The Eye of the Sahara

The Eye of the Sahara, also known as the Richat Structure, is an impressive geological formation located in the Sahara Desert in Mauritania. From space, this structure has a striking and distinctive appearance, its circular shape and concentric rings are clearly visible, giving it the appearance of a gigantic eye looking down from Earth.
Satellite images capture the grandeur of this unique geological formation.

This circular appearance has led to speculation and interesting theories about its origin, from ancient extraterrestrial civilisations to meteorite impacts.
What is certain is that it is not the result of extraterrestrial intervention or a mysterious entity, it is simply a fascinating geological formation that has captured our imagination.
However, the scientific explanation behind the Eye of the Sahara is far less exciting. The formation is believed to be the result of natural geological processes over millions of years, such as erosion and tectonic activity.
The structure of the Eye of the Sahara is due to differentially eroded rock layers, which have resulted in the formation of concentric rings, although we cannot deny its impressive appearance from space, its origin is entirely earthly and has nothing to do with extraterrestrial beings watching us.