is the correct procedure to identify the species? We will try to answer all these questions with a professional identification guide, which is a digital book. Enjoy the experience.🔬🧪

Buenos dias amantes de la ciencias y los "micro-animales" hoy traigo un post divertido y es que por primera vez tratare de identificar una euglenofita, claramente primero vamos a estudiar la ecologia de estos organismos, son animales? son algas? en que tipo de ambiente son frecuentes? agua dulce? salada?, cual es el procedimiento correcto para identificar la especie?, trataremos de responder todas estas preguntas con una guia de identificacion profesional que es un libro digital. Disfruta la experiencia.🤓🧑🏻‍🎓🧫


Turbellaria🧑🏻‍🎓🤓 /Turbelarios🧪


And my first experience are some beautiful and interesting multicellular animals called (turbellarians), their main characteristic is their anatomy they have a mouth and intestine but no anus, the nervous system quite simple with only one eye and "brain" quite basic, their movements are due to the fact that the body is surrounded by a tissue that works as "cutaneous" musculature, they have cilia in the cells of the epidermis, this makes them confused with ciliated animals, their movement is like the snail and in the smallest species they can move with the help of cilia, they have an amazing protection mechanism a colorless toxic mucilage layer serves as protection. They are the top of the food chain and have almost no predators, and other larger animals do not attack them, the turbellarians are mostly predators just like this beautiful specimen that I captured.🤓🧑🏻‍🎓
Y mi primera experiencia son unos hermosos e interesantes animales pluricelulares llamados (turbelarios), su principal caracteristica es su anatomia tienen boca e intestino pero no presenta ano, el sistema nervioso bastante simple con solo un ojo y "cerebro" bastante basico, sus movimientos se deben a que el cuerpo esta rodeado de un tejido que funciona como musculacion "cutanea", tiene cilios en las celulas del epidermis, esto hace que se confundan con animales ciliados, su movimiento es como el caracol y en las especies mas pequenas se pueden desplazar con ayuda de los cilios, tienen un mecanismo de proteccion asombroso una capa mucilageno toxica incolora sirve de proteccion. Son el tope de la cadena alimenticia y casi no tienen depredadores, y otros animales de mayor tamano no lo atacan, los turbelarios en su mayoria son depredadores tal cual como lo es este hermoso ejemplar que capture.🧫🔬

Diatom🧑🏻‍🎓🤓 /Diatomea🧪


Diatoms are very resistant and stand out because their cell wall is composed of cilic acid which gives it a high level of resistance, protection and hardness, diatoms are always unicellular and sometimes form large colonies, the structure of diatoms is unique within the plant kingdom and with this we deduce that we are not witnessing an animal, they are microscopic and cannot be seen with the "eye", the wall also has protoplasts, most flat diatoms like this one I photographed can "crawl", a phenomenon of moving along the substrate, diatoms that are on the surface have oils that allow them to float, if you see stagnant water and its surface is shiny it is probably due to millions of them in a colony, they reproduce by bipartition.🧑🏻‍🎓🤓
Las diatomeas muy resistentes y se destancan porque en su pared celular esta compuesto de acido cilicico lo que confiere un alto nivel de resistencia, proteccion y dureza, las diatomeas son siempre unicelulares y por veces forman es grandes colonias, la estructura de las diatomeas son unicas dentro del reino vegetal y ya con esto deducimos que no estamos prescenciando un animal, son microscopicas y no pueden ser vista a "ojo", la pared tambien presenta protoplastos, la mayoria de diatomeas planas como es esta que fotografie pueden "reptar" fenomeno de desplazarse por el sustrato, las diatomeas que estan en la superficie tienen aceites que les permiten la flotabilidad, si ves agua estancada y su superficie es brillante probablemente se debe a millones de ellas en colonia, se reproducen con biparticion.🧪🧑🏻‍🎓🔬

