Some mushrooms I found in the village//unique mushrooms and oyster mushrooms

Good morning to all my beloved hive friends.

How are you all my friends? considering this is my first time in this community, therefore I want to share some pictures of mushrooms that I found a few days ago, on this occasion I want to share 4 types of mushrooms that I found with all of you in this community.

The first mushroom I found was a large mushroom that grew on an areca nut tree, in fact I usually find this mushroom not only on areca nut trees but on other trees that are still alive, this mushroom when I hold it the texture is a little hard, and I make sure that this mushroom is still abundant in our area, because when we travel we always find this mushroom.

Even usually the mushrooms grow in groups, but on this occasion I could not find the mushrooms that grow in groups, but I can be sure that the mushrooms usually also grow in groups because I also often find them.

The next picture is oyster mushrooms, I found these oyster mushrooms not far from the location where I found the big hard mushrooms above. These oyster mushrooms also live in groups, unlike the mushrooms above, these oyster mushrooms are small in size and can be eaten or consumed. However, the taste is rather bland and the texture is also hard, although not tasty, these mushrooms can be consumed, from that I can also be sure that this mushroom population is still large in our area. Here are some pictures that I have taken using my cellphone.

Not far from the two mushroom locations above, I also found another mushroom, this time I felt the mushroom was unique because of its small shape.

Even though the mushroom is so small, it is not comparable to our thumb. My friend also tried to compare it. Below is the photo.

And the last mushroom photo that I brought is a photo of a mushroom that I found on my way home, this mushroom grows on the ground in a palm oil plantation. This mushroom is also small in shape but it is even more unique because of its reddish color. Besides being unique, I think this mushroom is also quite difficult to find. Because considering this is the rainy season, I am lucky to find it. Okay friends, below are some pictures that I have taken

This is my contribution to #FungiFriday curated by @ewkaw

Well....those are some mushroom pictures that I found and a short story from me at this meeting.
The pictures and writings above are all purely made by me, with a little help from photo editing from the lightroom application, with the intention and purpose of making the colors more striking. I hope all my friends are entertained by the photos that I brought at this meeting and like them. See you at the next meeting...

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