This article on free thought comes from this link.

"A mere assumption of belief unsupported by demonstrable facts is always open to criticism.
It is easy to be carried away by the beauty of an ideal or entranced by the overwhelming appeal of a pet delusion . . . .
We hav, had much to learn but even more to unearn.
Many think they are thinking constructively when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
—George S. Weger, M.D.


It has been claimed, by an unenlightened few, that vaccination is based on scientific principles and is of comparatively recent origin.
But these claims have been proved false, first, because inoculation was practiced and abandoned as useless by primitive tribes many centuries ago, and second because Jenner and the modern experimenters in vaccination were not scientists and did not test and prove their theories by any scientific criteria before launching the hazarduous practice on the public.

For many years Edward Jenner was acclaimed a hero for what was thought to be his discovery of cow-pox vaccination.
But this dubious honor was later admitted to belong to Benjamin Jesty, whom all the chroniclers name as the one responsible for the original discovery of cow-pox inoculation.
Jesty, a farmer, Plett, a teacher and Jensen, a farmer, were named as ‘successful experimenters" in the field of cow-pox vaccination several years before Jenner’s first inoculation.
These and all subsequent vaccination experiments were then, and still are, haphazard and unscientific attempts at solving the problem of disease prevention.

Before we trace the ancient history of vaccination let us review some of the outstanding authorities who recognized that:


Many of the world’s greatest thinkers, scientists, statesmen and even doctors have condemned vaccination as being a crime against humanity, a fraud promoted for private gain, an insult to the race and a blot upon the name of civilization.
Yet, this treacherous practice of blood pollution, which was cradled in the lap of ignorant savage tribes, has been adopted by, supposedly, enlightened government of the present day and forced on the protesting population—for profit.

M.M. Gernerd in his book "The Vaccination Imposture" says:

"Vaccination is not in any sense scientific; doctors never know what the result will be in any case; they don’t absolutely know that it ever prevented smallpox; they never know when they have pure vaccine; the practice is born of pure superstition; and it has been a breeder of many kindred fallacies."

Florence Nightingale, the world’s most famous nurse and an authority on smallpox by right of extensive experience, said:

"Everyone who knows anything about public health questions will agree to the practical unity of epidemics, and the determining causes, and that exemption from. . . disease must be sought not by any one thing, such as vaccination, but by inquiring into and removing the causes of epidemic susceptibility generally."

Alfred Russell Wallace, in his famous book, "The Wonderful Century (p. 314) says:

"The successive Vaccination Acts were passed by means of allegations which were wholly untrue, and promises which have all been unfulfilled.
They stand alone in modern legislation as a gross interference with personal liberty and the sanctity of the home; while as an attempt to cheat outraged nature, and to avoid a symotic disease without getting rid of the foul conditions that produce or propagate it, the practice of vaccination is utterly opposed to the whole teaching of sanitary science, and is one of those terrible blunders which, in their far-reaching evil consequences, are worse than the greatest of crimes."

Among our best authoritative sources of information are the actual government records showing the


The report of Dr. William Farr, Compiler of Statistics of the Registrar-General, London. states:

"Smallpox attained its maximum mortality after vaccination was introduced…..
The mean annual (smallpox) mortality to 10,000 population from 1850 to 1869 was at the rate of (only) 2.04, whereas (after compulsory vaccination) in 1871 the death rate was 10.24 and in 1872 the death rate was 8.33, and this after the most laudable efforts to extend vaccination by legislative enactments."

Other authorities and numerous records and case histories showing the failure of vaccination are given elsewhere in this book.

The truly great minds of the world recognize the balanced economy of nature and know that when the chemistry of the body is thrown out of balance by faulty nutrition and other causes, toxins accumulate and the entire physical organism marshals its healing forces in an effort to meet the emergency and make adjustment to the condition.
This healing effort may be expressed in many ways, such as accelerated circulation and fever, disturbed breathing, intensified bowel elimination (diarrhea) and mucous discharges to expel poisons, eruptions, swelling of lymphatic glands such as the tonsils to handle the overload of toxic waste, pain, indicating the presence of irritants, etc.
All this display of the vital energy at work to restore normalcy, is interpreted by the average physician, as disease and something to interfere with by giving poison drugs, vaccines and crippling operations.
Modern medical methods delay and frustrate the unexcelled healing efforts of nature.

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, one of the few enlightened physicians expressed this point in one powerful sentence when he said:


When we read of primitive witch doctors experimenting with inoculation by rubbing the pus from the diseased into scratches on the body of the well, we look upon it with tolerance because they did not have enough knowledge about physiology to understand that nature does not produce health by contaminating the blood stream with filth.
Although we are willing to make excuses for the mental immaturity of those backward races, what excuse can be make for our modern doctors who do the same thing — on a larger scale — with a longer needle?

Vaccination has been a tragic failure because it is based on the false theory that disease is a ruthless enemy that must be fought and killed by poison drugs or outwitted by (supposedly) implanting anti-bodies from vaccines into the blood stream.
These mythical anti-bodies are said to make war on disease germs.
But germs are not the cause of disease in the first place and are useful wherever they are found in nature, whether they are serving as scavengers working on the decaying waste products, or whether they are helping with the decomposing and renewing of cell structure that takes place continually, they are inseparably a part of the great pattern of pulsating life.
(For detailed, scientific experiments proving the importance and nature of germs, bacteria, microbes, etc., read the findings of Antoine Bechamp as recorded in the remarkable book, BECHAMP OR PASTEUR, by E. Douglas Hume — English Pub. see bibliography.)

