What would we do when AI does everything for us?


Greetings friends!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an important part of our lives. Moving far beyond science fiction and research labs it is making its presence in every aspect of our life. It's so deeply embedded in our daily activities that we often don’t realize that we’re interacting with it. From voice commands on our smartphones to personalized shopping experiences and even social media platforms like Facebook, presence of AI and machine learning can be seen everywhere.

AI is transforming various sectors like healthcare, education, customer service, and management. It performs tasks more efficiently, accurately, and tirelessly than humans. This makes it a valuable asset for many industries. In the near future, we can expect AI to take over even more jobs, including programming and error detection as AI can write codes and detect errors in code. It can create arts and movies as well. The question is, what will happen to humans when these roles are replaced by machines?

Many argue that AI can’t fully replace humans and that people won’t lose jobs because of it. But is this really true? When AI can handle tasks more efficiently and cost-effectively, why would companies continue hiring humans? Definitely, AI may create jobs in certain specialized fields but, those opportunities won’t be enough to offset the mass job losses occurring across various industries. This isn’t a distant future—it's happening right now. For example, in the information technology sector, job cuts have becoming a routine. Major companies are laying off employees, and thousands of people are losing their jobs daily. How much more evidence do we need?

Corporations and the wealthy elite are driven by profit, and government policies often support their interests. As a result, many companies prefer AI and robotics over human workers to cut costs. This is leading to widespread unemployment. This is already causing significant societal disruption. In many countries, unrest and civil disorder are on the rise as people struggle to survive without jobs. Desperation is causing an increase in crime, including theft, looting, and cybercrime by the highly skilled persons. Even the sex industry is booming because of joblessness. Many individuals (especially) women turning to online platforms to make a living through showing their bare bodies and selling sexuality.

Unfortunately, our policymakers are unprepared for the challenges caused by the upsurge of AI-driven activities. In an attempt to mitigate the damage, governments are resorting to provide freebies and free services. But these measures are only temporary solutions. People want control over their lives and don’t want to live like beggars. This growing frustration could lead to catastrophic consequences on a global scale in near future.

If we don't find a way to adapt to this new reality, the consequences could be dire. Society is at a crossroads, and without thoughtful planning and action, situation can be very dangerous for billions of life on this planet.



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