Monomad: Pretty Porcelain Slimecap
Finally, mushroom hunting season has arrived! It can be seen that it has rained in the last few days. Actually, this was unexpected because if you look at the season calendar, the dry season is still going on. However, nature and the weather are sometimes unpredictable.
I thought it was a good start when I found beautiful porcelain slimecaps this morning in the woods of Nisam Antara.
In mycology, this mushroom has the scientific name Oudemansiella australis .
The mushroom's cap is bright white like mothballs, with such beautiful gills.
Another interesting thing about porcelain slimecap is its translucency when viewed from under the gills.
We're hoping to find more of them on our next mushroom walk. Of course, if the rain comes again and again.
very beautiful mushroom display. I like the color and details of the mushroom.
Thanks Bang Nu
Sama sama bg
The photo of the mushroom that you share is really cool, friend
Thanks 👍