I Am Alive - Post # 181

September 15, 2024

A sunny Sunday. Too sunny even.

It has been totally unbearable with the heat in Suriname the last few days. Without air conditioning you almost melt away! And I have no air conditioning in my bedroom at home. We only have one AC at home, in my mother's room. So in the afternoons I literally wait until my mother has taken her nap to 'chill' in her bedroom afterwards.
It's actually not even so much the high temperature, but the humidity seems tremendously low. That makes it all even worse.

Anyway, what have I been doing these past few weeks? Actually, not much.I had just taken a break from everything since my graduation presentation. Also because I needed it, but also because I was extremely disappointed with my grade.
I scored a seven for my Bachelor project, but I know I actually deserved more. If I look purely at what I performed relative to other students, I know I deserve better. Also, there seems to have been a lot of disagreement between supervisors in Suriname and the Netherlands. Anyway, to spare myself high blood pressure I don't want to go into the details, but I just left the University with a bitter taste in my mouth. The study in itself was really fun and interesting and all, but it's a shame that I have to leave the University with such a feeling.

I actually stepped up about my grade because I could also answer all the questions that were asked and also very well.
Before my graduation, another guy from my class graduated and he got a nine. What's striking is, I went to his graduation presentation.
There he was asked the following: 'In your introduction you talk about two math models. Later in the research you work with only one of them. Why?'
His answer was: 'I didn't understand that other model and didn't have the time to work it out.'
I could not and cannot understand how that is a professional answer and how such a person can score a 9. The University is also not transparent and do not explain how my grade assessment came about. And I then wonder: is this the case at all Universities? Are there others here who can tell me how it is done in their countries? Do you just get a final grade there too without any explanation?
All in all, I had to swallow the disappointment. I will get my diploma in December only. So I have to wait a while before I get it.

For now, I have a little vacation before I start working (possibly) next week.
I am still awaiting my contract. Furthermore, I will start tutoring again at the end of September.
But then again, I don't know about sitting still either. You all know that.🤣
So I picked up my neglected youtube channel again, this time together with my sister. So that when I have busy moments, she can still keep posting content and the channel won't bleed to death like before. I really want to start posting math content now that I'm done studying. Math should be fun! I'm still saving up for good equipment. I used to do Dutch videos, now I want to do English videos. But while saving up for good equipment, I have already started posting shorts. When my equipment is ready, I will start posting longer videos again. Will you support me, please? I am sharing one of the shorts here with you all.


And are there any other youtubers here who have tips for me? I did do a lot of research online, but knowledge you can get from anywhere. So if anyone here has tips & tops: please, enlighten me.
I can't keep doing tutoring all my life and my main goal with this channel is just to put my knowledge out there, so anyone who wants to learn can keep learning. Even people who can't afford tutoring. Isn't it nice if you can keep learning this way? I have passed many exams with the help of youtube videos. So please, support a beginner here who really wants to help other kids. Also, I believe that I will keep my brains active and young with this channel, because this way I will keep practicing math. When you do something that you love, it simply never feels like work, you know. And that's awesome!

With that being said, I'll now go and hide in the AC room again. It's already very hot here and I am sweating like crazy. I hope you all have a great Sunday!💚

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Thank you for visiting my blog and for reading this. I appreciate that very much.❤️
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Thank you for posting in the We Are Alive Tribe. Your post has been upvoted [From the perspective of Alive Power]. Continue posting in this community 🙂!

🩺Today's Medical/Health TitBit🩺

Iron deficiency Anemia (IDA)

Iron deficiency is the most common form of anemia. Monthly menstruation, intestinal worms, bleeding per rectal due to any reasons, etc are the common causes of IDA. A Cleaveland Clinic article sorted out 6 important features of iron deficiency. Those are:

  • Pale skin, eye (inside lower eyelid), tongue, palmer creases etc
  • 24/7 fatigue and weakness despite proper rest/sleep
  • Easy fatigue and shortness of breath following a short exertion (fast-paced walk, climbing stairs, etc)
  • Feeling chills while in the same conditions, others aren't, or intolerable chills
  • Brittle nail or hair-fall
  • Eating non-food items or craving for those

Some of the features mentioned above are also found in other conditions. Iron profile test can confirm or exclude the deficiency

I want to share something I've been excited about lately. It's called LiveGood, and it's all about helping people improve their health, save on daily products, and even create an additional income stream if they're interested.

If you're curious, here is a quick short video that explains it. The best part is that they accept Crypto as a payment option!


