While I was looking for interesting places to bring to the community, I came across this curious surprise. Have you ever read about dolmens? Well, they are those megalithic structures that date back to prehistory and that served as a place of burial or worship... So far we are doing well, but I have never seen in my life a chapel that has been built in an incredible dolmen, right? In view of all this curiosity, I traveled to a very small village called "Pavia" to see in person this beautiful 16th century chapel, join me on this experience!🤴🏻⛲
Mientras buscaba sitios interesantes para traerlos a la comunidad me tope con esta curiosa sorpresa, alguna vez llegaste a leer sobre los dolmen? bueno son esas estructuras megaliticas que datan de la prehistoria y que sirvieron como lugar de entierro o culto... Hasta ahora vamos bien, pero nunca habia visto en mi vida una capilla que haya sido construida en uno dolmen increible no? en vista de toda esta curiosidad viaje a una aldea muy pequena llamada "Pavia" para conocer en persona esta hermosa capilla del siglo XVI acompaname en esta experiencia!🌅🌍

The plains of Alentejo🍍 /Los llanos de alentejo🧭🌍🚩

Pavia is located in the plains of Alentejo, which is an area in the south-central part of the country characterized by a fairly dry climate, even some parts only rain a few days a year, in summer the temperature can reach almost 50 degrees, there are records where thermometers indicated 52. Unlike Porto and Lisbon there are almost no mountains or hills, the characteristics of the terrain made the first settlers who inhabited Alentejo adapt to these climatic conditions and even opt for certain ceremonial rituals, granite stone is abundant in the area and This led these tribes to use the dolmen as burial sites.🤴🏻🚩🌎
Pavia esta localizado en los llanos de Alentejo que es una zona del centro sur del pais caracterizada por un clima bastante seco, inclusive algunas partes solo llueve pocos dias al ano, en verano la temperatura puede llegar a casi 50 grados, hay registros donde termometros marcaron 52. A diferencia de Porto y Lisboa no hay casi montanas o colinas, las caracteristicas del terreno hicieron que los primeros pobladores que habitaron Alentejo se adaptaran a estas condiciones climaticas e incluso optar por ciertos rituales ceremoniales, la piedra de granito abunda por la zona y esto llevo a que estas tribus usaran los dolmen como entierro.🫅🏻🧭
Pavia as a tourist destination?🍍 /Pavia como destino turistico?🧭🌍🚩

In reality, these villages around here that are quite small are usually good for tourism if you are looking for something quite quiet, no scandals, parties, discos, it is a more natural style of tourism, as you can see near Pavia, less than 20 minutes away there is a beach where you can cool off with the family, ideal for spending a pleasant day, you have restaurants, you can bring pets and there are some sports fields such as soccer for example, if you like to walk it has a path that borders the river with an extension of 5km (38.954170, -8.108560)🚩🤴🏻🌍
En realidad estas aldeas por aqui que son bastante pequenas suelen ser buenas para el turismo si buscas algo bastante tranquilo, nada de escandalos, fiestas, discotecas, es un estilo de turismo mas natural, como puedes ver cerca de Pavia a menos de 20min hay una playa donde puedes refrescarte en familia, ideal para pasar un dia agradable, tienes restaurantes, puedes llevar mascotas y hay algunas canchas deportivas como de futbol por ejemplo, si te gusta caminar tiene un sendero que bordea el rio con una extension de 5km (38.954170, -8.108560)

As you see in the background we have the Sorraia river which, through a small dam, created a swimming area, that is, "an artificial beach", this is one of the main tourist spots on the outskirts of Pavia! You can only get here with your own transportation, so you must rent a vehicle to walk around this area, the beach looks good, it is safe and the current is not very strong but you have to be careful with the children because it is deep, the path runs for a 5km circular area and helps you visualize the environment of the Alentejo plains!🧭⛵
Como ves a mi fondo tenemos el rio Sorraia el cual por medio de una represa pequena se creo una zona de bano osea "una playa artificial", este es uno de los principales puntos turisticos en las afueras de Pavia! solo consigues llegar aqui con transporte propio por eso debes alquilar un vehiculo para andar por esta zona, la playa tiene buen aspecto, es segura y la corriente no es muy fuerte pero tienes que tener cuidado con los ninos porque es profunda, el sendero recorre un area circular de 5km y te ayuda a visualizar el ambiente de los llanos de alentejo!🌅🚩
Time to get to know the village🍍/Hora de conocer la aldea🧭🌍🚩

Why are all houses yellow?💛💛
The village is too small, I think there are not even 100 people living here haha, the streets are very lonely but there is a little bit of everything or let's say it is complete to spend a few days on vacation, let's say that personally it is a little lonely for my taste but yes If you are looking for peace, it is ideal for you, remember that more than the village in question, its location is close to other main towns such as Mora, and of course the prices are quite good at 60-80 euros per night with a pool!🧭🌏
la aldea es demasiado pequena creo que no viven ni 100 personas aqui jaja, las calles muy solas pero hay de todo un poco o digamos esta completa para pasar unos dias de vacaciones, digamos que en lo personal es un poco solitaria para mi gusto pero si buscas paz es ideal para ti, recuerda que mas que la aldea en cuestion es su localizacion esta cerca de otras villas principales como Mora, y claro los precios bastantes buenos de 60-80euros por noche con piscina!🌎

