Saxon's Survival Hour #186: Survival Schools

Today's excerpt begins on page 88 of The Survivor Volume 1.


Choosing a survival destination is not something to do casually.
A bad location or poorly organized compound can expose inhabitants to unnecessary risks of privation, attack by hostile adventurers, or even to fatal accidents with loss of life and fortune.

Recent surveys by survival experts alerts people to the problems.
Of several installations studied, they lacked sufficient storage of food and other vital necessities.
Some didn't even have medical aide, and their water supply was limited to a small hand pump barely able to deliver 2 or 3 gallons of water per minute.
In one location, the encampment was close to a highly traveled road, only 25 miles from a major city.
This would be a prime target for roving bands of hungry refugees, and in another, they didn’t even have a shotgun to defend themselves.
Few in all the places visited could be considered self-sufficient and safe for any extended slay in the event of trouble.

A well developed retreat must, first of all, be far out of reach of marauders, preferably 60 to 100 miles away from urban center.
It must be out of sight from any interstate highway or main road, and in a defensible position, well hidden in the contour of surrounding landscape.
Its store of supplies should include dehydrated and freeze-dried foods having a shelf life of ten years or more, as well as food supplements as vitamins and minerals.
Canned foods are prone to spoil after a few years of storage, and may even be dangerous to consume.
There must be adequate water stored or available, and provisions for sanitary facilities.

In addition to essential supplies, a good retreat will have been well organized with a complement of trained men and women able to take care of sickness and accident; guard the outpost; prepare rationed portions of meals, and grow or hunt for food if necessary.
This means having farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, doctors, engineers and technicians who are versed in the technological arts and crafts.
Any group of people without proper leadership, arms and equipment, cannot long survive in any circumstance.

There are growing numbers ol survival schools now teaching basic ways one can live "off the land" in a wilderness environment.
Some give complete courses in extensive survival training by groups who band together because of common interests, such as social, fraternal, religious, sports, and newly organized ’survival clubs’.
One of the best schools is the PIONEER SURVIVAL ACADEMY. P.O. Box 547. Hamilton. MT 59840, and the Carla Emery School in Hendricks, Idaho - an alternative farmstead that also teaches how to raise food.

Among many interesting subjects taught by PSA is basic automobile survival, down to earth self defense techniques and weaponry skills, what to do when lost in the wilderness, guarding against extreme heat and cold, backwoods medicine and proper first aid "pioneer style", how to locate and purify water, primitive fire making and cookery, tracking and trapping of animals, fish and fowl, finding edible roots, avoiding poisonous plants, insect bites, dangerous predators, etc.
They also wise you up to the proper role of government, true American history, the origin and purpose of the Bill of Rights for all independent people under the U.S. Constitution.

Another good source of guidelines in what to do in the event of trouble is provided by the JOURNAL OF CIVIL DEFENSE. P.O. Box 910, Starke, Fl. 32091.
This bi-monthly magazine, formerly called "Survive" gives you official facts about civilian defense, and what one must do when social order breaks down.
It reveals what really makes Soviet Civil Defense tick; what guarantees the USSR over 94% survival in a nuclear attack, and exposes the ingredients for Soviet success in "people protection."

There are too many false assumptions about what to do and what is going on around the world.
People are going their merry ways of spending and consuming vital substances, oblivious of social/economic trouble which lies in the wake of international problems, and troubles right here at home.
One of the most important of these is economics, or what makes our monetary system work.
Right now, paper dollars can still buy goods, but it has a purchasing power of only 27c on the dollar.
At the present rate of devaluation, and barring another round of double-digit inflation, it will be worth less than a nickle by 1985. People are foolishly saving their dollars in banks, stock, bonds and other paper equities which wouldn’t be worth the printing in the event general bankruptcies now threatened in some of our major cities.

Wise people are not only conserving on expenditures, but converting their dollars into gold and silver coins and other tangible assets which can be exchanged for goods and services.
A trustworthy source of buying precious coins is CENTRE COIN CO. P.O. Box 1. Sherman Oaks. CA 91413.
Several others are being checked out and will be reported in future issues of this column.
Wise people are not only hedging their bets with money leverage, but investing in good properties suitable for group survival a place where they may safely store essential food and other goods, and be reasonably assured that, comes trouble, they have their own place of retreat along with others of like mind and sense.
In such unity, there is strength.

SURVIVAL TOWN, USA is but one of these prepared establishments located on the east coast.
Julius Rose who ramrods the outfit, can be contacted at Box 188, Richland, NJ 08350.
His project may be primitive and premature, but is starting to gather adherents to his concept of 'survival', and who knows but that metropolitanites from N.Y.C. & Phily, may need such a place after the fiasco of the 1976 national elections/conventions and partying.

The Emergency Broadcast System EBS is little noted or taken seriously by radio listeners whenever a test is done by major networks on order of the FCC.
When that signal becomes real one day soon, millions of our people will be caught with their pants down- -you can be sure.
Chaos is sure to take place, and wise are those who prepare and plan in advance.
Like insurance, we hope well never need it, but oh, how good it is to have it when calamity strikes.

T.A. DeMattis

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Kurt Saxon thought civilization would have collapsed by now.
He spent the majority of his life collecting knowledge of home based business.
His goal was for all his readers to survive at a more comfortable level than those that were less provident.

He knew the importance of communicating at a level folks could understand.
Most of what he has compiled for our benefit can be easily understood by everybody.

He also includes a subtle sense of humor.

You can find the majority of his life's work here.

Hear him read his stories.

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Survival is the concern of survivors. Non-survivalists need not worry their pretty little heads about it.

