A day in the city of Padron🚩 / Un dia en la ciudad de Padron🏰 (En-Es)

Hello fellow travelers! On my vacation I went to Spain to spend a nice and interesting day in a Spanish city called "Padron", I did some research and there were quite a few historical things to visit and in the winter time the prices are good, in this post I will show you the most important points of the city including the place where I stayed and the food prices, in my opinion it is worth it for the Christmas decorations, enjoy my post!🌄📸

Hola amigos viajeros! en mis vacaciones me dirigi a espana para pasar un dia bastante bonito e interesante en una ciudad Espanola llamada "Padron", estuve investigando y habian bastantes cosas historicas para visitar y en la epoca de invierno los precios son buenos, en este post te mostrare los puntos mas importante de la ciudad incluyendo el lugar donde me hospede y los precios de la comida, en mi opinion vale la pena por la decoracion de navidad, disfruta mi post!🏦🚙

Better night than day🚩🧭/Mejor noche que de dia🏰🗺️

I have rarely travelled to Spain, but compared to Portugal, all Europeans know that it is less safe than my city, so I wanted to be on the safe side and not go out for a walk with my camera, so the photos in my post are taken with my phone. To go for a night walk and take advantage of seeing the Christmas decorations, I went out at 10:00 pm. My first impression of the city of Padron is... "Quiet", very dark, with a gothic touch...🏦📸🌄
Son pocas las veces que viaje a espana pero en comparacion con Portugal todos los europeos sabemos que es mas insegura que mi ciudad, asi que quise prevenir y no salir a pasear con mi camara fotografica por tanto las fotos de mi post son con el telefono, para hacer una caminata nocturna aprovechando en ver las decoraciones de navidad sali a las 22:00, mi primera impresion de la ciudad de Padron es... "Tranquila", muy oscura, un toque gotico...🌍🧭🧔🏻‍♂️

I felt like I was walking through a medieval village, but the city is actually quite big! I stayed in the historic center, which is where the most beautiful and oldest things are. I noticed that there were a lot of alleys and, again, not many people on the streets, but now that I had been walking for ten minutes, I felt safe!🏰🚙
Senti como si estaba caminando en una aldea Medieval, sin embargo la ciudad es bastante grande! yo me quede en el casco historico que es donde estan las cosas mas bonitas y antiguas, note que hay muchos callejones y nuevamente recalco pocas personas en las calles, pero ahora que llevaba diez minutos caminando me senti seguro!📸

The city is quite old and like many other cities in Spain and Portugal, it was inhabited by the Romans between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The name of the city comes from the Galician word "stone", and this is where the interesting history of the town begins, because the stone or "altar" that gave the city its name is a Roman Latin object that was used to worship the god "Neptune". I think I have a photo of that altar somewhere! I'll show it to you later...🌍🧭
La ciudad es bastante antigua y al igual que muchas otras de Espana y Portugal fueron habitadas por los Romanos entre los siglos I y II despues de Cristo, el nombre de la ciudad viene del "gallego" piedra, y ya comienza la historia interesante de la villa, porque la piedra o "altar" que dio nombre a la ciudad es un objeto latin Romano que hacia adoracion al dios "neptuno", creo que tengo la foto de ese altar por alli! te lo mostrare a continuacion...🚙👨🏻‍🏫

The stone altar🚩🧭/El altar de piedra🏰🗺️

stone that gave the city its name🏰🗿

Before entering the chapel dedicated to the Virgin of Carmen, we see a stone on the lower right side. This is the famous Roman stone that gave the city its name. Only after researching for this post did I realize how important it was. If that were the case, I would have taken a better photo! The stone is next to the bridge that crosses the Sar River.🗺️🚩

antes de entrar a la capilla dedicada a la virgen "del carmen" vemos una piedra del lado derecho inferior esa es la famosa piedra romana que dio el nombre a la ciudad, solo luego de investigar para este post me di cuenta la gran importancia que tenia, siendo asi hubiese tomado una mejor foto! la piedra esta al lado del puente que atraviesa el rio "Sar"📸🌄

Better an apartment than a hotel🚩🧭/Mejor un apartamento que un hotel🏰🗺️

We decided to rent an apartment for one night at a cost of 80 euros and it seemed cheap because it was fully equipped, from kitchen to microwave, we had four beds available so two couples and two children could easily stay here, as there were four of us it was quite comfortable and spacious, it had two private bathrooms, and as we arrived very late at night we went out to buy something to make for dinner, the prices are the same as anywhere else in Spain, it didn't seem expensive to me! We spent 15 euros to make a soup.🏢🏦
Decidimos alquilar un apartamento por una noche con un coste de 80 euros y nos parecio economico porque estaba full equipado, desde cocina hasta microondas, teniamos a disposion cuatro camas facilmente podian quedarse aqui dos parejas y dos ninos, como eramos cuatro fue bastante comodo y espacioso, tenia dos banos privativos, y como llegamos en la noche muy tarde salimos a comprar algo para hacer de cena, los precios son igual que cualquier parte de Espana, no me parecio costoso! gastamos 15euros para hacer una sopa. 🚩