As has been stated before, disease is a cleansing effort of the body in its attempt to rid itself of excess poisons, waste matter, obstructions, and incompatible food.

Germs do not attack from without; they develop within the cells themselves when the need for them occurs.
The whole framework of vaccination is based on the misconception that germs cause disease and must be counteracted with vaccines.
But this procedure can bring no other result than harm.


Dr. Walter James, of Philadelphia said:

"VACCINATION DOES NOT STAY THE SPREAD OF DISEASE OR EVEN MODIFY IT in those cases who get it after vaccination.
It does just what inoculation did — cause the spread of disease."

Annie Riley Hale, (researcher for Congressmen) stated:

"The Surgeon-General of the United States Army innocently recorded in the 1918-1919 report that ‘for all officers and enlisted men, Americans and native troops in all countries where U.S. troops were serving, tuberculosis of the lungs was the leading cause for discharge; and among American troops at home and abroad there were 31,106 hospital admissions for pulmonary tuberculosis with 1,114 deaths, in the period of this country’s participation in the First World War.’"
(Medical Voodoo, p. 27)

No tubercular men were inducted into the Army.
It was after the blood poisoning vaccinations at camp that diseases of every description developed.
Then the men were invalided home by the thousands and dumped on society as physical and mental wrecks.
Many of these men had never been in battle nor had even left American soil.

Dr. E. C. Rosenow, an experimentalist at the Mayo Clinic, recorded in the Mayo Collected Papers (Vol. II, p. 92) that he found "the vaccine serums injected into guinea pigs tended to localize in the lungs."

Edward Jenner inoculated his 18 months old son with swine-pox, on November 1791 and again in April, 1798 with cow-pox.
The boy was never very well after that and died of tuberculosis at the age of 21.

In Baron’s Life of Jenner, (Vol. II, p. 304) we learn that, "On the 14th of May, 1796 . . .
Jenner vaccinated James Phipps, a boy about eight years old, with the matter taken from the hand of a dairymaid infected with casual cow-pox.

After waiting six weeks Jenner inoculated this boy on both arms with smallpox matter, taken from the arm of a boy with smallpox.
Several months later Phipps was again inoculated with the variolous matter (smallpox pus) but no effect was produced."

The inoculation didn’t "take" so on the strength of this one experiment and its questionable interpretation, Jenner based his claim that one vaccination would "forever secure a person from smallpox."
No time had elapsed to prove whether it would last a lifetime or a month or at all; but without any proof or any scientific basis or evidence for its practice, the doctors and the government adopted it and made it compulsory, no doubt, seeing the gold mine in profits that it would yield.

James Phipps was declared immune to smallpox but be too, died of tuberculosis at the age of 20.

In Baron’s Life of Jenner, the author refers to Phipps condition as follows:

"While walking with a friend one day they passed young Phipps, when Jenner exclaimed, ‘Oh, there is poor Phipps; I wish you could see him; he has been very unwell lately and I am afraid he has got tuberculosis on his lungs.
He was recently inoculated for smallpox, I believe for the 20th time, and all without effect.’"


As was previously stated, neither Jenner, with all his fanfare and praise, nor the obscure Jesty, was the discoverer of inoculation.
It was a "carry-over" from very ancient times when superstitious fear and guess-work dominated the healing field.

An idea of its ancient origin may be gathered from the "Lecture Memoranda,"XVII International Congress of Medicine, London, 1913, which states:

"The practice of inoculation for the prevention of disease is one of considerable antiquity.
The period of its discovery can only be conjectured..."

"Dhanwantari, the Vedic Father of Medicine, and the earliest known Hindu physician, who lived about 1,500 B.C., is supposed to have been the first to practice inoculation for smallpox.
It is even stated that the ancient Hindus employed a vaccine, which they prepared by the transmission of the smallpox virus through a cow." (History of Inoculation and Vaccination, pp. 6, 13)

This common practice of disease transmission of both ancient and modern tunes, undoubtedly, has a strong relationship to the plagues and epidemics that sweep those countries where vaccination is still practiced.

If this method of disease prevention had ever been successful, smallpox would have been eliminated from the world centuries ago, but smallpox persists in localities where vaccination is compulsory and declines where it is abandoned in favor of sanitation and hygienic measures.

The practice of inoculation spread like a noxious weed, from the savage tribes of the forgotten past into the civilizations of Africa, Arabia, Tibet, India and finally into Europe and America.

Dr. Clements in his pamphlet, "A Superstitious Custom" traces the inoculation practices through the various modern countries previous to Jenner’s day.
He writes:

"In 1673 inoculation against smallpox appeared in Denmark; and in 1778, on recommendation of the medical fraternity, two inoculation houses were established by the king in the capitol.

"In Italy, inoculation was secretly practiced by the Neapolitans from early times.
It was freely performed by nurses, who inoculated infants, entrusted to their care, without the knowledge of the parents.

"In 1722, Dr. Wright, a surgeon of Wales refers to inoculation against smallpox in the British Isles as ‘a very ancient custom.’
(Jenner didn’t begin his vaccinations until 1796).
One William Allen, then 99 years old, said inoculation had been known and used during his entire lifetime, and he well remembered his mother stating that it had been commonly done all her life, and that she got smallpox that way.

