How to maintain our sexual health
Most people today do not understand how important our sexual health is to the body, and how mismanagement of our sexual health can affect our emotional life, our social life and every other aspects of our life.
Sex is a gift from God that bounds a husband and wife and makes marriage more interesting but unfortunately young ones today has abused that gift and have gotten themselves into different problems.
When we talk about sexual health maintenance it means taking responsibility of our sexual life, always visit the doctor for checkup, make sure you are honest and keep to one mate.
When we fail to maintain our sexual health we are prone to sexual transmitted infections and diseases which will have a negative impact on our daily living.
Sexual transmitted infections or disease is any infection or disease that can be contacted through sexual intercourse either anal, oral or vaginal sex, and this infections can be caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses.
Sexual transmitted infections
Sexual transmitted infections are;
This is a sexual transmitted infection caused by bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae which can affect both male and female, it can be contacted through anal sex, oral sex and vaginal sex.
Untreated gonorrhea can cause infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, it can even cause ectopic pregnancy for the female while on a man it can damage testicles, you can imagine a mans life without testicles.
Some symptoms of gonorrhea includes pains while urinating, abnormal discharge in both male and female private part and abdominal pain sometimes.
This is also a well known sexual transmitted infection that is caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum, it also very dangerous because it can be contacted through both anal, vaginal and oral sex.
Stage one of syphilis causes mild ulcer or sore in the site of the infectison while stage two comes with rash, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and fever.
Stage three is a very severe stage when the infection becomes more visible and can kill if left untreated because it can damage some vital organ like the heart and the brain.
This is another dangerous sexual transmitted infection that can kill because it doesn't often show signs and symptoms in the earlier stage and it is caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, it can affect both men and women and its also transmitted through oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Some signs and symptoms of Chlamydia is painful urination in men, spotting period in women, in men it can cause testicle pain and can lead to HIV if left untreated.
This are the major reasons why we should take responsibility of our sexual to know when to go for check up and take good care of our health.
Chlamydia can cause inflammations in the body and can also cause infertility issue on the woman.
human papillomavirus (HPV
This is another highly contagious sexual transmitted infection because it is made up of more than 100 diseases, it can cause infertility and also lead to cancer of the cervical cancer and more.
Most times human papillomavirus (HPV do not show signs and symptoms until it causes some major damage in the body.
Non of this infections are easy to handle, that is why it is very important to maintain our sexual health by going for check ups in the hospital, its also important to practice safe sex and communicate honestly with our partners.
It also also important to practice clean hygiene, always wash and clean out genital organs with the appropriate thing.
Its always good to wash and keep our toilet clean and healthy.
Having a good sexual well-being will benefit us both physically we will be free from any disease, emotionally we will be confident of ourselves both inside and outside our body, our partner will be proud of us and there will be no distrust in our relationship.
Most importantly our reproductive system will be intact if there is any form of infertility it won't be as a result of our poor sexual life.
Can we discuss how you maintain your sexual health?
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