Piso a Pedreira (hotel) booking name

Convent of Carmen🚩🧭/Convento del carmen🏰🗺️

This is one of the main attractions of "Padron" it is its wonderful church or convent "del Carmen", with a "neoclassical" style that gives us a reference that is later than the medieval era dating exactly from the 18th century, using granite stone as the main resource for its construction, today I was lucky that there was mass and I managed to get in to see it inside! It is quite large and as you notice in December they decorate it with lights and an image of Santa Claus!🧔🏻‍♂️🏰
Este es uno de los principales atractivos de "Padron" se trata de su maravillosa iglesia o convento "del carmen", con un estilo "neoclasico" ya nos da una referencia que es posterior a la era medieval datando exactamente del siglo XVIII, usando como principal recurso para su construccion la piedra de granito, hoy tuve la suerte que habia misa y consegui entrar para verla por dentro! es bastante grande y como notas en diciembre la decoran con luces y una imagen de papa noel!🌄📸🌲

The area around the church and the bridge was a bit more touristy and I started to see lots of children and people walking around! I no longer felt like I was in a ghost town and that seemed strange to me because it was Sunday!🏰🧔🏻‍♂️

Ya la zona de la iglesia y el puente eran un poco mas turistica y comenzaba a ver muchos ninos y personas caminando! ya no me sentia en un pueblo fantasma y me parecia extrano porque era domingo!🚩🧭

Santiago Bridge🚩🧭/Puente Santiago🏰🗺️

Way of Santiago🏰🏛️🏦

The Santiago bridge has medieval origins and is one of the most important in Padron because you have to pass through here to walk the famous "Camino de Santiago" trail, one of the most popular in Europe, or perhaps the most popular! When crossing the bridge we come across the "Santiago Apostol" church.🗺️🚩

El puente de Santiago tiene origenes medievales y es uno de los mas importantes de Padron porque tienes que pasar por aqui para poder recorrer el famoso sendero "camino de santiago" uno de los mas populares de europa o quizas el mas popular! al pasar el puente nos topamos con la iglesia "santiago apostol"📸🌄

Historic center🚩🧭/Centro historico🏰🗺️

I think that when I arrived at the historic center I concluded that the city of Padron is not as touristy as I thought, since I saw more people but clearly there were many children and people who live in the area, I think we were the only tourists there, perhaps in summer the atmosphere is different!
Creo que al llegar al casco historico concluyo que la ciudad de Padron no es tan turistica como pense, ya que vi mas personas pero claramente eran muchos ninos y personas que viven en la zona, creo que eramos los unicos turistas por alli, quizas en verano el ambiente es diferente!

I didn't see many restaurants, in fact there was one, more of a bar style place, and since we weren't dressed for the occasion we didn't go in, but the prices of the dishes were around 15-20 euros, clearly something very basic, possibly a decent restaurant where four people spend 80-100 euros, something similar to Lisbon.👨🏻‍🏫

No vi casi restaurantes en realidad fue uno y era mas de estilo bar y como no estabamos vestidos para la ocasion no entramos, pero los precios de los platos rondan los 15-20 euros, claramente algo muy basico posiblemente un restaurante decente cuatro personas gastan 80-100euros, algo similar a Lisboa.🧭

Suddenly we left the village and came across an unexpected architectural change, a highway and very large apartments, and we went from a medieval village to a very modern city! Crazy, right? This part was already very busy and full of people, and there were also many supermarkets and fast food.🏰🌲🌄🏦
De pronto salimos de la villa y nos topamos con un cambio arquitectonico inesperado, una autopista y apartamentos muy grandes, y pasamos de una aldea medieval a una ciudad muy moderna! que loco no? ya esta parte era muy concurrida y llena de personas, ademas habian muchos supermercados y fast food.🚙🏢

In conclusion🚩🧭/En Conclusion🏰🗺️

I think that everyone will have their own expectations for vacations, for example, if someone likes nightlife and very lively places, I don't recommend Padron. If you are like me and like quiet places with few tourists and a lot of history, then it is the ideal place for you. Geographically, the city is between Vigo and Santiago, so it is excellent for staying for several days! The hotel and the rest of the things were quite good!🌍⛰️⛔
Creo que cada uno tendra una expectativa de vacacionar por ejemplo alguien que gusta de vida noctura y lugares muy animados no te recomiendo Padron, si eres como yo que te gustan lugares tranquilos, con pocos turistas e inmensa historia entonces es el lugar ideal para ti y geograficamente la ciudad esta entre vigo y santiago por eso es excelente para quedarte varios dias! el hotel, y el resto de las cosas fueron bastante buenas!🎀🎄🎇🎈


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