The Poisoned Needle: CHAPTER II

This article on free thought comes from this link.


"To mistake inferences or axioms for facts has been a curse of science."—
Sir Clifford Albutt, in "Nature."

The simple fact that we have less smallpox now than we did 200 years ago, does not in any degree prove that vaccination caused this decline, although the promoters of vaccination have taken upon themselves the full credit for this improvement.

The most noticeable decrease in smallpox and other zymotic diseases began with the sanitation reforms just prior to 1800 and the improvement in nutrition brought about by such health crusaders as Trail, Graham and Jennings around 1840.

(1) Sewage disposal,
(2) cleaning of streets, back yards, stables, etc.,
(3) improvement of roads so that fresh vegetables, milk and other vital foods could be transported rapidly to the cities and distributed while still fresh.
(4) The water supply was improved and protected from contamination.
(5) Housing projects were built out in the suburbs to relieve congestion of population in the cities.

THE NUTRITIONAL TEACHINGS stressed natural whole grain bread instead of white bread, fresh fruits and vegetables free from salt, sugar, chemicals and other harmful preservatives and the rejection of coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other drastic poisons.
Meat and other low grade proteins were denounced in favor of nuts, beans and other such proteins with more health value and less toxic effects.

The age-old "terror diseases" such as plague, black death, cholera, etc., that were previously believed to be contagious, responded at once to this health program and soon declined to the vanishing point in countries that adopted the sanitation and nutrition improvements.
They are diseases of nutritional deficiency and imbalance just the same as all other diseases.

A glance at the following table of official statistics from England and Wales shows us how smallpox deaths declined only after the people began their opposition to the vaccination law and an ever increasing number refused to be vaccinated.


Period - Percentage of Births Vaccinated Smallpox Deaths

1872-1881 96.5 3,708.3
1882-1891 82.1 933.0
1892-1901 67.9 436.5
1902-1911 67.6 395.3
1912-1921 42.3 12.2
1922-193 1 43.1 25.0
1932-1941 39.9 1.4

Here we see that at the time when nearly all (96.5%) of the babies were vaccinated, smallpox caused almost 4,000 deaths in that 10 year period; but, when the vaccinations were resisted until only 39% would submit to it, the death-rate dropped down to only 1.4 cases.

Before the passage of England’s compulsory vaccination law in 1853, the highest authentic smallpox death-rate was only 2,000 for any two year period, even during their most serious smallpox epidemics; whereas, after almost 20 years of compulsory vaccination there occurred the most devastating scourge of smallpox in 1870 to 1871 that the world has ever known.
It took 23,062 lives in England and Wales and spread over Europe in all the countries where vaccination and inoculation had been practiced on a large scale.
After that the vaccination laws were enforced even more rigidly until the people began to notice that smallpox was not decreasing by this practice but continued to ravage the homes of the vaccinated.
During the same epidemic in Germany 124,948 people died of smallpox.
All had been vaccinated (according to their carefully kept records.)
"In Berlin alone no less that 17,038 persons had smallpox after vaccination, and 2,884 of them died."

In Sheffield, England where 97 per cent of her 200,000 inhabitants had been thoroughly and frequently vaccinated for many years a smallpox epidemic swept the city in 1887 that caused 7,101 cases and 648 deaths.

Preceding this, the large manufacturing town of Leicester, (England) which had been even more thoroughly vaccinated up to the time of the 1870 epidemic was the hardest hit of all the communities with over 3,500 deaths per million in the first year of the epidemic.
This completely destroyed their faith in vaccination and the rich and poor alike rejected it and adopted sanitation with the result that smallpox epidemics were soon eliminated from that city.


Sir Thomas Chambers, Q.C.M.P., recorder of the city of London said:

"I find that of the 155 persons admitted to the Smallpox Hospital in the Parish of St. James, Piccadilly, 145 had been vaccinated."

In Marylevore Hospital 92 per cent of the smallpox cases had been vaccinated.

Marson’s report of Highgate Hospital for 1871 states that, "of the 950 cases of smallpox, 870 (90%) of the whole number of patients had been vaccinated."

At Hempstead Hospital, up to May 13, 1884, out of 2,965 admissions for smallpox, 2,347 had been vaccinated.

After these vaccination epidemics, more and more people refused to comply with the unjust vaccination laws and as a result of this and the improvements in sanitation and nutrition, smallpox took a drop and continued to decline until it is rarely seen at the present time.

