What impact could Metaverse / VR / AR have on human brain, behavior, consciousness, and human values? 100 HIVE + 5000 STEM bounty
(The image was composed by me with the help of images from Pixabay)
I'd like to ask to help me with understanding of the impact Metaverse / Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality might have on human brain, behavior, consciousness, and human values on different levels:
- biochemical / molecular
- physiological
- psychological
- ecological
I shared some thoughts on this in my article
(Metaverse + Realverse: In Search Of Harmony)
You can use it as a starting point / inspiration,
"Biochemical foundation. Addiction",
"Degradation of society and human consciousness",
"Cognitive biases",
"Neurophysiological foundation. Brain"
sections, but I would like to have more information, especially supported by scientific research.
I believe that Metaverse is not the environment that our brain was designed for and that there were not enough appropriate research done yet to introduce Metaverse / VR / AR into our life without any harmful consequences.
How will Metaverse impact humanity?
Is Metaverse the future our brains were designed for that will help us to develop our inner world, human values and help our brain to reach its full potential?
Or, could Metaverse turn us into slaves of our technologies constantly searching for pleasure who are incapable of setting and achieving long-term goals and moving our civilization into a bright future?
You can share your thoughts / ideas in the comments section below or you can make your own post
on the topic (in this case you will need to share the link to you post in the comments section under this post) in a free format. I believe that it is not the number of words that should count, but the number of cool ideas you share.
You can consider this post / topic as an inspiration for your next post, bounty pool is just a bonus to people for their efforts.
I wouldn't want to judge people, so the bounty pool will be distributed equally among all participants (who shared their thoughts/ideas on topic) in 7-8 days.
You can also reblog this post and share my tweet on twitter about this bounty if you want, but it is not mandatory.
Also, as a bonus, I would like to share some helpful free resources with you:
Dr. Robert Morse is one of the gratest souls I have ever met.
(What Does it Take to Really Heal the Body? | Dr Robert Morse N.D)
I think that it is very important in today's world to become self-sufficient as soon as possible.
and a free audio-book that
teaches practical principles for multi-layered (redundant) survival and preparedness strategies that work on high-tech, low-tech and NO-tech scenarios.
Feel free to share similar resources with me, if you want. I would be grateful for that.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Hi Alex! I thought I could somehow share what I experienced though I was not the one who was directly involved.
I have been hearing about the game Mobile Legends for a fairly long time and that many children and teens are getting hooked into it. I was just shrugging it off until I heard from one of my teenage nephews that he was also playing. I didn't want to be the villain and jump on to stop him. I just kept quiet at first until he started playing on his phone during our meal time. I am not sure if it was Mobile Legend because he put the phones volume very low and almost inaudible.
After few instances of that scene on the table, I called his attention to stop on his phone and focus on his meal. I was a bit shocked that he answered me back, "Why? I am still eating."
He called it eating to be putting the spoon to his mouth while still looking at his phone and his one hand pressing on the phone.
I felt disrespected. I didn't expect someone's child to be answering me back like that. I didn't want to just keep quiet. I asked him back, "Why? What is so important on your phone that is more important than your meal?"
He may have sensed my persistence so he stopped. He also stopped doing it during meal time. However, I have a strong hunch that he still does it at night in his room. I say this because I noticed he stays up late and yet rushing for his school projects on the days of submission. I did not tell him my suspicion so as not to put him on spotlight and me being accusing. Instead, I told him to manage his time properly and not to be depending on last minute submissions. He just kept quiet.
From time to time I still notice him cramming for school works. The challenging part is that I cannot check on him every night in his room. As a guardian, I cannot fully stop my nephew. I can only keep reminding him.
So what do I think about metaverses? If one can control the involvement and fully draw the line between virtual and reality then it is okay as part of recreation. However with how I see things that people seem to build their world virtually, I think it is a distraction to the young ones who get hooked into it. As you said, addiction. It is not just for metaverses but the emerging gadgets and social networking in general. These will become a problem not only to the hooked person but also to those around them. Parents and guardians should be relentless in giving pieces of advice against abuse of the technology with the hope that the addict will get to his or her sense soon before irreversible damage is done.
thank you, @macoolette, for sharing this story.
I guess this is a typical story we can see all over the world these days among hundreds (most likely millions) of children.
"However with how I see things that people seem to build their world virtually, I think it is a distraction to the young ones who get hooked into it."
yeah, it is definitely a distraction for children / teenages. There were a lot of children playing football and other games in the real world in my city on almost every street 15-20 years ago, and these days the streets are almost empty. Children play VR games now. I visited some schools a few years ago, and teenagers were occupied / engaged with their smartphones and other gadgets on the lessons instead of listening to their teachers. But, I must admit, there are some smart teenagers who understand the potential dangers of our gadgets, and learn philosophy instead. I met some teenagers like this.
"Parents and guardians should be relentless in giving pieces of advice against abuse of the technology with the hope that the addict will get to his or her sense soon before irreversible damage is done."
yeah, I don't remember exactly, but there are some physiological reasons that make it harder fo children / teenagers to resist temptations / potential addictions. It is the older people who should help the young ones to use the tech in a rational way.
given that you are the only one who took part in this bounty, you get all the bounty bonuses.
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STEM (5000):
can be traded here: https://tribaldex.com/trade/STEM
I said we should be relentless in guiding the young ones but I am actually finding it hard to do. That is because they seem taking it negatively. My friends tell me that they will realize it someday. I just hope they realize soon so they don't see us as the villains of their lives when all our intention is to keep them on track.
Wow! Thank you very much for the prizes. I did not visit STEEM for a long time and no longer active in there. I was surpised that you included STEM for the price. I'm sure I can find a way to make use of that. Again, thank you very much!
"I did not visit STEEM for a long time and no longer active in there. I was surpised that you included STEM for the price."
just in case to clarify, STEM (included in the bonus) is a token used by https://stemgeeks.net/ tribe (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics).
it is not the same as STEEM.
Oh, okay... I was thinking way too far. 😄😄😄
Thanks for the clarification. So I need to learn STEM...
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