I Am Alive - Post #175


Happy saturday you all! πŸ’œ

I started my day with tutoring lessons in trigonometry. And now I have a headache. I have a student, who understands the exercises, but repeatedly just repeats wrong things. For example, she writes the exercise incorrectly and then makes it wrong for that reason. Or she calculates something correctly on her draft, but writes it incorrectly on her final paper. So I really don't know what to do with her at times. Now she already has an exam next Monday, it's already a re-exam. She hadn't passed it the first time. So I am curious to see what she will perform this time


I see this problem more and more in Suriname. Students learn something just to take an exam or test, and afterward they forget it. So actually they don't even learn it, they just memorize it for the sake of the test. For example, you can't want to become a math teacher and not even know the Pythagorean theorem.Then I wonder: is your choice conscious?

I sometimes worry very much about the future of Suriname when I see what the children perform and how they think about study and development. Fortunately, I do have plenty of other students who try very hard and achieve great results and also really have goals they want to achieve.

However, many of these students also leave Suriname. Understandably so, because in Suriname they can't do much and the pay is extremely poor. Even a data analyst in Suriname earns around 300 euros per month. With that you can really buy the minimum you need and maybe not even that. Save up and go on vacation? Well, you shouldn't even think about that with that salary.

So is it weird that people leave Suriname? No. But it is very sad and thoughtful. I really wonder what is going to happen to this country.

Despite everything, I am very grateful that in these difficult economic times I still get to tutor students and earn something. Not everyone gets that opportunity. πŸ’œ


Thank you for reading my blog and for supporting me. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