"In 1942 one case of smallpox at Seindon (Britain) resulted in the vaccination of a large number of people.
Only three cases of smallpox occurred and these all recovered, but 12 vaccinated individuals died from inflammation of the brain.
(This is a common after effect of vaccination.)
In the same year near Edinburg, Scotland, eight people died of smallpox (six of which had been vaccinated) while ten died from the effects of the vaccination.

"I would not go so far as to say that vaccination has never saved a person from smallpox.
It is a matter of record that thousands of the victims of this superstitious rite have been saved from smallpox by the immunizing potency of death.
But it is a fact that the official statistics of England and Wales show unmistakably that, while vaccination has killed ten times more people than smallpox, there has been a decrease in smallpox concomitant with the decrease in vaccination. . .
It might be appropriately asked, in the words of the Vaccination Inquirer (London, Feb. 1947)
‘How could an operation that was declining be responsible for the extermination of smallpox?"
(Vaccine and Serum Evils, p. 23, by Dr. H. M. Shelton)


Records in all countries show that the so-called, contagious diseases declined quite rapidly with the introduction of sanitation and nutrition reforms, with the exception of smallpox and diphtheria which were kept active by vaccination in a large number of authenticated cases.
The following condensed records from various countries give a cross section of the available evidence that bears out this point.


In 1929 while India was still under British rule with its compulsory vaccination laws, the League of Nations’ Health League referred to India as, "the greatest center of smallpox in the world today."
The records show that in the large cities where vaccination enforcement was most rigid "the smallpox death rate has been generally far greater than for the country as a whole" where complete enforcement is not possible.

The report of the League of Nations’ Health Division for Oct. 1953 reluctantly admits vaccination is not all it ought to be when it says in part:
"In spite of the great efforts made by the health authorities in promoting vaccination, smallpox is not on the point of extinction."

After the limited health improvement programs we find that the plagues and scourges, all declined noticeably except smallpox and respiratory diseases (tuberculosis) which is a common after effect of vaccination.

Diseases(India) 10 years1898-1907 16 years1921-1930
Fevers (Malaria. etc. 19.44 15.51
Plague 2.23 .53
Cholera 1.66 1.02
Dysentery - diarrhea 1.28 .09
Smallpox .37 .30
Other causes 7.79 6.31
Respiratory diseases (T.B.) .85 1.43
All causes 33.62 26.00
Edward Jenner had promised that vaccination would wipe out instead, all other diseases, even the most persistent and deadly more rapidly without any serums than did smallpox with its repeated vaccinations.

Around 1900, after the improvements in health due to sanitation and nutrition had had time to be weighed against that of vaccination, most of the people of England began to refuse vaccination, which resulted in a greater decline in smallpox, but in certain cities of India the British government was still able to keep up rigid enforcement.
The following chart shows the high smallpox death-rate in three of these Indian cities as compared to the decreased death-rate in London after the clean up (health) campaign:


Period Bombay Calcutta Madras London
1888-1897 424 600 100 10.0
1898-1907 1,000 1,000 307 35.0
1908-1917 600 900 300 .3
1918-1927 524 1,242 663 .8
1928-1933 866 1,201 521 1.23

Although India was reported by the League of Nations as the greatest center of smallpox in the world in 1929 it has improved since gaining its freedom from Britain and relaxing its vaccination enforcement program.
This leaves the over vaccinated country of Mexico holding the dubious honor as the world’s worst smallpox center.

The following chart shows the comparison between Mexico with its sparse population of 16,500,000 (1930 figures — approx.) and British India with its dense, congested population (300,000,000 — approx.)
In spite of the disease breeding conditions of India’s cities with inadequate sanitation, nutrition and housing facilities and the polluted water, lack of sewers, extreme heat, etc., the smallpox death rate is far lower than that of completely vaccinated Mexico.


Deaths Death-Rate Deaths Death-Rate
1922 11,966 844 40,836 169
1923 13,074 903 44,084 183
1924 11,964 878 55,380 229
1925 11,003 731 86,986 356
1926 5,477 357 117,086 485
1927 6,639 424 118,197 490
1928 6,694 420 96,133 399
1929 11,304 696 72,884 302
1930 17,405 1,053 71,815 140
1931 14,903 886 37,272 167
1932 8,307 485 44,925 183
This black record could exist only in a country where vaccination laws are rigidly enforced.
The Mexican law prescribes:

"(1) Children must be vaccinated within four months of birth.
(2) One compulsory vaccination and one compulsory re-vaccination for all inhabitants, within the time limits and in the manner and under the conditions specified by the Public Health Council.
(3) All persons are obliged to have themselves re-vaccinated at least once every five years, and may be required to do so more frequently whenever the health authorities so determine.
(4) The Army Medical Service vaccinates all soldiers.
Employees in commercial, industrial, etc., establishments must have all persons in their employ vaccinated within the time-limits laid down."