"The first record of inoculation in France appears in 1712, and in 1763 a fatal epidemic of smallpox occurred in that country that wiped out a large part of the population; it was attributed to inoculation and for a time the Government prohibited the practice.
Five years later, on the insistence of the medical faculties, this decree was rescinded and by the latter part of the 18th century inoculation was again commonly practiced in that country.

"The first record of inoculation in Ireland appears in 1723, when a medical doctor in Dublin inoculated 25 persons.
Three of these died as a result, and the custom was abandoned for some time.

‘Inoculation appears to have been first introduced in Germany in 1724.
It soon fell into disfavor, however, because of the many deaths in Berlin from smallpox, as a result of it. After many years of diligent medical propagandizing, the doctors were able to get the people to accept it again.

"In 1754, Peverani introduced inoculation for smallpox into Rome, but smallpox soon began to spread and opposition rose to such a pitch that the practice was discontinued, until the medical profession, after years of labor, persuaded the people to again submit to it.

"One hundred forty-two years later, Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy, protested against the deadly custom in these scathing words:

"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine....
Believe not in vaccination, it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.’

"In Ancient Greece and Rome, the MIGHTY NATIONS OF MIGHTY MEN, there was no inoculation — no vaccination — and no smallpox."
These nations have been known down through history as being famous for their general habits of health, cleanliness and stability as well as their vigor and strength.
Among the Greeks and Romans smallpox was unknown until it was carried there by the inoculators from other countries.


In America, inoculation for smallpox appears to have been first introduced in 1721 by Cotton Mather, a clergyman.
His method was that of taking a toothpick and dipping it into the pus from a pustule of a smallpox patient and smearing it into a scratch on the arm of a well person.
He inoculated 224 persons during the first six months of his experimentation.
Six of them died from poisoning, six had no apparent reaction at the time and the rest suffered reactions of varying intensity.

"He was bitterly attacked for recommending such a practice," says Dr. Clements, "and for a time his life was in danger.
This incident encited strong opposition to inoculation, in this country . . .
A public meeting was called in Boston where the practice was deprecated as causing the death of many persons.

"It was contended that the operation was likely to prove most dangerous to those submitting to it.
In the meeting the following resolution was agreed upon and published by the public authorities:

"A resolve upon a debate by the people of Boston concerning inoculation of smallpox, on the 21st day of July, 1721.

"It appears by numerous instances that it has proven the death of many persons even after the operation, and brought distemper upon many others which have in the end proven fatal to them; that the natural tendency of infusing such malignant filth in the blood is to corrupt and putrefy it, and if there be not a sufficient discharge of that malignity by the place of inoculation or elsewhere, it lays the foundation for many dangerous diseases; that the operation tends to spread and continue the infection in a place longer than otherwise might be (as in the case of smallpox); that the continuance of the operation among us is likely to prove of the most dangerous consequences.

"By the Select Men of the Town of Boston, July 22, 1721"

We observe, here, that the Founding Fathers of this country were intelligent men who were vitally concerned with the health and welfare of the people whom they governed.
Although this was years before our revolution, these same men, no doubt, played a part in shaping the destiny of this country.
This was also before the medical association got its strangle hold on the health of our people and prostituted the art of healing to the business of making money without giving "full value received".
Those leaders with ideals and high purposes were not able to hold the gilted-edge vaccination monster at bay very long.
The high pressure "tactics" of the serum promoters finally corrupted the minds of the people and they were induced to submit to full scale vaccination in many states.
America, today, is unfortunately, one of the most lucrative fields for medical exploitation.

Our Constitution promises the people freedom but the enslavement of compulsory vaccination hounds the employees and personnel of our tax supported institutions such as Civil Service, county and state hospitals and institutions, state colleges, military service, many public schools and some entire states.
There is absolutely no proof of benefits from vaccination and no sound basis for its compulsion but it is forced into operation from year to year and the outraged taxpayers are forced to pay for it.

The useless and hazardous but inflexible law that requires vaccination in order to travel abroad brands U. S. as backward and unscientific.
Other countries have learned the fallacy of vaccination and discarded it as worthless and deadly.

"Medical schools claim that the theory of inoculation is based on scientific facts but history proves that this claim is false.
What are these so-called, scientific facts?
Where are they (if any)?
Medical history discusses many theories and hypotheses, but it describes no scientific facts.
It is a gross misrepresentation to hold that the superstitious practice of barbarians ‘is based on discoveries made in the fundamental sciences,’ or on scientific facts." —

The testament from medical history itself proves that smallpox increased tremendously after the enforcement of vaccination and at the present time there are far more deaths and diseases from vaccination itself than from the diseases the vaccinations are supposed to prevent.
Figures and case histories to support this statement are given elsewhere in this book and in many other books on vaccination.


Lady Mary Wortly Montague was said to have been the one who introduced inoculation into England in 1717 after she returned from the Orient (in Turkey, where her husband was an ambassador).
Inoculation was in its popular experimental stage there at that time.
The custom had probably been taken by the Arabs into Africa, notably, those countries near the Red Sea.
From there it may have been taken into Europe by way of the Bosphorus. When Lady Montague spoke of this practice of arm-to-arm inoculation to Jenner he said:

"Ay, but the Glouchestershire dairymaids have a better trick than that.
They say that if a person takes the cowpox from the cow, he will never after have smallpox.
Now cowpox is smallpox of the cow.
Cowpox is not infectious; a person once having cowpox will never have smallpox afterwards, and there are no dangerous results to be anticipated, as there are with (arm-to-arm) inoculations."

