Understanding Pneumonia Complications: Insights from My Clinical Experience

Friends, welcome, all of you people in my post today. Hope you all will be happy and healthy. Friends, in the next post, I told you what pneumonia is and in this post I will tell you what the complications pneumonia complete is and how it can be cured.

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By the way, there are many complications of pneumonia, but I tell you about two complications .

  • Shock and respiratory failures :

Severe complication of pneumonia include hypo-tension and septic shock and respiratory failure. The complications are encountered chiefly in patients who have received no specific treatment of inadequate of delayed treatment. These complications are also ecountered when the infecting organism is resistant to therapy, when a comorbidity disease complicates the pneumonia, or when the patients is immunocompromised.

  • Pleural Effusion :

Parapneumonic pleural effusion occur in at least 30-35% bacterial pneumonias. A parapneumonic effusion is any pleural efusion associated with bacterial pneumonia, lung abscess, or bronchiectasis. After the pleural efusion is detected on a chest x-ray, a throacentesis may be performed to remove the fluid, which is sent to the laboratory for analysis. There are three stages of parapneumonic pleural effusion based on pathogenesis : uncomplicated, complicated and thoracic empyema. An empyema occurs when thick, purulent fluid accumulates withing the pleural space, often with fibrin development and loculated area where the infection is located. A chest tube may be inserted to treat pleural infection by establishing proper drainage of empyema. Sterilization of the empyema cavity requires 4 to 6 week of antibiotics, and sometimes surgical management is required.

  • Assessment : Clinical assessment is critical in detecting pneumonia,

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  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Night sweats
  • Pleuritic type pain
  • Fatigue
  • Tachypnea
  • The use of accessory muscles for breathing,
  • bradycardia
  • Coughing
  • Purulent sputum

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  • Should be check : Temperature and pulse, amount odor and color of the secretions, frequency and severity of cough , degree of tachypnea or shortness of breath, changes in physical findings and changes in chest x-ray.
  • Collaborative problems : Based on my clinical experience

  • Continueing symptoms after initiation of therapy

  • Sepsis and septic shock

  • Respirator failure

  • Atelectasis

  • Pleural effusion

  • Confusion

  • Planning of care :

  • The major goals may include improved airway patency increased activity, maintenance of proper fluid volume, maintenance of adequate nutrition, an understanding of the treatment protocol and preventive measures, and absence of complications.

  • Improving airway patency

  • Promoting rest and conserving energy

  • Promoting fluid intake

  • Maintaining nutrition

  • Necessary to monitor and manage complication after initiate therapy.

  • Detoriation

  • Recurrent fever

  • MODS : Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome due to infection.

  • Shock and respiratory failure

  • Pleural effusion

  • Confusion

  • My Advised to you :

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So friends, pneumonia is not a common disease. Proper of pneumonia should be prominent. Stay away from going to the crowded area, whenever you talk two people, keep each other's distance. Hand hygiene kept on doing. Immunize yourself with the vaccine of Influenza and pneumcoccal. Avoid smoking and second hand smoking. So this is preventable action for pneumonia. If you prevent you, you can avoid these completes.


The information I’ve shared in this post is based on my clinical knowledge and experience. Although the content may seem familiar as it’s commonly available in medical literature, I’ve written it in my own words to share what I’ve learned through my practice. Any resemblance to other sources is purely coincidental.


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