A day in Santarém🌊📸 / Un dia en Santarem🚩⛲(En-Es)

Hello fellow travelers! Today I'm going for the first time to Santarem, north of Lisbon, to take a walk and see all the tourist attractions that the city has to offer. This city is known for being inhabited since the 8th century BC and this is because the "Tejo" river runs along the citadel, allowing transportation throughout the country, including obtaining resources. In reality, Santarem is not only a city, but it also ends up being a fairly large municipality, by the way, you can easily spend a week discovering many things and hiking!🌎🚵🏻‍♀️

Hola amigos viajeros! hoy voy por primera vez a Santarem al norte de Lisboa a dar un paseo y conocer todos los puntos de interes turisticos que la ciudad tiene para ofrecer, esta ciudad es conocida por ser habitada desde el siglo VIII antes de Cristo y esto se debe gracias a que el rio "Tejo" bordea la ciudadela permitiendo el transporte por todo el pais inclusive a la obtencion de recursos. En realidad Santarem no solo es una ciudad tambien acaba por ser un municipio bastante grande por cierto, puedes pasar facilmente una semana descubriendo muchas cosas y hacer senderos!⛰️📸

Where to start?🧭🚩 /Por donde comenzar?🌎🗺️

Portugal is a very old country full of history, literally wherever we go we find many very old things! I started my walk here on this bridge called: (Ponte Centenária) which is symbolic of the city of "Benfica do Ribatejo" which is a neighbor of Santarem, as you can see it was built in 1879 and all those pilgrims who are going to do the "caminho de santiago" route have to pass through it, therefore it is a mandatory route and stop!⛰️🌎
Portugal es muy pais bastante antiguo y lleno de historia, literal donde vamos conseguimos muchas cosas bastantes antiguas! yo comence mi paseo aqui en este puente llamado: (Ponte centenária) el cual es simbolico de la ciudad de "Benfica do Ribatejo" la cual es vecina de Santarem, como puedes ver fue construido en 1879 y todos aquellos peregrinos que van hacer la ruta de "caminho de santiago" tienen que pasar por el por tanto es una ruta y parada obligatoria! 🧭🌳

Another of the villages we will pass through before arriving at Santarem is "Almeirin" this is quite small but has a nice historic center you can make a stop and visit the park or if you are a wine lover you have two brands of wines from the 17th century here that are quite popular, I did not stop because I was short on time but you instead can plan ahead and at least have lunch here!🧭🌎
Otra de las aldeas por donde pasaremos antes de llegar a Santarem es "Almeirin" esta es bastante pequena pero tiene un bonito centro historico puedes hacer una parada y visitar el parque o si eres amante de los vinos tienes dos marcas de vinos por aqui del siglo XVII bastante populares, yo no me detuve porque estaba corto de tiempo pero tu en cambio puedes planificarte y al menos almorzar aqui!🚵🏻‍♀️📸

Crossing the Tejo river🧭🚩 /Pasando el rio Tejo🌎🗺️

If we come from Lisbon we have to cross the river no matter what and we have two ways to do it, the "Salgueiro Maia" bridge or the "Dom Luis I" this caught my attention because it made sense at that time to build a city on a hill to be able to defend it from above and the river itself becomes a great natural barrier so it is assumed that when we arrive at Santarem we will be able to see its castle or fortress but that will be another post!🌎🧭
si venimos desde Lisboa si o si tenemos que pasar el rio y tenemos dos formas de hacerlo por el puente "Salgueiro maia" o el "Dom Luis I" esto capto mi atencion porque tenia sentido en esa epoca construir una ciudad en una colina para poder defenderla desde la altura y el mismo rio se convierte en una gran barrera natural por tanto es de suponer que cuando llegamos a Santarem vamos a poder ver su castillo o fortaleza pero eso sera otro post!⛰️🌳

Historic center of Santarem🧭🚩 /Casco historico de Santarem🌎🗺️

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Piedade📸

Ready when we arrive at the center of Santarem we have there a square where we have two large and beautiful churches, the first is this one: "Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Piedade" that I could not enter because they are doing renovations but I read that it was built in 1664 to 1667 exactly to commemorate the war of independence of Portugal against Spain called: "Batalha de Santa Vitória do Ameixial" it was King Afonso VI who would build the church and in turn host the religious order: "Agostinhos Descalços" is a mix between baroque and mannerist.🧭📸

Listo cuando llegamos al centro de Santarem tenemos alli una plaza donde tenemos dos iglesias grandes y bonitas, la primera es esta: "Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Piedade" que no pude entrar porque estan haciendo remodelaciones pero lei que fue construida en el 1664 al 1667 exactamente para conmemorar la guerra de independencia de Portugal contra espana llamada: "Batalha de Santa Vitória do Ameixial" fue el rey Afonso VI quien construiria la iglesia y a su vez hospedaria la orden religiosa: "Agostinhos Descalços" es una mezcla entre barroco y manierista.🚩⛲


In front of the "sa da bandeira" square🧭🚩 /frente de la Plaza "sa da bandeira" 🌎🗺️

This beautiful square deserves a good tour. We see a mixture of various architectural styles, some shops that are still kept in quite old houses, narrow roads full of urban paths. I just arrived and Santarem already surprises me with so many beautiful things! Here we have a sculpture that seems to pay homage to an important Portuguese person. I saw that there are also several cafes and restaurants in this square!🧭🌎
Un buen recorrido merece esta hermosa plaza, vemos una mezcla de varios estilos de arquitecturas, algunos comercios que aun se mantienen en casas bastantes antiguas, carreteras angostas llenas de senderos urbanisticos, recien llego y Santarem ya me sorprende con tantas cosas bonitas! aqui tenemos una escultura que parece que da algun homenaje a un personaje importante Portugues, vi que hay tambien varios cafes y restaurantes por esta plaza!🗺️🌊🚩