All these claims have been refuted by scientific findings, but as Jenner was not a scientist he was satisfied to accept the opinions and superstitions of unlearned dairymaids.
Science has later presented sound proof that cowpox is not the same as smallpox and does not protect from smallpox or even from cowpox.


Space will not permit the quoting of all the qualified authorities who brought forth evidence that cowpox has no relation to smallpox and cannot immunize against it.
A few will show the trend in this direction.

Joseph Swan, in his comprehensive work, "THE VACCINATION PROBLEM" (pp. 87 — 102) gives the results of government surveys and reports of doctors and scientists who investigated this matter.
He reports Sir Thomas Watson (the distinguished surgeon and a believer in vaccination) who said:

"A little consideration will suffice to show that the vaccine disease is suigeneris.
In no sense does it own its origin to smallpox.
There is no such relation between the two. . .
The true attitude of cowpox towards smallpox is an attitude of antagonism."
(British Medical Journal, Jan. 17, 1880)

The renowned bacteriologist, E. M. Crookshank stated:

(p. 328, Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases, Fourth Edition, by Crookshank)

Dr. (later Sir) William Osler, one of the most highly respected medical authorities, although an advocate of vaccination was forced, by factual evidence to admit the dangers attending this practice.
He did not endorse Jenner’s exaggerated promises of lifetime immunity without danger.
In his "Principles and Practice of Medicine", p. 330, 8th Edition, he wrote:

"With the greatest care (in vaccinating) certain risks are present . . .
A quiescent malady may be lighted into activity by vaccination.
This has happened with congenital syphilis, also with tuberculosis."
(emphasis supplied)


When Jenner promised the world that his cowpox vaccinations would give lifetime immunity "with no dangerous results" as with the usual inoculations, he admitted that inoculation had always been accompanied with danger that all recognized.
It was not long, however, before Jenner’s cowpox vaccinations were followed by death and disease and that practice was also branded as dangerous and deadly.

Regarding the increased death-rate due to vaccination, Herbert Spencer states in his Facts and Comments:

"Jenner and his disciples have assumed that when the vaccine has passed through the patient’s system he is safe against smallpox, and there the matter ends . . .
I propose to show that there the matter does not end.
The interference with the order of Nature has various sequences other than those counted upon.
Some have been made known.

"A Parliamentary Return issued in 1880 (No. 392) shows. . . that there was a decrease of 6,600 (per million births) in the deaths of infants from all causes; while the deaths caused by eight specified diseases, either directly communicable or exacerbated by the effects of vaccination, increased from 20,524 to 41,353 per million births per annum — more than double.
It is clear that far more were killed by these other diseases than were saved from smallpox."

Vaccination was made compulsory in England in 1853.
Judging by the data from the above quoted Parliamentary Return, it would appear that after 27 years of enforced vaccination, the death rate increased only among the vaccinated diseases.
The decline in deaths from other causes was, no doubt, brought about by the improvement in sanitation and nutrition that came into prominence about that time.
It was around 1840 that Sylvester Graham, Dr. Trall and other pioneers of the new health movement emphasized the importance of correct nutrition and through this teaching they helped raise the health standards that saved many lives.
If vaccination had not been persisted in, the great improvements in sanitation and nutrition would have had a better chance to eliminate disease.
But as it is, we now have a greater scourge of killer diseases than at any other time in recorded history; and much of it is traceable to vaccination.


Dr. W. R. Hadwin who had considerable experience with smallpox patients in the hospitals of England and had seen the tragic results of vaccination, gave lecture in Liverpool where he discussed the typical excuses and evasions made by Jenner regarding the complaints and failures of his vaccinations.
Excerpts from this lecture are as follows:

"Now, after Jenner had written a paper on this wonderful legend of the dairymaids, there came forward on every hand no end of cow-doctors who had a large experience in the matter, and had literally flooded him with evidence of people who had had cowpox vaccinations and later contracted smallpox.

"Here was proof that he could not ignore . . .
But Jenner was one of the most resourceful men in excuse making that ever lived; let anyone read his and there will be no difficulty in coming to that conclusion.

"‘Ay’, said Jenner, ‘There are two kinds of smallpox; there is a genuine kind and a spurious kind, (laughter from the audience) and those who have been vaccinated and had smallpox afterwards, they have been vaccinated with spurious cowpox, but those who have been vaccinated and have not had smallpox afterwards, they have been inoculated with the genuine variety.’"

Jenner had no answer when asked how to tell the difference between spurious and genuine cowpox.
Neither he nor anyone else was able to find a safe vaccine, yet the vaccinations were continued without interruption with the same questionable vaccines that had no proof of purity or assurance of safety.
The people reminded Jenner that a person is just as dead whether he died of spurious or genuine smallpox and it was little comfort to know that he and the government approved of the vaccine used.