In spite of the constant recurrence of smallpox epidemics cultivated by vaccination, this medical dictatorship continues to rule with an iron hand.
If the Mexicans were not a hardy people by nature they would have been destroyed by this time reduced to imbecility, by this continuous blood poisoning practice.

In Jenner’s day, smallpox was practically unknown in Mexico for which he promptly claimed the credit.
In 1811 Jenner wrote to Dr. Lettson as follows:

"For the great and grand effects of vaccination the eye must quit this little spot (England) and survey it among other European countries and still more particularly among the vast empires of Asia and America.
In Mexico and Peru the disease is nearly extinct.

Jenner didn’t wait around to see the results of his terrible invention.
Even he admits that smallpox was almost unknown when he started his work of destruction.
Today, vaccination has so intensified the development of smallpox that all vaccinated Mexicans have either had it or are in danger of getting it.

Mexico has had the good sense to abolish the barbarous practice of capital punishment and the cruel and useless practice of vivisection which puts that country a step ahead of United States in that respect.
It is to be hoped that those people who fought so hard for freedom and democracy will also be able to throw off the heavy yoke of medical oppression.


Dr. Charles Ruta, professor of Materia Medica at Parugia University, Italy, presents some interesting figures comparing the smallpox deaths of the vaccinated soldiers with the women and boys outside the armed services.
Vaccination is stressed in that country (which accounts for the high smallpox rate among all ages) but more thoroughly enforced in the Army.
The boys are inducted at the age of 20 years.
The figures show the death-rate from smallpox is about twice as high among men over 20 (soldiers) as among women of the same age.


Deaths 1887 1888 1889 Totals
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
Entire Population Under 20 Years 5,997 5,983 7,439 7,353 5,626 5,631 18,972 18,908
20-30 Years (Military Age) 2,459 1,810 1,990 1,418 1,296 863 5,745 4,091
Dr. Ruta traced the records for many years following this published record and the results continued with the same high death-rate among the completely vaccinated soldiers and with the lower death-rate among the rest of the population.

Although England was the first country to adopt compulsory vaccination laws her people soon found it was a disastrous practice and fought to have the law abolished.
About the time of the First World War the English people had succeeded enough in resisting the law to notice a considerable decrease in small-pox, aided of course by the sanitation program.
Germany and Italy were still trying to enforce vaccination on the entire population.
The following chart shows a comparison of the smallpox deaths of the three countries:


England and Wales Germany Italy
Year Deaths Rate per million Deaths Rate per million Deaths Rate per million
1918 2 0.0 60 1.0 926 25.0
1919 28 0.76 704 11.0 16,580 454.0
1920 30 0.80 332 5.0 11,037 303.0

The League of Nations’ Monthly Health report for October 15, 1929, gives a report on Egypt with an effort toward justifying the re-occurring smallpox epidemics in spite of the compulsory vaccination laws.
However, the "whitewash" doesn’t cover the inefficacy of this useless practice.
The report states:

"In Egypt, vaccination is compulsory under the Decree of 1890. . .
Penalties are provided for infringements . . .
It has not been found possible as yet to enforce vaccination everywhere, and smallpox continues to claim a fair number of victims every year.
The last great epidemic broke out in 1919 and extended into 1920.
More than five and a half million persons were vaccinated during these two years, and this completely arrested the spread of the epidemic.
In 1921, the number of cases had gone down to 92 as compared with 7,895 in 1919 and 3,004 in 1920."

The epidemic wore itself out in two years and the vaccinators claimed that it was the serum that arrested it.
If vaccination could arrest an epidemic at all, it should - certainly do it in less than two years.
If there had been no vaccination at all there would have been a much lower smallpox rate as is proved by world records where the facts are not falsified.

The fact that there was less smallpox the following year was no proof that vaccination curbed it.
Isn’t it quite logical that all those who were in a condition to develop it did so during the long two year epidemic, so there would not be many to contract it the following year?

