FungiFriday||Mushrooms for friends in this community

My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw

How are you all my friends?

Hello all my friends.

How are you all today, I hope you are all healthy and happy.

As usual, in this meeting I want to entertain all my friends in the #FungiFriday community with some mushroom pictures that I found.

My friends, yesterday my friends and I went to the forest to look for some pictures.

I got some pictures of insects, birds, wild fruits, some moments, and there are some mushroom pictures that I will share here.

The short story is, when we were on a trip hunting for some pictures, my friend accidentally saw mushrooms on the side of the road, then he told us all, so we decided to take some pictures so that they could be shared in this community.
My friends ... usually mushrooms grow in groups, but this time the mushrooms we found grew alone, even if my friend didn't tell me, maybe I wouldn't have realized there were mushrooms and would have stepped on them.

This mushroom is medium-sized and black on the top. When I found this mushroom, its size was around 10 to 15 cm and its physical shape resembled an umbrella, but the resemblance was no longer perfect, because I remember that this mushroom had passed the blossom stage

Then on the way home, I was interested in taking some pictures, because the weather was so bright that it presented such beautiful views

Beautiful Natural Scenery When Seen. The perfect combination of sunny weather and nature.

Okay, all my friends. That's my short story at this meeting, I hope you all are entertained by what I shared this time and like it, see you at the next meeting.....

About the author

Maulizar Mawardi or better known as @antonydossantos. I am a student. Photographer, insect lover, nature lover, looking for momentum, is my hobby.

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How cool that your friend saw mushrooms and told them, thanks to that you found a beautiful mushroom

I love your photos @antonydossantos

0.000 STEM

Thank you.....I am very happy that you commented on my post. Have a nice day ♥️♥️♥️

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