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Conception🧭🚩 /Catedral de "Nuestra Señora de la Concepción"🌎🗺️

This one is newer than the previous one and is a Jesuit cathedral built by King John II in 1711. Later, by order of the Marquis of Pombal, the Jesuits were expelled from Portugal and the church was converted to Catholic purposes, also with a Mannerist architectural style. It was also closed. I don't know if you can easily enter, but I read that it even has a museum! Apparently everything is closed in Santarem.⛲🚵🏻‍♀️
Esta es mas nueva que la anterior y se trata de una catedral jesuita construida por el rey Juan II en el ano 1711, posteriormente por orden de Marques de Pombal se expulsan a los Jesuitas de Portugal y la iglesia se convierte en fines catolicos, tambien con un estilo arquitectonico Manierista, tambien estaba cerrada no se si se puede entrar facilmente, pero lei que tiene hasta un museo! aparentemente en Santarem todo esta cerrado.🗺️🌎


Now I am in the Republic Square, a little less than a kilometer from the main square. We have to stop by here to visit one of the convents in Santarem and also the municipal market, which is usually open on weekends but has a beautiful tiled facade on the outside.🗺️🚵🏻‍♀️⛲
Ahora me encuentro en la plaza de la republica a poco menos de un kilometro de la plaza principal, tenemos que pasar por aqui para visitar uno de los conventos que hay en Santarem tambien el mercado municipal que normalmente abre los fin de semanas pero por fuera tiene una hermosa fachada con azulejos.🌊🚩

Another small square in front of the city hall has two monuments in homage to "Fernando Infante" and another to a war that took place in Santarem in the 18th century.🚵🏻‍♀️⛲

Otra pequena plaza que esta frente a la camara municipal de la ciudad, tiene dos monumentos en homenaje a "Fernando Infante" y el otro a una guerra que se libro en Santarem en el siglo XVIII.🗺️🌎

Municipal Market🧭🚩/Mercado Municipal🌎🗺️

The market was built in 1930, however people were already gathering in this area to make changes and sell products. Creating this market organized all the merchants. It is a good place to visit when it is open, which I assume is on the weekend. What did you think of the tiles?⛲🗺️
El mercado fue construido en 1930 sin embargo ya las personas se reunian en esta zona para hacer cambios y vender productos, crear este mercado organizo a todos los comerciantes, es un buen sitio para visitarlo cuando esta abierto que supongo es fin de semana, que te parecieron los azulejos?🚩🚵🏻‍♀️

Convent of San Francisco🧭/Convento de San Francisco🌎🗺️

This is one of the oldest and best preserved convents in Portugal. It is a Franciscan Gothic architectural work built in 1212, literally in the middle of the century of Portuguese conquests. The person who gave the order to build it was D. Sancho II. In 1834, "the male religious orders became extinct and a fire caused the convent to suffer great damage and a beautiful and extensive restoration was carried out."
Este es uno de los conventos mas antiguos y mejores preservados de Portugal, se trata de una obra arquitectonica gotica francisquiana construida en 1212 literalmente en pleno siglo de conquistas portuguesas, quien dio la orden de construirlo fue D. Sancho II, "en 1834 se extinguio las ordenes religiosas masculinas sumado con un incendio hicieron que el convento sufriera grandes danos y se hizo una hermosa y gran restauracion."

https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convento_de_S%C3%A3o_Francisco_(Santar%C3%A9m) ("")

A very interesting detail🧭/Un detalle muy interesante🌎🗺️

I stopped here because what was written on the wall caught my attention. It is a terrace that belonged to a royal family who from here witnessed the execution of the murderer of Inez de Castro. I imagine the streets full of people waiting for that person to be hanged or decapitated.🚩🗺️
Hice una parada aqui porque llamo mi atencion lo que estaba escrito en la pared y se trata de una terraza que pertenecio alguna familia real la cual desde aqui presencio una ejecucion del asesino de inez de castro, imagino las calles todas llenas de personas a espera de ser ahorcado o decapitado esa persona.🌊🌎

Church of Saint Mary of Grace🧭/Iglesia de Santa María de la Gracia🌎🗺️

representative architecture of the Romans📸

For me, this is one of the most interesting and beautiful churches I have ever visited in my life, not only for the decorative structure full of golden colours, but also for the whole history that is packed into a few square metres. Inside there are tombs of important Portuguese figures, including kings and some military men from the Crusaders. The church was built in 1380 and was only finished in the 15th century. It is an impressive mix of architectures, including Baroque and Gothic. By the way, the entrance to all the things I have seen so far is free.🧭📸

Para mi una de las iglesias mas interesantes y bonitas que ya visite en mi vida, no solo por esa estructura decorativa llena de colores dorados, al contrario toda la historia que esta reunida en pocos metros cuadrados, dentro hay tumbas de personajes importantes de portugal incluyendo reyes y algunos militares de los cruzados, la iglesia fue construida en 1380 y solo se acabo en el siglo XV, una mezcla imponente de arquitecturas incluyendo barroco, gotico. Por cierto las entrada de todas las cosas que vi hasta ahora es gratis.🚩⛲



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Interesting article. I like to see beautiful buildings like in the picture that my friend shows.


Wow, Santarém looks like such a fascinating place to explore! The blend of historical architecture and scenic views sounds like a dream for anyone who loves to travel and learn about history. Your descriptions really make me want to visit and see it all for myself, especially the beautiful churches and the Tejo river. Thanks for sharing your journey—can't wait to read more about your adventures!

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