The following report put out by the League of Nations’ Health (?) department is a typical example of how the medical schemers influence the average, unthinking person with data that appears to be true and convincing.

"NORTHERN AFRICA — As vaccination progresses, the most remarkable success is being achieved in Egypt which in 1926 had 2,677 cases with 544 deaths.
But in 1930 it (smallpox) caused only 14 cases without deaths. . .
This is undoubtedly due to the vaccination campaign begun at the end of 1925 and completed in 1926.
Approximately 14,600,000 vaccinations were performed, thus reaching practically the whole population."

Here we have a number of statements that are hard to reconcile with known facts.
For instance: (1) In June 1925, the population of Egypt was estimated to be 13,964,900 yet the report said they gave 14,660,000 vaccinations.
Since there are more vaccinations reported than people, either the figures are fabricated or the vaccinators didn’t really believe in vaccination and knew it would not protect for even one year so they re-vaccinated thousands of people with the vain hope that the repetition of failure would in some way reap success.
(2) In the first report they blamed the frequent outbreaks of smallpox on the claim that it was impossible to enforce vaccination on all the people.
Yet their figures in the second record showed the number of vaccinations exceeded the population.
(3) The first report stated that their widespread vaccination campaign in 1920 which reached 5,500,000 people had completely arrested smallpox and the following report of 1931 made it clear that the complete and thorough vaccination campaign succeeded in conquering smallpox, even to the point where there were no deaths at all from that cause.
This type of propaganda has a tendency to lull the people into a sense of false security which leaves the real cause of disease unchecked.
Let’s follow the record a little farther and see what happened.

The five and a half million vaccinations in 1920 were supposed to have brought smallpox under control, yet in 1926 (only 6 years later) the second report tells of a sweeping smallpox epidemic in which 2,677 were stricken and 544 died.

In spite of the 5,500,000 vaccinations in 1920 and the 14,600,000 vaccination in 1926 and all the vaccinations in the intervening years, including the compulsory vaccinations of all infants, there occurred another larger and more terrible smallpox epidemic in 1932 (only 6 years after the alleged complete control of smallpox in Egypt).
This sweeping epidemic continued for two years, aggravated, of course, by the meddling vaccinators.
By the end of 1934, 7,650 cases had been reported of which 1,373 had died.
Where is the remarkable success of vaccination boasted of by the medical faction of the League of Nations?

"These figures speak for themselves and eloquently proclaim the utter futility of vaccination as a preventive or mitigant of smallpox."
(Swan — "The Vaccination Problem" — p.291.)


In their monthly Epidemiological Report (RE 132) dated Nov 15, 1929, this one time great organization revealed its biased confusion on health matters by stating:

‘It will therefore be plain that, if the conclusions are to be accepted, and allowing for individual peculiarities, re-vaccination should be repeated, three or four years at least, or even more often."

Joseph Swan comments on this in his book ‘The Vaccination Problem’ page 288 by saying ‘All these demands for frequent re-vaccination may be to an absurdity by asking a simple question —
‘How is it that in England, abandonment of even primary vaccination by approximately half the parents during the past 25 years, and the almost entire neglect of re-vaccination at any age, have been accompanied by the lowest smallpox mortality rate on record?"

After smallpox vaccination was found to be so financially profitable doctors and serum manufacturers, serums for other diseases were invented and enforced with the same financial increase but also with the same decrease in the elimination of the disease.
Diphtheria is one of the most notable examples of this.

The following table is one of the many records that show how the unvaccinated diseases declined more rapidly than those that were supposed to be wiped out or controlled by vaccines.
(This report was compiled before serums were invented for the other diseases shown.)

CHART SHOWING DECLINE OF DISEASE WITHOUT VACCINATION (England and Wales) Death-rate per million children living.
(Ages, between birth and 15 years.)

20 year periods Measles Scarlet Fever Whooping Cough Diphtheria
1861-1880 1,062 1,973 1,344 932
1881-1900 1,149 585 1,104 838
1900-1920 877 197 684 504
1921-1940 297 50 294 293
1941-1948 62 69 121 105
Here we see that measles decreased 94.1 per cent during this period; scarlet fever decreased 99.7 per cent; whooping cough decreased 91 per cent while diphtheria, the disease that was supposed to be conquered by serum immunization decreased only 88.8 per cent which was the least of all.
If left alone it would have declined at the same rate as the others, or even faster because it was the least prevalent.