When Jenner was confronted with the evidence that a group of people had been vaccinated with the same batch of vaccine but some had developed smallpox and others did not, he told them that those who were unfortunate enough to get smallpox must have been vaccinated too soon or too late after exposure to smallpox.
But he never was able to determine just when was the right time to vaccinate.
As many of the casualties were among his own patients it was clear that the whole procedure was operated on a basis of guesswork.


In spite of the obvious failure of vaccination, Jenner applied to the English Government for money to promote his scheme.
It was on the strength of the dairymaid’s story and his groundless promise of lifetime immunity, and his unscientific experiment on James Phipps that Parliament gave him 10 000 in 1802.
Either Jenner had an unusual gift of persuasion or the English government was a victim of "wishful thinking" for in 1807 Jenner talked them out another 20,000 pounds which amounted to 30,000 pounds in all, ($150,000) public funds with which to propagate his vaccination diseases and death throughout the world.

When Jenner made the statement that one vaccination would give lifelong protection against smallpox he seemed to expect that people would regard him as some great Oracle whose words would never be questioned.
Even after deaths had occurred from vaccination he brazenly submitted a manuscript to the Royal College of Surgeons entitled, "An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of Variolae Vaccine" in which he again stated his theory, " . . .
What renders the cowpox virus so extremely singular is, that the person who has been thus affected is forever after secure from the infusion of smallpox; neither exposure to the various effluvia nor the insertion of the matter into the skin producing the malady."

The complaints continued to pour in but Jenner ignored the facts and like one possessed by an obsession he wrote in his third publication an answer to the objectors as follows:
"Some there are who suppose the security (Immunity) obtained through the cowpox will be of temporary nature only.
This supposition is refuted, not only by analogy with respect to the habits of disease of a similar kind, but by incontrovertible facts, which appear again its. . ." (Baron 1, p. 490)

Where (we ask) are these incontrovertible facts? No one has seen them and Jenner never did bring them forth.
But Jenner and a certain class of doctors had discovered that vaccination could be a paying business even if they couldn’t make it work; so from then on, the colossal advertising program was set up to propagandize the population into believing in vaccination.

Lord Lyttleton must have had a stake in this multi-million dollar enterprise when he stated in the House of Lords:
"It is unnecessary to speak of the certainty of vaccination as a preventive of smallpox, that being a point on which the whole medical profession has arrived at complete unanimity."

This statement was not quite true because all the enlightened doctors, (of which there were not a great many) condemned vaccination.
But the words of Lyttleton had their desired effect on the people and that was the purpose of the speech.
Everything possible was done to suppress the facts that revealed the dismal failure of vaccination.

According to Thomas Morgan in his Medical Delusions (p. 48-49) "Jenner soon discovered that vaccination did not give immunity from smallpox, including some who had been vaccinated by himself and had died from it.
Not wishing to bring vaccination into disrepute, he endeavored to suppress reports, and in writing to a friend, said, ‘I wish my professional brethren to be slow to publish fatal results after vaccination.’ and in 1810 he wrote:
‘When I found Dr. Woodworth about to publish his pamphlet relative to the eruption (smallpox) cases at the Smallpox Hospital, I entreated him in the strongest terms, both by letter and conversation, not to do a thing that would so disturb the progress of vaccination.’
(Barron’s Life of Jenner)

"The foregoing plainly proves that Jenner himself was aware of the utter uselessness of vaccination; but, having received the bounty from the government he preferred to resort to all kinds of schemes rather than acknowledge its failure.

"From its inception until the present day, the vaccination scheme has been an endless record of lies, deception, fraud, juggling statistics, and falsifying death certificates in order to preserve vaccination from reproach and to secure its continuation. . . and all this after more than a century of terrible experience, which has demonstrated that vaccination has killed more than smallpox, besides crippling and disfiguring millions more."


In his work on The Value of Vaccination (pp. 68-69) Dr. William Winterburn says that even "The Royal Jennerian Society" (under Jenner’s direction) in its second report in 1806, "Admitted having seen a few cases of smallpox in persons who had passed through the cowpox in the usual way."
He says further:

"In the same year the Royal College of Surgeons issued a circular letter to 1,000 of its members asking their experience with vaccination.
They received 426 answers, with the information of 56 cases of smallpox in the vaccinated, 66 cases of eruption and 24 bad arms."

The London MEDICAL OBSERVER, (VoL VI, 1810) published particulars of "535 CASES OF SMALLPOX AFTER VACCINATION — the operation having been performed in some of them by Jenner himself — including their names and the authorities reporting them; and similar details of 97 FATAL CASES OF SMALLPOX IN THE VACCINATED, with 150 cases of serious injury arising from vaccination among whom were 10 medical men — with their names and addresses — including two professors of anatomy, who had suffered from the operation in their own families."
(Medical Voodoo — Hale p. 85)

Winterburn gives additional proof of the failure of vaccination to protect from smallpox, in a report of a "Severe epidemic in Marseilles when 2,000 vaccinated persons were stricken with smallpox; and the epidemic of 1831 in Wurttemberg when 995 ‘protected’ ones succumbed to the prevailing malady."

