Health tips for dengue and fever


Hello friends,
Greetings from me,

#I hope you are all well in this season, In this monsoon season we are tacking advantages of the climate. As we are know anything giving advantages as same it giving disadvantages.

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#Today as we enjoying in this season so that we need take precaution. because in this season #VIRAL #FEVER OR #DANGUE #FEVER increasing Many people usually come down with flu or cold as the season changes. Flu symptoms usually show up with viral fever that is accompanied with cold. That is caused by influenza infection of the throat, lungs and nose. Dengue fever, commonly known as break bone fever is a flu-like illness caused by the Dengue virus. It is caused when an Aedes mosquito carrying the virus bites a healthy person. the illness is spread when it bites a healthy person, and the virus spreads through the person’s bloodstream.

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#Symptoms :

#Fever generally increasing above 104F
#Pain behind the eyes
#Swollen glands
#Muscle,and bone and joint pain

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#Precaution and Treatment:

#Hygiene: Hygiene is of the most importance, even more so when you are not well. Regularly rub your hand with alcohol based sanitizer or soap.

#Stay hydrated : Fluids are lost during vomiting and high fever. Continuous intake of fluids will make sure that the body does not easily dehydrate.

#medication : In case of mild fever You may take medication like paracetamol as antipyretic and Tylenol as painkiller. Some times if you consult with doctor so they start iv drip in case of moderate cases.

#precaution : During this above symptoms you need to take precaution because number of platelet decreasing and it's most important during bleed. Platelet working as locker during bleeding, so you need take precaution during this condition.

#junkfood : Do not buy and eat junk food during this situation and take home food and fruits.

#doctor consultation : If you feel any difficulty like above symptoms so please consult with your doctor because #prevention is better then treatment.


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