RE: Building a small scale solar array
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I was going to ask how the lights could run from that bank.
For the final setup how many many of the battery cells do you intend to run?
Not a bad setup at all I may start pricing some systems next year just for some solar backup here.
The battery is the biggest expense.
@davedickeyyall yep cost me around $500 just for these three batteries on the small array.
Yeah only three of my ten lights can run off that small array, I only have 400w to work with from the AC inverter.
For my main array I have two clusters of 40 3V Lithium iron phosphate batteries paralleled and in series. One cluster is for the main house, and the other is for a smaller house and a workshop.
Cool, the batteries I used in this small array cost me around $175 each. Looks like they are on sale on Amazon right for $155.