RE: Tested Lock and Key

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Since the discomfort caused by the hacking of my hive user a couple of weeks ago, I have been forced to implement the same security that we handle at Trebas University Institute, here in Ontario-Canada, since, looking for answers to how they managed to invade my user after 6 years of account existence; and it turns out that I found a light at the end of the tunnel, and it seems, that everything comes from accepting Microsoft's Windows Hello application about two months ago.

From then on, I noticed an atypical upload consumption, an unusual behaviour with the files that were opened or sent to Trebas, after the permission of Windows Hello with the use of my personal pin. I removed all that and everything is back to normal.

I think one seriously considers the issue of security when something personal happens to us that directly affects us. Not only that, but I had heard users on the hive refer to their accounts being hacked, but since it wasn't me, I didn't take it seriously, until it happened to me.

We live in modern times, of technological updating and where the implementation of security systems based on VLAN NETWORKS are essential.


So many unnecessary services create vulnerabilities. A lot of the apps of convenience people use are just gateways, whether it be on desktop or mobile.

Not only that, but I had heard users on the hive refer to their accounts being hacked, but since it wasn't me, I didn't take it seriously, until it happened to me.

There are some people who have had the same thing happen to them multiple times. There are also the slipups, where someone posts their key into a post. Once on chain, it is on chain and there are bots out there looking for keys. There is also one that tries to get to them before they are exploited called keydefender.