When Jenner was faced with the disturbing fact that vaccination with cowpox was as much a failure as the previous inoculations with human smallpox, he invented all manner of excuses which were as unconvincing as they were useless.
His one—track mind seemed to admit no other thought except pus.
So when cow or human putrescence didn’t prevent smallpox he continued to experiment with other varieties.
He noticed that in the suppurating cracks in the feet of diseased horses there was a putrid mass of pus.
This disease was called "horse grease" by some people but was considered, by some veterinarians, to be a form of syphilis of the horse.
Others said it was a type of consumption or wasting disease.
For some unaccountable reason, Jenner thought this pus would be a good addition to his discredited vaccines so he injected it into a cow and produced a disease in the cow.
With the concoction of pus from the diseased horse and cow he made a serum.
When the people learned what he had done they protested so violently that Dr. Pearson wrote to Jenner immediately and said, "For God’s sake take the horse out, or you will damn the whole business."

Following that incident Jenner wrote to a friend and said, "I am on the look-out to be able to make a fortune; and to appease the public."
Then, as Dr. Hadwin related in his famous lecture, "Jenner decided to take the horse out.
But he was still faced with the problem of finding genuine cowpox.
This he was never able to do. . …
In sheer desperation, he fell back upon spontaneous cowpox although he had declared previously, it was absolutely useless in preventing smallpox.
And it is this spontaneous cowpox vaccine, this which was denounced by Edward Jenner, this which was scouted by the so-called inventor himself as absolutely useless in protecting against smallpox; this is the stuff that is being used today under the name of ‘pure calf lymph smallpox vaccine’ and before which the medical profession is bowing, while professing to follow in the footsteps of Jenner.

"There is not one medical man in 10,000 who has ever seen cowpox in a cow . . - and very few who have seen a case of smallpox so they really know very little about it.
There are two things the medical profession should learn:
The first is to know smallpox when they see it; and the next Is, to know how to treat it when they do see it."
(The Vaccination Delusion, by W. R. Hadwin, M.D.)


"We will suppose" said Dr. Hadwin, "for the sake of argument, that cowpox is smallpox (as some doctors still claim) and that when you give a person cowpox -----that is when you vaccinate him — you give him a mild (or severe) sort of smallpox.
Jenner himself, said, ‘Cowpox does not prevent smallpox; it is smallpox.’
So that, according to that theory, you are literally "smallpoxing" a person when you vaccinate him.. . Jenner said, ‘A person once vaccinated is forever after secure from smallpox’ and that, ‘re-vaccination would rob his discovery of half its virtues.’
But what is the medical propaganda telling you?
The doctors know that vaccination will not protect you against another vaccination.
If one cowpox inoculation will not protect you from being cow-poxed again, how on earth is it going to protect you from being smallpoxed?
Why, the very theory of re-vaccination is condemnatory of the whole creed.
If it cannot protect against a mild form in vaccination how can it protect one from a serious form of smallpox?
The most amazing thing on earth is the fact that the medical men cannot see this."
(The Vaccination Delusion — Dr. Hadwin)


The Editor of "TRUTH" (London) answers a complaint in an editorial of his publication as follows:

"In his article, ‘The Fraud of Vaccination,’ published last week in "TRUTH, Dr. Hadwin made some remarks not altogether complimentary to Jenner, the (self proclaimed) discoverer of vaccination.
These remarks led one reader to denounce both Dr. Hadwin and myself — Dr. Hadwin for libeling one of the greatest benefactors of humanity (she thinks) and myself for propagating the libel.
Dr. Hadwin is well able to take care of himself.
For my own part, not wishing to do any injustice to the name and fame of the late Dr. Jenner, I asked Dr. Hadwin what he had against him and he replied by sending me a pamphlet he had written on the subject.
This I have compared with the account of Jenner’s life given in the "Dictionary of National Biography," and the result is so illuminating that I will now give the salient facts as briefly as possible.

"To begin with, it is clear that Jenner never possessed anything that would be recognized today as a medical qualification.
At the age of 16 he was apprenticed to a country doctor and apothecary and at 21 he was sent for two years as a pupil to Dr. John Hunter of London.
At 23 Jenner returned to his native village and started to practice as a surgeon and apothecary.
He continued for several years as just a plain, unqualified country doctor.
At the end of this time be made his first bid for fame.
In l787 he sent a paper on "The Natural History of the Cuckoo" to the Royal Society, and as a result, with Hunter’s influence he was elected F.R.C.
Three years later he applied to St. Andrew’s University for an M.D. degree, and as St. Andrew’s, in those days, was not squeamish about degrees so long as the fees were forthcoming, Jenner became Doctor Jenner for the modest sum of 15 pounds. (about $75.00 in those days)

"As for the vaccination discovery it appears to have been founded upon what Dr. Hadwin calls a superstition among the dairymaids" (The editorial continues with the history of vaccination as already covered in this chapter so I do not think it is necessary to repeat it He concludes his article with this paragraph:)

‘What strikes me as remarkable about the whole affair is the ease with which Jenner got his theory accepted . . .
It is true that medical research in the 19th century was not what it is today, but even then the picture of the whole of the College of Physicians and Surgeons swallowing the theory of an unqualified country apothecary, based on one totally unreliable experiment, seems scarcely credible…..
I should imagine that he was one of those unscientific researchers who are always on the lookout for facts to fit their theories, instead of first making of their facts"

Dr. J. W. Hodge, of New York, had extensive experience with smallpox epidemics and vaccination epidemics also.
Out of his wealth of knowledge on this subject he wrote on all its phases.
In a published article dealing with "Some of the False Claims, Erroneous Deductions and Self Contradictions of the of the Vaccination Dogma" he stated:

"At first it was confidently asserted that vaccination would exterminate small-pox.
That claim has been abandoned by Jenner’s most enthusiastic followers and the claim that re-vaccination will exterminate smallpox, was set up in its stead.
The proof that the theory and the practice espoused by Jenner have been everywhere abandoned is found in the fact that all vaccinists now admit the necessity of re-vaccination, but do not agree on the period that may be allowed between successive repetitions of the ‘protective’ (?) rite.