It will be noted that in 1861 diphtheria was the least fatal of the children’s diseases.
But according to this report of the Ministry of Health, the 1948 record shows it to have increased to the second most deadly of the children killers with its 105 deaths per million, while whooping cough was only slightly higher with 121 deaths.

Another report issued by the British Ministry of Health gives the diphtheria death-rate from among 4,000,000 children who were not immunized.
It gives a five year period (1945 to 1949) in which the diphtheria death-rate declined from 551 cases in 1945 down to 63 in 1949.
What caused this phenomenal drop of 87 per cent in only five years when the record of immunized children showed a decline of only 88 per cent in an 87 year period of immunization?
The credit cannot be claimed by the serum makers because these children were not "protected" (?) by any vaccines.

The Ministry of Health attributed the rapid decline of the other diseases, to improvements in sanitation, nutrition, housing, education and social conditions, but diphtheria and smallpox were claimed to have declined because of "prophylactics."
If vaccination and immunization were preventives of smallpox and diphtheria they should at least keep pace with the decline of other diseases.


Although France had rejected immunization after seeing the disasters that followed its use she was pressured into submitting to it after German occupation.
By 1941 most of the French children had been inoculated after which the diphtheria incidence rose to 13,795 by the end of that year.
By 1943, diphtheria had increased to 46,750.

At the beginning of the Second World War immunization was made compulsory in Germany and the diphtheria rate soared up to 150,000 cases (1939) while in unvaccinated Norway there were only 50 cases.

Space in this chapter does not permit the reviewing of the numerous records that condemn immunization.
More on this subject will be given in the chapter on DIPHTHERIA AND IMMUNIZATION in Book II.


The over-all picture for United States has been toward a steady decline in smallpox since the gradual abandonment of vaccination laws in the various states.
Only a few of the more backward states and some of the medically dominated institutions and businesses still impose compulsory vaccination laws on the people.
In 1902 when vaccination was endorsed by the majority, the death-rate from smallpox was 2,121.
By 1910, vaccination disasters had caused it to lose favor to such an extent that the smallpox death-rate dropped down to 202.
The serum makers used the frenzy of the First World War to work up a nation wide vaccination campaign that raised the smallpox death-rate up to 358 (1919) and by 1921 it had increased to 642.
When the people began to notice that the vaccinated were the ones who suffered the worst from smallpox and flu (an after effect of vaccination) they lost faith in it to a large extent and by 1927 the deaths dropped down to 138 where it has been fluctuating every since.

In contrast to our diminished smallpox rate under optioned vaccination we have an excellent example of compulsory vaccination in our (U.S.) dominated Philippine Islands.
In a 10 year period (1911-1920) 24,436,889 vaccinations were given which resulted in 75,339 deaths.
Before vaccination was introduced the highest death-rate in the Philippines, even during epidemics was only 10 per cent of the population.
After many years of thorough vaccination and re-vaccination the death-rate rose to 74 per cent which is the highest in history.
In United States (1919) when vaccination was indifferently accepted, the death rate from smallpox was only 358, while in the Philippines (1919) under strict vaccination enforcement the death-rate from this cause was 18,213.
In 1920 in vaccinated Italy, the smallpox death-rate was 12,155 as compared to only 508 in United States during the same period.

In spite of these cold facts and thousands of others like them, the promoters of vaccines insist that vaccination has been a blessing to the world and has reduced disease.
This all goes to prove the old saying that figures can’t lie but liars can figure.


Inoculate for small-pox
Inoculate for mumps;
Inoculate for typhoid
For colds and nervous slumps;
Inoculate with cow pus
And germs of every brand
Inoculate with monkey glands
To make us young again.
But one fine day the laity
Will move in self-defence
To inoculate the doctors
With a little common sense.
—by a medical student, Winnipeg, Canada


This series of posts will insure that these free thinkers' works live on in living memory.
If only a few.

There is a reason these books are not taught in the modern skools.

Setting rewards to burn only burns the author portion of the payout.

If you think this type of content should be eligible for author rewards, make your voice heard in this community:


Western medicine is good in some instances however building your immune system is the golden standard for immunity.

Gain of function research deserves the death penalty!


It's looking bad for the corporate 'scientists', for sure.
More like shillentists.


It is nearly impossible to change somebody's thinking when they lose that lazy source of income that they've been milking.

Academics are absolutely in danger of that.

Bioengineering seems to have lost the majority of ethics.

They were so worried about if they could do it they forgot about the ramifications of their actions.


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