Advanced Economic Future | Blockchain, AI Dominated World & How Prepared The Young Generations Are


Its so obvious a realization turning out to me that the world is more likely going to be way competitive as for active industrialisation and the technological incorporation in the systems and sectors of workplaces. There is a time of expiry date of everything, it starting from the tablets and prescribed drugs you take, the foods on the stores, products bought from the market, government which took oath waiting to pass out validity, even the age limit for joining the service job sector.

While the world embraced change and welcomed the "updated versions" - the chances are old ways of doing things wont just work every time in the future.

We have seen how AI is getting used in terms of robotics, office automations, the industrial sectors where employees who were once used to foster productivity and add heavier #revenue for the company, have seen to get laid off as because with technical mechanics came into play. Robots substituted the works and services of lowly educated works craftsman, increased the production 2×,3× or even more in certain instances.


But, took out something which attributed negative impressions on the life of those employees who once had a unique balance of managing their dollars for familial expenses, adjusting with debts and inflations all by once and found a hard thread to live by.

Surely, technology got us into pace for sure, everywhere we look there is abundance, if not in some corners at least a core improvement in the productions which helped to grow the economy head still even during ominous claws of depressions and flash #bankruptcy cases. Population has gone double just within 50 years of time and that says how tough the next few decades would be for all of these equations to be true.

Questions still arise in the mind, whether enough industrial #productions be sufficient to equal the net consumptions of the prices of commodities? The truth is all that we have the same land and limited resources, energy efficient automobiles and cars are being manufactured, people are looking for renewable energy sources and placing substitute of the existing problems and solving the basics of economy everyday we need.

While people go to the #banks and they try out their best to retain something that would ensure a steady future for the family. Even, we just cant admit the fact that to say boldly that the conventional economy and the way the national level agencies manipulate them are flawless. Practically,it is not.
Thats why we have even smarter plans in hand and the tech geeks are finding out ways to tackle to surges and failed #projects of the central administration to show safe passage for the common people.

What we see these days that only limited number of the products, energies and objects in proper manner have their value and the rests have not that much proportionally, the days arent either far away when some of the alternative objects would be turned as asset, having potential #value added on the #price tag. The theory behind it is impressive no doubt, but still times to go there.

As there would be better #technology available, what the young generation must overcome is to have a proper set of skills ready to get into the stream of next generation technology in place. There is no alternative to #skill development and the transformations in the job sector would be radical. I have talked about the "expiry date" sort of idea in the beginning, what I think it is very appropriate to the theme that conventional jobs wouldn’t catch the already skills needed and there has to be moremore.


Economy would be vastly dependent on the way #blockchain technology direct it to follow through. While the application even in these years show that it is in early infancy - there would be radical change to people's share of wealth, #assets they incorporate and add value to the economy at large.
#Ownership would likely to change and even broader sectors also.

I dont think #AI would leave spaces for holding to the old skills, there would be more needs of vocational training and #software engineering efficient servicemen to keep pace with the digitalization of the economy. For that, young generation have to be smarter at work. Without that economy would be static and I dont want that to happen.

Because, when it comes to #financial matters, families get entwined with such matters,with better efficiency in job sectors foster #productivity, economic prosperities lead to core development and that hits the living standards of people. I hope,young generations wont let that happen and history says that they have been the driving force all the time, led revolutions and held the life to move on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