The explanation that there are only yellow and blue houses is because the village was decreed as the country's heritage, and the chamber to maintain the tradition and ancient essence does not allow citizens to paint their houses in another color or modify their structure! But Pavia is a place full of a lot of history, historical records show that since prehistory there were people inhabiting the entire place, it is believed that in 3 thousand BC and that is why we found the famous dolmen that I already showed you.🚩🤴🏻
La explicacion que solo hay casas amarillas y azules es porque la aldea fue decreta como patrimonio del pais, y la camara para mantener la tradicion y la escencia antigua no permite a los ciudadanos pintar sus casas de otro color o modificar su estructura! pero Pavia es un lugar lleno de mucha historia, los registros historicos muestran que desde la prehistoria habian personas habitando todo el lugar se cree que en 3mil antes de Cristo y es por eso que encontramos el famoso dolmen que ya te muestro.🌅⛵
"São Paulo" Church🍍/Iglesia "São Paulo"🧭🌍🚩

The first church was built here in the reign of Don. Denis in 1323 later built the current one that we see between the 14th and 16th centuries and several reforms were made. Until it is completed, it presents a Manueline style, like many churches it arose to worship the Catholic religion, it is considered a fortified church because there are walls around it, this could be your first stop!🤴🏻🚩
La primera iglesia fue edificada aqui en el reinado de Don. Denis en el 1323 posteriormente se construyo la actual que vemos entre el XIV y el XVI se fueron haciendo varias reformas hasta completarla, presenta un estilo de manuelino, como muchas iglesias surge para dar culto a la religion catolica, esta considerada como una iglesia fortificada porque a los alrededores hay unos muros, esta podria ser tu primera parada!🌎🧭

"São francisco" Church🍍/Iglesia "São francisco"🧭🌍🚩

This is another church in the area, which is more of a chapel than a main church, it was created in the reign of: D. João Coutinho together with his wife! It dates back to the end of the 16th century, the objective was to commemorate those who disappeared in the battle of Alcaser de Quibir.🤴🏻
Esta es otra iglesia en la zona, que es mas una capilla que una iglesia matriz, fue creada en el reinado de: D. João Coutinho junto con su esposa! data de finales del siglo XVI, el objetivo fue para conmemorar a los que desaparecieron en la batalla de Alcaser de Quibir.🌍🫅🏻
"A lunch with traditional Alentejo pizza🍍/Un almuerzo con pizza tradicional Alentejana🧭🌍🚩

Today I visited the famous pizzeria "PitzaLusa" which we found in the next village called Mora, the only negative thing about Pavia is its limited variety of restaurants so you have to travel a few km to look for lunches, these pizzas are famous with more than 5 thousand Positive reviews since they use exclusive ingredients from Alentejo, everything homemade too good, pay 30euros for 3 pizzas, ice cream and drinks!🍔🍕
Hoy visite la famosa pizzeria "PitzaLusa" la cual la conseguimos en la aldea de al lado llamada Mora, lo unico negativo de Pavia es su poca variedad de restauracion asi que debes desplazarte algunos km para buscar almuerzos, estas pizzas son famosas con mas de 5mil resenas positivas ya que usan ingredientes exclusivos de alentejo, todo casero demasiado bueno, pague 30euros por 3 pizzas, helado y bebidas!🍔🍕
"A village of poets and romance🍍/Una aldea de poetas y romance🧭🌍🚩

Another interesting point to visit is the museum of the artist (Manuel Ribeiro), a famous local artist who made a living by selling many of his works in different books. I am not a big fan of this type of museum, but if you like art, you can surely visit it. Visit here, it's free so nothing to lose, we also promote local tourism! He lived between the years (1907-1957), his style was neorealist!🎇🎭🎨
Otro punto interesante para visitar es el museo del artista (Manuel Ribeiro) un famoso artista local que vivio de vender muchas de sus artes en diferentes libros, no soy muy amante de este tipo de museos pero si te gusta el arte seguro te puedes dar una visita aqui, es gratis por eso nada que perder, ademas impulsamos el turismo local! vivio entre los anos (1907-1957), su estilo era neorrealista!🎨🎨
Chapel of São Dinis🍍/Capilla de São Dinis🧭🌍🚩

For me the most important and archaeological point of Pavia and of course in all of Portugal, many people come here just to see this beautiful structure 4.30 meters high and 3.30 meters wide, this dolmen is the scientific demonstration that a population of 4000- 3000 BC lived in these areas and built this megalithic structure to serve as a place of worship for an important person in their tribe! According to what I read, they could have been the Celtiberians.🌎🚩
Para mi el punto mas importante y arqueologico de Pavia y claro que de todo Portugal, muchas personas vienen aqui solo para ver esta hermosa estructura de 4.30 metros de altura y 3.30 metros de hancho, este dolmen es la demostracion cientifica que una poblacion del 4000-3000 antes de cristo vivieron en estas zonas y construyeron esta estructura megalitica para servir como un sitio de culto para un personaje importante de su tribu! segun lei pudieron ser los celtiberos.🧭

And then how does a thousand-year-old Dolmen become a chapel? Later in the 17th century, to transform a place of pagan worship, the Catholic Church transformed it into a Christian chapel to pay tribute to King Dinis. Incredible, you have no idea what a feeling it is to be in front of this beautiful piece of history unique in the world!🌎🚩
Y entonces como un Dolmen de miles de anos se convierte en una capilla? posteriormente en el siglo XVII para transformar un lugar de culto pagano la iglesia catolica lo transformo en una capilla cristiana para dar homenaje al rey Dinis. increible no tienes idea de la sensacion que es estar frente de esta hermosa pieza historica unica en el mundo!🫅🏻

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