Choose Right Profession

Choosing the right profession is something which plays a very important role in one's life. This is something which remains hitting badly from young age to old age, if it would be a wrong decision.
By taking wrong decisions which could be our own, or sometimes we take this decision under pressure from someone. But it makes our life luxurious or turns us into beggars.

From an early age I was bearing keen interest in scientific inventions. I started showing this by making Aeroplane models, just only with the support of sticks, color papers and threads. People were admiring this. When I reached 7th grade then I made the following high class items by my own hand and so called my own small resources.

This was a clear indication as I love to make things that belong to the Engineering field. After then I made FM mike. and other similar items. Which was very much appreciated by people. One of my uncle tried to arrange my items in an exhibition.



Furthermore I was much more interested in gardening, I was trying to join different seeds and plants together and doing other interesting things. I got a plant from somewhere, in which there were two different flowers in one plant.



Due to a hurry and some other reasons I decided to choose a pre-medical group, and that was the worst decision which I ever made, which almost destroyed my career as I wasn't having any internal interest with medical items. Rather I used to have and still have extreme interest in the Engineering work.

I wasn't able to get admission in Medical so my percentage was suitable for B.Pharmacy and I got admission there. But I didn't show any remarkable achievements there. Finally I passed out and failed in my job life.

The main point which I am trying to make here is, while choosing your profession never listen to anyone, never take quick decisions. Pray deeply, analyze yourself, see your interest and then decide. The decision will be finally yours. Later you won't be able to blame anyone.
Take the right decision, choose the right profession before it's too late.

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