Copepod🧑🏻‍🎓🤓 /Copepodo🧪


For me the most beautiful microscopic animals are these, most copepods are from marine life, there are only about 125 freshwater species so they are not very common in stagnant water, most can be seen with the naked eye, that is, they reach sizes in millimeters, they have a tissue that reserves oils which gives them a beautiful coloration those that are transparent, many of the species are ectoparasites and endoparasites, they have antennae that help them with locomotion, parthenogenesis is very rare, they lay eggs that are fertilized, I think I got to photograph a copepod with eggs.🤓🧑🏻‍🎓
Para mi los animales microscopicos mas hermosos son estos, la mayoria de los copepodos son de vida marina apenas hay unas 125 especies de agua dulce por lo que no son muy comunes en agua estancadas, la mayoria se pueden observar a simple vista osea alcanzan tamanos en milimetros, tienen un tejido que reserva aceites lo cual les da una hermosa coloracion aquellas que son transparentes, muchas de las especies son ectoparasitas y endoparasitas, tienen unas antenas que les ayuda a la locomocion, la partenogenesis es muy poco comun, colocan huevos que son fecundados, creo que llegue a fotografiar un copepodo con huevos.🧫

BeFunky-collage (28).jpg

Branchiopods🧑🏻‍🎓🤓 /Branquiopodos🧪


These curious animals are water fleas, in Europe more than 90 species have already been recorded, as they have a great variety of mouthparts each species has a specific ecology and are located in different bodies of water, some feed on plants, detritus, they have a translucent shell made of chitin that when it sheds to grow it comes off. They have better vision than other organisms as they have more evolved compound eyes. Dimorphism appears in this species.🧑🏻‍🎓
Estos curiosos animales son pulgas de agua, en europa ya se registraron mas de 90 especies, como presentan una gran variedad de piezas bucales cada especie tiene una ecologia especifica y se ubican en diferentes cuerpos de agua, algunas se alimentan de plantas, detritus, tienen un caparazon translucido compuesto de quitina que cuando hace muda para crecer lo desprende. Tienen mejor vision que otro organismo ya que tienen ojos compuestos mas evolucionados. El dimorfismo aparece en esta especie.🧪🔬

Let's go with the euglenophytes🧑🏻‍🎓🤓 /Vamos con las euglenofitas🧪


We come to our topic of study and where the post focuses, euglenophytes are unicellular organisms that are normally flattened and elongated as you see in the photos, they move in the water by means of the flagellum, they have an envelope that is part of their "cell wall" (periplast), that is, they do not have a real cell wall, they are algae therefore they have chloroplasts of various types, they are usually dark green, a cell division occurs and the eyespot can reproduce independently, the eyespot is red due to carotenoids, they reproduce by longitudinal division, they are heterotrophs and feed on dissolved particles, others practice phagocytosis and can feed on large substances, despite the fact that they are photosynthetic there are compounds that they cannot synthesize and that are important for their subsistence such as vitamin b12 therefore it must be dissolved in the medium.🧑🏻‍🎓🧫🤓
Llegamos a nuestro tema de estudio y donde se centra el post, las euglenofitas son organismos unicelulares que normalmente son aplanados y alargados tal como ves en las fotos, se desplazan en el agua mediante el flagelo, tienen una envoltura que forma parte de su "pared celular" (periplasto), osea no tienen una verdadera pared celular, son algas por tanto presentan cloroplastos de varios tipos normalmente suelen ser verde oscuro, ocurre una division celular y la mancha ocular puede reproducirse de forma inpedependiente, la mancha ocular es roja debido a carotenoides, se reproducen por division longitudinal, son heterotrofos y se alimentan de particulas disueltas otras practican fagocitosis y pueden alimentarse de sustancias grandes, apesar que son fotosinteticas hay compuestos que no pueden sintetizar y que son importantes para su subsistencia como la vitamina b12 por tanto esta debe estar disuelta en el medio.🧪🔬


Euglenophytes are quite difficult to identify, just like cladoceras and copepods. Normally, to identify them we must see the size, shape and structure of the "body", for example, the paramyla are important when identifying them. We can see the size, the quantity, as well as the space where the nucleus is, and the ends of the body, some are round and others are shaped like points.🧫🤓
Las euglenofitas son bastante dificiles de identificar al igual que las cladoceras y los copepodos, normalmente para identificarlas debemos ver el tamano, la forma y estructura del "cuerpo", por ejemplo los paramilo son importantes a la hora de identificar podemos ver el tamano, la cantidad, al igual que el espacio donde esta el nucleo, y los extremos del cuerpo unos son redondos y otros tienen forma de puntas.🧪🧑🏻‍🎓


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Source: For the identification and reference of this post, the Atlas of Microorganisms book was used.


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