Conocybe tenera

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Conocybe tenera17 09 2024North Acèh Regency, Acèh, Indonesia

On this occasion, I found two small mushrooms growing on charred ground, possibly the result of a small fire in the nearby forest. This mushroom is Conocybe tenera, which has a red-brown cap on a slender stem. They appear fragile but exude a unique beauty.

These mushrooms grow steadily even in soil that looks barren and dry, indicating their resilience in facing harsh environments. With additional lighting, I was able to capture the beautiful details of the fine texture of this mushroom cap. They are a reminder of how nature continues to adapt and provide beauty even in hostile conditions.

For me, finding mushrooms like this always provides a refreshing experience in exploring nature. Even though they are small in size and often overlooked, their presence plays an important role in the ecosystem. I took this photo as a form of appreciation for the life that is often hidden in the small corners of nature around us.

Camera usedSmartphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyConocybe tenera
LocationAceh Indonesia

Link to originalcommunity
Latitude LongitudeMap