"If you ask how often it must be repeated, you will be confronted with a babel of discordant replies You can choose any answer you please from ‘once only’ of the original Jenner up to an indefinite repetition, ‘until it no longer takes’, as now prescribed by the Chicago ‘Vaccination Creed’"

This "Vaccination Creed" formulated by the Chicago Health Department in 1902 stated "True vaccination repeated until it no longer "takes" always prevents smallpox.
Nothing else does."

Regarding this fantastic assertion, Dr. Hodge has this to say:

"The above dogmatic deliverance aptly illustrates the recklessness of the disciples of Jenner in making bold asseverations in favor of vaccination which scorn the slightest attempt at verification."

The frequent and variegated vaccinations given to our service men give us a full-scale picture of what "repeated vaccination until it no longer takes" will do to the body and brain.
Thousands of our healthiest men at the prime of life were rendered insane and millions of others were infected with disease of every description including the very ones they were "protected" against.
A typical example is that of our Philippine soldiers.
According to our military records: "Every enlisting soldier is subjected to vaccination at the time of being recruited, and revaccinated, not only on entering the U S Army, but also as often after that as seems advisable by the Army medical authorities " Chief Surgeon of the U. S. Philippine Army, said in his report, regarding the high incidence of smallpox among his vaccinated men "I can say that no Army was ever more thoroughly looked after in the matter of vaccination than ours.
(emphasis supplied)

Yet, the records show a steady increase of smallpox among these men:

In 1888 — there were 76 cases of smallpox and 21 deaths from this cause.
In 1890 — there were 207 cases of smallpox and 78 deaths from this cause.
In 1900— there were 246 cases of smallpox and 113 deaths from this cause.

246 cases of smallpox and 113 deaths among the thoroughly and frequently vaccinated men would hardly bear out the claim of the Chicage Creed, that says:

"repeated re-vaccination always prevents smallpox and nothing else does."

Jenner and his followers had committed themselves to the view that Vaccination gave life-long immunity to smallpox.
Therefore, they asserted that re-vaccination was not merely unnecessary, but impossible."

Dr. Pearson, one of Jenner’s strongest supporters said, "If a child can be revaccinated, then it can take smallpox; therefore, vaccination is not an equivalent for smallpox and where, then, is the good of it?"
(Medical Gazette, 1831)

Dr. Pearson also stated, "It has been found that a person whose constitution has distinctly undergone the vaccine disease is in the future, unsusceptible of that same disease."
(I wonder where he found that remarkable person.)

Here is an authority on the Jenner theory who promises that if the vaccination "takes" then a person cannot ever have another vaccination that will "take".
This fortunate person is then supposed to be immune to both smallpox and vaccination reactions (vaccina).

The cases of smallpox and vaccination diseases and deaths continued to increase in large numbers among Jenner’s prize patients so he and his supporters had to retreat behind a bulwark of excuses.
As usual, these failed to shield them from the rise of public indignation, so Jenner had to discard the impossible claim of life-time immunity in order to hold onto the vaccination fantasy at all.

Although they had previously taught that re-vaccination would cancel any hope of protection from vaccination, they nevertheless, changed their policy and advocated re-vaccination.
They had learned, undeniably, that vaccination would not work and were to learn later that re-vaccination was even more disastrous but it was continued in spite of this.

In 1860 the Encyclopedia Britannica (Eighth Edition) stated:

"Nothing is more likely to prove hurtful to the cause of vaccination and render the public careless of securing to themselves its benefits, than the belief that they would require to submit to re-vaccination every 10 to 15 years."

Years later, the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopedia shows the change of policy when it states:

"It is desirable that the operation (vaccination) should be repeated at the age of from 7 to 10 years, and thereafter, if it be possible, at intervals during life."
(The more often the vaccinations, the greater the revenue to the doctors and vaccine promoters.
This is the prime consideration in this business.)


Since numerous examples of the failure of re-vaccination are given throughout this book, only a few will be mentioned in this chapter to show its position in the history of vaccination.

Dr. Sobatta, of the German Army gave a report of 154 soldiers who had been vaccinated four times with a lapse of a year and a half between shots.
146 of these cases had reactions of vaccina, indicating that the vaccinations and revaccinations did not protect for even one and one-half years.

