Macro Photography - Two-striped jumper (Telamonia dimidiata)


Spiders are a class of animals in the order Araneae which have four pairs of legs and of course do not have wings like insects. Besides having many legs, spiders also have many eyes, even though there are only two eyes with large eyeballs, spiders also have additional side eyes.

This is of course not accidental, but because spiders are like little lions which are very aggressive and of course require additional tools to optimize their performance. In this case, spiders have additional eyes with several different functions.

And in this post I want to share some photos of the type of jumping spider that I photographed yesterday in the forest around 16.30 pm. Some of the spider photos that I mean are the Telamonia dimidiata spiders.

"Telamonia dimidiata or two-striped jumper is a jumping spider found in various Asian tropical rain forests, in foliage in woody environments". Wikipedia.



Interestingly, when I found this spider, it preyed on other, smaller spiders. Truly a skilled hunter. Because usually spiders like to prey on insects, the Telamonia dimidiata spider actually preys on other spider species. The photo above is of a small spider whose life ended in the hands of the Telamonia dimidiata spider.

Apart from being a reliable predator, the Telamonia dimidiata spider is also unique. Because usually the color of most spiders' eyes is black. However, this spider has changing eye colors. This is truly extraordinary in my opinion. And you can see in some of the photos that I have uploaded that this spider has eyeballs that change color.






CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationTanah Luas, Indonesia
