Skin infection! Some facts about it


Skin infection is all about the infection that affects the skin, it can be a bacterial germ, a fungal infection or a parasitic type, sometimes skin infection can be mild when most times it can be severe.
Mild skin infection do not take much and do not need much treatment to get a cured.
They can be severe because the skin is the largest organ of the body and it is meant to protect the inner body from contacting infections, you can imagine when a defender is attacked what happens to the people he defendes, most likely they will be afraid and fragile.

Skin infection can be so irritating because everyone sees it and it causes discomfort.

Bacterial skin infection

There are different types of bacterial skin infection that can affect the skin.
Cellulitis is an example of bacterial skin infection which is caused by a bacterial known as staphylococcus and streptococcus, cellulitis causes pain and discoloration to the skin, it can also maake the skin to be swollen, it occurs in any part of the skin, neck, hand etc.
Tho cellulitis is a common skin infection if left untreated it can cause serious complication to the health.

Impetigo is another form of bacterial skin infection that causes sores and blisters in the skin and it has different stages and can occur in any part of th skin.
Impetigo is caused by Streptococcus pyogenes and can affect children from age 2-5 yrs.

Viral skin infection

Viral skin infection are mainly caused by virus and this infections includes chicken pox, measles, herpes, warts and hand and mouth disease.
Viral skin infections can be infectious and contagious, thats why when there is a break out of chicken pox, small pox or measles the patient is always on isolation because if care is not taking it will affect everyone around him or her.

Parasitic skin infection

Parasitic skin infection is caused by some parasite and can go beyond the skin to the body bloodstream.
Parasitic skin infection are so uncomfortable to deal with.
Some things that causes parasitic skin infection are bedbugs, lice, scables.


Fungal skin infection

Fungal infections are caused by fungus and it often occurs in the damp area of the skin like the armpit and the feet or around the private part.
There are so many types of fungal skin infection like;

Athlete’s foot: This infection is common in the athletes, it starts from the feet and spreads to the toenails, if left untreated it can affect the hands too.

Ringworm: Which looks like a ring shape in the skin and gradually spreads all over the body, it can also be contacted by sharing some personal belongings life sponge and towels.

Diaper Rash: This often when proper hygiene is not carried iut on a baby, then this fungus will form a rash like skin infection that is known as diaper rash

There are other fungal skin infections like mouth thrush,nail fungus and many more.

How to prevent skin infection

Yes skin infection is preventable, the best way to prevent skin infection is by having a good personal hygiene, live in a clean environment, have a clean bath, brush your teeth twice a day, wash your hands always.
Always make sure not to share personal belongings like towels, razor, toys and bathing soaps.
Always wasg your clothes with good and quality disinfectant and soap.

And most importantly visit the doctor when you see any signs in your skin.
Visit a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis to know the type of skin infection your experiencing and the subsequent treatment to be given.

Have you ever experienced skin infection of any type? Let me know how you