Some startling results of re-vaccination experiments were published by the German Vaccination Commission in 1884.
The experiments were made on 30 boys ranging in age from 8 to 14 years.
Five of them had had smallpox within the previous two years; four of them had been vaccinated.
The vaccinations were repeated every eight days with the following results:

Vaccinations of Boys reactions unsuccessful Percent of Reactions
1st 30 7 23 23
2nd 23 9 14 39
3rd 14 6 8 36
4th 9 3 6 33
5th 6 4 2 67

The report stated that the 7 boys on the top row (including the 4 who had had smallpox) had reactions of vaccina indicating that neither smallpox nor revaccination had protected them for even three weeks.
The 9 boys on the second row who had reactions showed that 67 per cent of the group did not have immunity that lasted even 8 days.
Then the 7 boys on the top row who had been re-vaccinated were re-vaccinated again and 6 of them "took" which showed that 86 per cent of the group did not receive the promised immunity for as long as one week.
The other boy in that group of 7 was reported as unsuccessful because he had developed dysentery during that week.
This is an interesting point because it bears out the contention that when poisons are introduced into the body the healing mechanism attempts to expel them by way of diarrhea, mucous discharge, eruptions, etc.
The diarrhea was, no doubt, one of the reactions of vaccina which would indicate that his vaccination also "took", making re-vaccination a 100 per cent failure in that group.

This is concrete proof that vaccination or re-vaccination does not protect against itself, or against smallpox and has no constructive quality to recommend it.

One of the favorite arguments of the exponents of re-vaccination is the claim that the re-vaccinated nurses in smallpox hospitals do not get smallpox.
It would be more accurate to say that the records of the casualties of these re-vaccinated nurses are not made public.
We read in the chapter on Falsified Death Certificates (Book II) that it is an accepted custom among doctors, to withhold from the death certificate the real cause of death when nurses (and sometimes when patients) die of smallpox after vaccination; some other causes are given.
However, occasionally the private records are seen and it is then found that the vaccinated and re-vaccinated personnel show a higher incidence of smallpox and other diseases than do the unvaccinated laymen.

Many records and testimonies were brought forth when the Royal Vaccination Commission was making its investigation of this re-vaccination question.
W. J. Collins, M.D. and J. A. Piecton, two of these Commissioners, after weighing the evidence of hundreds of witnesses who had testified before the Royal Commission, recorded their joint conclusions on this matter in the minority report (p. 61, par. 152) as follows:

"When we consider the large number of attacks and deaths by smallpox which have occurred among our thoroughly re-vaccinated army . . . as well as the number and fatality of re-vaccinated persons attacked by smallpox in London and at Warrington and Dewsbury, we are forced to the conclusion that the remarkable immunity recorded in the cases of nurses in smallpox hospitals cannot be accounted for by the fact that they have been re-vaccinated.

"In the hospital at Bicetre during the siege of Paris, in the midst of a larger accumulation of smallpox patients than has ever been known before or since, the immunity of those attendants and doctors who neglected re-vaccination was even more marked than in the case of the orderlies who were nearly all re-vaccinated.
We attach considerable importance to the narrative given by M. Colin, Chief Medical Officer to the Bicetre Hospital during the siege.

"The point of this narrative is that while 15 of the re-vaccinated or well protected orderlies took the disease (smallpox), not one of the 80 who composed the medical and nursing staff, so many of whom had neglected re-vaccination, was attacked.

"It is sufficiently clear," declared the Royal Vaccination Commissioners, "that M. Cohn, though an impassioned advocate of vaccination, was so struck with the complete immunity of the medical and nursing staff, who by their neglect of re-vaccination appeared to offer less guarantee of protection than the orderlies, nearly all of whom had been re-vaccinated under his own eyes, that he thought it necessary to attempt some explanation."

Japan is one of the most glaring examples of the failure of vaccination and re-vaccination. Dr. Ruta, in his review of world statistics on smallpox reported:

"Between 1886 and 1892, there were 25,474,370 vaccinations and re-vaccinations performed in Japan, which meant that about two-thirds of the entire Japanese population, already vaccinated by the law of 1872, were re-vaccinated.
During that 7-year period (1886-1892) of thorough re-vaccination, there were reported 165,774 cases of smallpox with 28,979 deaths."

When our U. S. Army of occupation moved into Japan after World War II, we could have been the means of liberating these needy people from this curse of medical ignorance, but instead, our medical, drug and chemical companies moved in also with their program of exploitation, and as a result, under the MacArthur regime, "The people were given the largest immunization and vaccination treatment in history.
Every Japanese, received two smallpox shots making a total of 160 million vaccinations." (LIFE — Aug. 22, 1955)


This series of posts will insure that these free thinkers' works live on in living memory.
If only a few.

There is a reason these books are not taught in the modern skools.

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Today I read that new vaccines are ready for the new variant. They think we are guinea pig.


We have been their guinea pigs for a long time, well over a century.
This book is from 1957.


ah I was wondering about the date. Sounds like we've been their guinea pigs for thousands of years now. Time to say no!!!


I think it is breaking down to control freaks vs freedom lovers.
One will have to pick a side, the control freaks will require it.
And, here we are.

Choose freedom.


"The foregoing plainly proves that Jenner himself was aware of the utter uselessness of vaccination; but, having received the bounty from the government he preferred to resort to all kinds of schemes rather than acknowledge its failure.

I wonder how many of our doctors today feel the same way. They cannot doubt vaccination or they will lose their livelihoods.

Just say no. To all vaccinations. Something is very very wrong, and your article here shows it. Thank you for posting it.


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"It is unnecessary to speak of the certainty of vaccination as a preventive of smallpox, that being a point on which the whole medical profession has arrived at complete unanimity."

So, science by consensus has always been the cause of vaccinators. It's ready application now but reprises it's success at making them money in the past.



We are new to the game, the game is only new for us.
Those currently setting the rules know them generationally.
